Nerf for Trickster!

To be honest i am sick and tired of the Trickster.

I think he isjust to overedpowered you. cant escape at al due to his throwing action.

Am i just the only one who thinks this?

Greetings Niek065


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,645

    You play against Trickster?? Haven't gone against one in months since he's pretty bad at high mmr

  • Bigbawi
    Bigbawi Member Posts: 26

    You guys must not play as killer too often, getting kills as The Trickster is too easy since he got buffed, a nerf is needed, it's pretty skilless.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    You mean nerfed? His 1v4 got removed from the game and his 1v1 got overall nerfed aswell

  • Bigbawi
    Bigbawi Member Posts: 26

    Let me clarify, survivors are generally way more OP than killers in this game (dead hard, decisive strike, burrowed time, etc) but Trickster is an easy killer to play as, at any rank. That's just my experience.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    God while I will admit Trickster is a clown show of killer design. He doesn’t need nerfs he needs a rework

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    I think he should be removed from the game, but not because he is OP (He is terrible), but because he doesn't fit in the games aesthetic. He is literally a K pop music artist in a horror game. When he was first teased I thought it was an out of season April fools joke.

  • cutiekiller
    cutiekiller Member Posts: 238

    trickster depends of how many walls/obstacles there is in the map, the more there is the worst he feels, but if it's average, and you can be accurate and track their movement well, you can end chases quite fast, if you are experienced with him, he's not awful, if you aren't he is.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    New account. Check

    Killer complaint. Check

    Yup, Bhvr is gonna nerf Trickster. I can just see it now.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    He's the most balanced right now that he's ever been. If anything he needs his movement speed buffed to a 115% killer.

    Trickster is a very black and white killer. Either you're going to get stomped on by him or he's going to be bullied. There's rarely ever any balanced gameplay with him. He's also pretty map reliant and has weak map pressure and gen control. If you've got a more open map he's going to dominate more, and if you have one with high structures and lots of corners, he's going to struggle. And I'd even argue that he takes the most skill, or I guess thought process, out of most killers. Why? Let me explain.

    1. You need to have some sort of concept of aim with him. Even though he has spread and handedness in his gameplay, if you're used to playing FPS games you're accustomed to adjusting your joystick/mouse movement to getting better shots with recoil, and adjusting your distance to decrease the spread.
    2. You need to have a heavy understanding of balancing his power in all kinds of situations. What I mean by this is that personally I've memorized every structure in every map and what the best "movement" and power usage is best within the structure. What structures are better for trying to land an m1? What structures do I purely rely on my power for? What structures do I need to zone the survivors away from? What structures need both power usage and m1 attacks? Sure, other killers require a balance of power usage as well but it's not needed as much as Trickster.
    3. Because of his lack of movement speed and his LoS weakness, he's just simply one of the more difficult killers to play. Especially in high MMR against survivors that know what they're doing. Zoning is a must in high MMR. And taking too long to get a down with Trickster is almost a guaranteed loss because he's not strong enough to be able to catch back up most of the time unlike other killers.
    4. He's not a spam killer. They fixed this when they changed his knife count from 60 to 44. If you spam with Trickster with 44 knives without seriously trying to aim and without a throwing speed add on you might get an injured status. Might. Before the faster survivor makes it to a safe location away from you or you run out of knives.

    Even though I'm purely a Trickster one-trick on my account, sometimes my brother will play DBD and I'll play killer on his account just for fun as he watches me. I'm so accustomed to being "perfect" in judgement with Trickster that playing any other killer on his account feels like a breeze. Even when I play killers that are also considered weaker. This lets me know how difficult Trickster is to play in high MMR compared to other killers. He's just only strong enough to be able to perform well in high MMR in the right hands.

    A lot of the problems Trickster has would be an easy fix with his 115% movement speed buff in my opinion and I've been a strong advocate for it since he's been released.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I just find him extremely irritating and worth taking the 5 minute penalty to avoid

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    He's not even close to being OP. But I agree, nerf him xd

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,130

    me who just wants him to hold 60 knives again or revert the knife count addon nerfs

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    His original state was better than he currently is tbh. More knives, Laceration went by slower, good Add-ons etc

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    He's a pretty crappy killer, but the kill rate stats are irrelevant because there's too many differentiating factors that go into it.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    By all means let's see you play trickster at high mmr and even get a single down.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Wait which 1 vs 4 he had? He only had a mediocre 1v1 lol

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,207

    Yea he really needs a nerf.

    A good nerf would be his pants removed in game and out. That'd put him z tier.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 760

    i agree. Im a Ps4 Trickster and i cant blink when im chasing, because, i need so much focus with his knives. its terrible play as Trickster in consoles, you literally cant do anything about recoil control with analogic. i spend a lot of matches, time and was frustrating, but, and i still have around 50% accuracy for knives ( half knives i spend, i missed). I love Trickster, but how did you say, you need down so quickly and you need leave chase sometimes, because you dont catch anyone, like killer shack. I think Trickster should be reowrk, because, a lot of time he is not fun as or against him, and he is thw worst ever killer for consoles. He is very frustrating for control. But definitively he doesnt need a nerf