I got permamently banned on steam discuss

I got unfairly banned permamently for thread that didn't meant to be "xenophobic". Why I barely met people from different countries and in every match I see russian players? What I should do or how to contact moderator from steam that banned me unfairly? I don't want to be permamently banned for something stupid because moderator banned me without hesitation.
Discussing bans on the forum is not allowed.
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Read again what I just said.
"What I should do or how to contact moderator from steam that banned me unfairly?"
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You should ask on the steam forums or steam support.
Nobody here works for Valve or can do anything about Steam bans.
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I contact steam support but they redirect me to official forum and ask there.
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So ask there.
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I did sherlock.
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So why are you here whining about what valve did? Again, nobody from valve works here. Nobody here can change your ban, or really cares to hear whether or not you are deserving of it. This isn't the steam forum.
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Local (i.e. "per game") steam discussions are moderated by mods that are employed there by respective publisher's community managers, in this case BHVR, valve has nothing to do with it.
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Cool, so then the first reply that you received was spot on. Open a support ticket with BHVR. I don't care if it was "deserved" or not. After volunteering my time moderating several forums in my 20s and 30s it's quite obvious that everyone who is ever banned feels that it isn't their fault. Good luck getting support to see your side though.
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Instead reading whole thread, you come up with nonsense in every single post you make there. If you don't know how to help me with my issue regarding "contacting BHVR employer who banned me in steam discuss then better stop answering.
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I can't open ticket because my problem isn't listed by their bad AI chat.
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I did a test and had no issue getting a report in, ended before it went through of course, as I was not banned for having problems playing with people from another country.
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Cool you did a test, your test was related to in-game ban not outside of game like (steam discuss ban) I don't mind playing with russians, I only hate when I get them every game and they can't even communicate just using their language that nobody can understand + I won't say anything about toxic russians they spam under my steam profile death wishes in cyrillic for playing my own game.
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1. Whined that you have to play with Russian players (common on eu servers with almost all games)
2. Whined that Russians prefer to communicate in their own language
3. Whined that you were permanently banned for making repeated complaints about 1 and 2.
4. Whined that the mod who banned you was "brainless" because he didn't immediately see your side.
5. Whined that you couldn't get a support ticket in.
What did I miss?
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No, I specifically chose banned on steam.
Of course, there is the option to submit a general contact form to, if you can't figure it out.
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The part when you assumed it was VALVE issue not BHVR, lmao
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So I wasn't wrong about you being a whiner, just which company you should open a ticket to whine to. True. Got me there. I don't get banned from steam for being jingoistic, so I wouldn't know.
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"PC-Steam" still it is game RELATED issue, not outside.. Please stop answering, you are very hard person.
+ I bet you are the one person that like to farm jester awards on steam for your nonsense trash talking.
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Look at that. I'd fill it in for you, but I don't have the ability to write in crayon on this device, so it wouldn't be a fair representation.
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That may be the best solution for our friend here. He seems to be super sensitive.
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Lmao. Bro chillll.
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No worries, I just love screenshots, lol. Tried to edit, but it wouldn't let me put a big red circle in, gotta learn my new phone 😉
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Cleaning and up and closing for comments towards others on the thread, and also as others already stated, bans are not discussed here on the Forum whatsoever. In regards to the issue, Forum bans are not able to be appealed - also, on Steam, a person can reply on their ban notice if they believe that they've been banned unfairly.
For more information, we have it listed here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/140-ban-appeals
Editing to add, Support does not deal with forum bans as they are not appealable.
Post edited by Mandy on1