How do you loop in Shelter Woods?

I'm lost in an empty space without anything to help me except trees.
Sometimes I see jungle gyms only on one side of the map while the rest is a huge dead zone.
Do you have any tips?
Step 1- Find a Bush.
Step 2- Enter the Bush.
Step 3- Become the Bush and feed on the blood of your fallen teammates and wait for hatch.
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It's a huge map just hide when you hear terror radius. But don't be immersed. You typically want to run to a gen across map when you start. Remember the killer has to patrol heavily on this map. It's huge. Center building is always your best friend on ALL the maps. Just bee line to the center building.
Double L walls are not always safe. The Double windows.
Always look for pallets with a long structure attached to it and loop against that structure. Always loop on a side of a pallet that will lead to the next escape plan. You don't want to dead end yourself on a loop. You usually have 2 to three loops on a loop. 4 is pushing it with dead heard. Tight motions, you want to make sure you are cutting your corners and things as tight as possible to save space around a loop on both killer and survivor.
If they don't break a pallet remember it and abuse them for it. Chain looping into center building is always strong.
Always pack DS, Unbreakable, Borrowed Time is good as well, Iron Will is a favorite of mine. Kindred is a must have if you are soloing survivor.
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It's a super heavy RNG map. The center of the map is going to be a huge dead zone. You'll want to stick to the edges and hope that jungle gyms spawned instead of LT walls. Use rock tiles as fillers between larger tiles.
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Would been better if you said for step 3
"Be the bush" 😄
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Depends on rng of gyms. Center is good as long as pallets r up. Then its all around mindgames
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Loop the trees
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No don't listen to them they are totally wrong the best thing to do is this ....
Step 1: Find the Killer. Knowledge on where the Killer is Key.
Step 2: When found slowly approach the Killer.
Step 3: Kneel down before the Killer.
Step 4: Make a offering of your Held Item to the Killer
Step 5: Pray the Killer accepts your willingness to become the next sacrifice.
Step 6: Praise our lord and savior The Entity
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Just FYI Shelter Woods is one of the few maps that doesn’t have a major central building.
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There are no tips really. Half the map is a dead zone. Pray your teammates don't drop the only 4 or 5 pallets you have to work with. Even shack is unsafe with the guaranteed basement spawn. It's gotta be the least inspired map in the game.
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You really just milk the jungle gyms for as long as you can and pray. Or give up on that, hold W, and drag the killer across the map away from your gen buddies and hope that gets them enough time. It's a terrible map. Massive LoS and barely any structures. Virtually the only map I load into as survivor and think "welp, I'm dead now."
Wish Gideon would ship some of its pallets there.
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Because it's so massive what you wanna do is loop windows, get hit, then hold w for as long as possible against any killer you can do that against. Pallets should be a last resort and shack shouldn't drop before 4 gens are done on that map unless it's absolutely dire.
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This is the one map where I feel you have to go from one loop to another, and not try to loop a single tile.
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Sounds like a straight up invitation.
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The legendary tactic:
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worst map in the game. gameplay and appearance. Its basically an FFXIV boss arena, without the boss.
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Nice name, u play hollow knight?
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But there is no center building. There's just a big tree surrounded by open space and maybe 2-3 round rock pallets nearby.
Shelter Woods, Wrecker's Yard, and Rotten Fields all lack a main building, but Wrecker's Yard has abundant structures and Rotten Fields has corn and a centrally located shack. Shelter Woods is just a giant tree-studded deadzone.
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I've seen that image, she's in there somewhere.
FYI that map tint looks so much better.
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Its brutally effective.
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Aw man, I miss the old lighting. I wish the devs would stop moving away from stealth gameplay.
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Lethal Pursuer Bubba is rough on shelter woods
The maps flatter than my ex. What the heck is up with that? I had a Jake run me to the basement because he was desperate for that Balanced value
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You dont, looping tiles are afar from eachother except a few exceptions and there arent many pallets, your best option is to hold W and pray you are not facing a Killer with a "I dont care about W" power like Blight or Nurse.