You did a petty good job so far!

Yo, this is neither a complaining nor a cry comment, but more likely a realisation about the state of the game, taken on 25/01/22 on GMT+1 5:29pm. At this time usually at least 40k are online the game! I'm super worried about, that this game is desired to be doomed.
Guess most are online rn in the forum and complain about recent changes in the new live game version? 🤤
Update on 5:34pm :D
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Nothing to see here. Nothing at all.
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Waw, not a lot of players playing when they have to update the game, who knew?
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You know everyone has to redownload the game right? 30gb is alot for most people, you should check it again in a few hours
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Aren't a lot of people downloading the huge update????
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it's been a half hour past update. Most players should've downloaded the update already or what do you think? It's just very concerning to me. I don't wanna talk bad about the game cause I like it, but this numbers are super concerning to me.
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I cannot cause I'm working then. :( I've night shift tho. 36,5GB is not that much tbh.
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Yeah, how dare players not playing while downloading a 34GB patch. HOW DARE THEY!!!
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It is like downloading the whole game again. For crappy internet users like myself it will take hours to complete.
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Especially with this update taking such a long time, as you pretty much have to download the game again - that's pretty understandable the numbers are like that for players in game.
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I want to see if player numbers go up after this release.
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Mid day during the week in North America on patch day with numbers from a single platform. This is beyond cherry picking
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Steam is the most important platform cause it brings the most players. So it's obviously very important tho to point it out.
After 1h30mins the number even decreased more. So you are really telling me, that it is pretty understandable? Uhm, ok! At least I cannot understand this fact then, that after 1h from last check up the numbers decreased even more.
This does not explain why the active number of players decreased after more time has been passed. Accordingly to that logic it should be more players online rn instead of less players being online, right?
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Download take long time.
I get distracted by other things.
Dead by daylight finish download.
I am still doing other thing.
I am not playing dbd right now.
To busy doing other thing.
To busy to look at screen as download happen. I touch grass.
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How dare crappy internet users like yourself play DBD!
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Ok let's see! :)
Dang, this was a really deep shot in my heart... NOT. Unfortunately to your assumption I'm just a casual internet kid, since I'm having a job with a lot of responsibilities what makes me prefer enjoying my RL instead of playing DBD. ^^
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I started downloading it 5 minutes after it went live. It's got about 5 more minutes to go. Then I'm BACK BABY!
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Ikr. And developers do everything in their power to keep me from playing with hit validation and stuff. But I am too stubborn to quit I guess.
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Also depends on the type of platform you use. Some download faster than others. Ps4 is pretty intense with updates since they're ridiculously small