Huntress hitbox
Huntress's ax has a very large hitbox.
This is the complaint of survivors.
It's not like the Death Slinger hitbox.
Hitbox needs to be nerfed
What do you think of the ax judgment nerf?
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God I wish deathslinger had the same hitbox as her.
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The hitbox of her axe is the same as every other Killer's M1 attack.
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I think they mean her hatchets.
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The hitbox of hatchets screws up a lot of shots too, they'll hit the edge of walls and objects instead of going past it and hitting the survivor.
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It's not about "hatchet hitboxes", it's about survivor hitboxes. Even after adding ranged killers, they never changed how hitboxes work.
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I think you mean Hatchets
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Hatchet hitboxes are a sphere the size of the hatchet. BHVR has tested making them flat and rectangular like the hatchet. It made it literally worthless garbage because of how survivor hitboxes work. What leads to wonky hits is latency, not hitboxes.
Refer to this handy explanation from Peanits, a BHVR community manager:
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I mean I personally think the hatchet hitboxes are fine. they could be slimmed down a little but overall most issues people have is from the abnormal de-sync people have from the servers despite having less than 50 ping.
Like out of 200 hours on huntress alone before I switched to blight. I can count maybe 2 games where even I would disagree with a hit from how far it was.
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Plus I feel like for ever weird hit you get on a Survivor you get at least one that hits and object and brakes.
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I'm glad someone saved this.
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Is that how the hitboxes are supposed to work? xD. That's literally a prank, teasing us.
I've taken some screenshots from a couple of games I've played the last few days, hitboxes are humiliating, they don't make any sense. By establishing strong hitboxes (or more realistic ones) many problems would be fixed. What the hell about hitting you through windows when you are far from it? With a knife (Like Legion or Clown)? Any excuse is just a way of accepting we are eating sh1t and saying thank you for it because you could be eating something worse. You cannot either justify hitboxes by desync unless there is desync on any single game
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This content has been removed.
Should be auto posted on threads containing "hitbox" and "hatchets"
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This is fake. I got so many hits while I was after a thing. Very nice.
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Hatchets are a lot bigger than the end of Deathslinger's spear. The hitbox is supposed to be the size of the moving projectile in DBD. You have to consider that hatchets spin rather than moving in a straight line, so a hatchet can hit you as it goes over your head.
Most survivor complains about hatchets are really because the survivor's hitbox is confusing them. Survivors all have the same size hitbox despite being different sized people. That means a hit right beside a Meg hits her. The animations/models can't always match what's happening in-game.
What you need to do is be more careful. Huntress is dangerous. Keep your hitbox hidden.
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It's directly from a Dev's post
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I saw how good devs are at their own game lol.
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Doesn't make it fake.
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How does it feel, being this so completely wrong?
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Sorry, I don't understand you. Maybe you replied to the wrong person.
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Those hits looks like it's because of latency. If you were standing still behind the wall and it hit you then you could call it a hitbox issue. Also the fact that uh no matter the internet, consoles always seem to be laggy. I have not had a single match where a console person hasn't ice skated or abruptly turned.
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Cause it’s not fake LOL
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That discussion is over. If you don't have something else to say then bye. I'm not interested in arguing.
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It’s okay to be completely wrong. Think of it as a learning experience!
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If you say so. I don't care about your opinion though. Think whatever you want.
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If hitboxes where nerfed killers would be terrible and this game would be unbalanced
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i can't even count how many times it hits me through rocks, trees etc..