Is Dead hard becoming useless

I don't use Dead hard in the fact of once you use it the killer will know what to do but here's the thing since people use the perk constantly killers have slowly realized they just get super close to you and see what happens. I get that Dead hard is good for a small distance boost but not much I don't think you can vault in the short window cooldown after using it so your screwed and I don't know how pallets work with it but is Dead hard becoming this useless perk.
I believe the extra distance on command is actually the main reason why Dead Hard is generally considered the best exhaustion perk.
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No. it’s still really strong.
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No or else people wouldn't use it all the goddamn time however by now maybe it should be gutted just for consistency
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Basically if you are a bad killer you will have a rough time with DH. People overestimate where you can use DH. They must think every loop has a pallet you can DH for distance to.
If you're in a:
- Dead Zone
- Area without a pallet
- Unsafe pallet (which there are a number of)
- LT Wall
I find in those scenarios other exhaustion perks more useful and far stronger. Dead Hard is just as situational as other exhaustion perks.
Let a perk shine where it should and this community is up in arms about it.
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Anyone using DH exclusively to try to dodge a killers hits has no idea how to actually use DH. If the killer has gotten that close to you and you're just trying to dodge, you screwed up and didn't use DH right.
Players using DH wrong are not the players killers complain about when they talk about why it's such a devastating perk to go against.
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Lmao the hottest of takes...
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Uhh no, you just need more practice with it and learn when to use DH in chase.
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Thats a funny way of spelling the strongest
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Is that a new way to ask for a buff?
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I mean if the shoe fits. Sorry but not all of us who play killer have a bad time with DH.
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Yeah, that useless perk that 4/4 survivors run in nearly every single game
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I mean you are the one who has a problem with it obviously. Since you seem so bothered by my comment.
You cant Dead Hard for distance anywhere on the map. I know shocking.
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Yes I've been saying this for the longest. I have no idea why killers have such a hard time with dead hard on here. It's super easy to bait out.
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You guys both must not be facing good survivors are you
Dead hard for distance is used every game when vsing people like jrm and good survivors don't put themselves on dead zones
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Or you must just be facing good survivors and you yourself just struggle with DH.
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I love these comments. They scream "I'm a survivor main pretending to be a killer main so I can claim the game is too easy for killers because I'm terrified BHVR will nerf my broken crutch perks."
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Grow up.
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You play killer 1 hour every 6 months.
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Yeah and who are you again?
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Again, you get triggered because you can't deal with DH the way that other players can.
It's honestly amusing that I make one comment and you act as if it directed at you.
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You're angry because nobody agree you with the state of dead hard, don't pretend to convince me you're amused.
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So you think no one should/can deal with DH?
Because these forums and the players in it do not make up for the entirety of the killer community. Nor does everyone on here have a hard time countering the perk as YOU obviously do.
Also, I never said there is no such thing as dead harding for distance, I said you can't dead hard for distance in every single instance of the match. Learn to read.
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Angry? Because I asked who you were?
Since you are assuming my role in this game. I think you are the one who is pressed and can't come up with a better answer.
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I know how to read. I also know that there are differences of opinions and learn to agree to disagree. Unlike you.
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if it’s useless, then it’s the best useless perk in the game. I still have survivors get an extra health state and/or reach pallets safely from DH distance multiple times in every match
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It's currently the most overpowered Perk in the game. With it's upcoming nerf of 2-4 seconds added to the Exhaustion timer, it will still be the most overpowered Perk in the game
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