Remove SBMM?

No just keep it
If you are good, you should be playing with other good players. If you are new or bad, you should be playing with other new or bad players.
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No just keep it
It needs to be improved, not removed.
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No just keep it
SBMM wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't some blatant balance issues (and those exist on both sides).
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No just keep it
For as much as I dislike the current version as this is literally just an old version of ranked that had already failed.
I like the idea of MMR just not when its implemented in one of the single worst ways imaginable(No other MMR is solely kills/deaths based for a reason) let alone when said way had already failed in the past meaning they didn't learn from it.
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No just keep it
No good reason to remove it as far as I can see.
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No just keep it
It was obviously a good idea and this implementation is already better than the emblem system was, so I see no reason why it should be removed.
With a round of tweaks for consistency it'll be just fine.
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No just keep it
It doesn't make any difference for the most part.
Most people who are complaining about this system are having nocebo effect.
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No just keep it
I think it needs some work but it shouldn't be removed. Before the SBMM I was having a horrible time playing DBD, I was a brand new survivor being thrown in matches against rank 1 killers with 1k+ hours. I couldn't learn a thing because I was always killed straight away. It was frustrating. Since the SBMM I now get a mixture of great killers and some that are more on my level. I do get some babies now and then though which is the fault in the system. They definitely need to fix that so that people with less than 10 hours in the game aren't paired with somebody who has 600+ hours.
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Yes remove it
Remove it. The way how they maintain result from matches is ridiculously stupid. Patrick compares asymmetrical PvP with Ice Hockey. He can either just see the colours black or white, but not in between. And that’s not gonna help anyone. He completely failed.
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Yes remove it
The only way an Asymmetrical game like this will achieve good ranking and balance is if it follows a SPM model.
By tweaking bloodpoint rewards for actions that are suitable for players, and rewarding less points for scummy behavior - the game can become fast paced and competitive simply by calculating the score a player attains per minute of gameplay. It would also double as a cheater warning, as impossibly high SPM will signal a cheater.
Ultimately, if you give points to players up to a cap and distribute it across time - survivors that do nothing all game will have low SPM even if they survive, while survivors that do well and die early will maintain high SPM because their gameplay time was shorter, but they accomplished more. Because each individual can score a max amount of bloodpoints - it means that the shorter a match is, the more skilled a player becomes. This means that stomping another person will boost your SPM and start to even you out at higher ranks.
At the same time, survivors and killers may have asymmetrical styles, but so long as they are capable of scoring 32kBP per match if they max all categories, then you can use a single number to determine the skill of killers and survivors alike, without the difficulty and convolution from previous systems.
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No just keep it
Replace it with something better if you want, but don't go back to the old system. The old system was worse.
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Yes remove it
Remove MMR
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No just keep it
I get better matches under the current system than the old Emblem system, no question.
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Yes remove it
We need something that is NOT SBMM because I keep playing against survivors out of my skill range.
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No just keep it
- If you take away SBMM you'll have even more imbalanced games
- SBMM's job is not to give you games where you will win, it's job is to give you a game that's relatively fair from the pool of players who are currently looking to get into a match
- What it sounds like you're looking for is SBMM that is more strict. The current matchmaking stops working altogether once one side gets flooded with more players than the other side can handle.
- The better answer in my opinion is to keep the SBMM strict and offer BP awards to players that play the side where players are needed
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Yes remove it
I'm just getting tired of having one good game, and SBMM thinking I'm an 8k hour killer main.
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Yes remove it
The ideal solution would of course be to make an actual, functioning SBMM. However, as long as Patrick is in charge, I would feel more comfortable with no system at all. At least random chance will give us some fun games.
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No just keep it
I'd like a better system but if it's a choice between a deeply flawed system and no system I'll take all the flaws.
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Yes remove it
Man,I have 5.000 hours in the game and I get matched with people who got DBD yesterday or only play when it's Christmas.
Last 3 months is been a hell for me.I do not make any kind of money out of DBD.
I just LOVE the game.It makes me so sad that I can not have a decent game.NOT ONE.
At least before SBMM i knew ,that one game I will get facecamped and the other I have these pro team.
As a killer the same.
I am Iridescent I ,either way I shouldn't be having this experience.
To get to Iridescent I,I had to use Deliverance,DS,Unbreakable,DH.
I am so scared to get hooked.I fear that no one will save me from 1st hook,and it does happen.
There is no space to Learn new things or Try new builds.
Dbd is no fun for me anymore,it breaks my heart tbh.
I know I may sound dramatic but I play this game for so long.Of course it is sad to see it getting killed by the same people who put so much love into it.
I do not care if there is no new content for the next 5 years,or if DH is OP and Dead Man's is broken.I do not care if there is 3000 bugs and 500 hackers.
I just want to know that the people I am getting matched with will play the game at a good skill level,and they can do gens,and saves.
or just try new builds and we all die having fun.
But having 3 people hiding,as I loop the killer for 10 minutes,getting hooked, and die...
well...I did my effort,devs will not listen to any of us.
Too much EGO.
I hope they realise how much better DBD could be.
I feel the completely lost their passion.
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Yes remove it
It's implemented in a way that I personally feel isn't really useful and especially so in a game where there simply isn't much in the way of true skill expression. The most skillful things aren't necessarily easily quantifiable actions and with the Asymmetric gameplay aspect it isn't the easiest thing to determine what is a win or loss.
SBMM is a setup meant to be used in truly competitive games and dbd isn't that. It lacks definitive win conditions and isn't balanced for competitive play and with good reason DBD competitive play is basically everything the bulk of players already hate about the game.
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Yes remove it
Improve the ''old'' ranking system and the game would be more fun again.