Welp, Iron Grasp is now my main perk

After the ######### shitshow I had to endure and experience with the Boil Over SWF team, I now have to use Bamboozle, Iron Grasp, Lightborn and NOED.
Good games.
Agitation squad, rise up!
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Just make sure to give me a good view of your beautiful eyes when you face camp me. Stand close enough so I can caress your face in my hands.
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Agitation and Starstruck is also a good combo!
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I don't think I'm going to adjust my perks to deal with Boil Over but I am almost certainly going to adjust my "not nice" killer side if people are abusing it and let them lie around on the floor and think about what they've done if they're going to abuse it (like constantly running up to second floors where you can't hook people and whatnot)
You were a naughty survivor so you need to lie there and think about why you're being punished survivor!
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Wow, Iron Grasp meta again?! It almost sounds like 2016 DbD! 😍
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Boil Over?
Did they change it?
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If you fall off a ledge while carrying a survivor, they get instant 25% wiggle progress. There's no height minimum; if the fall would activate Balanced Landing, it actives Boil Over. Taking the shortcut into the basement causes it; falling off the step at The Game's exit gates causes it.
Naturally, this resulted in a lot of map offerings and survivors running to areas that were already pushing it to reach a hook.
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As predicted, killers have now to choose between gen slowdown perks and Agitation + Iron Grip.
But at least this breaks the stale meta, right? Oh wait...
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it's also now 100% instead of 75%.
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Agitation + Iron Grasp + Mad Grit build baybeeeee
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Benjo was born for this update! 😂
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put starstruck in there too!!
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Agitation, Iron Grasp, Starstruck, Bamboolze..is my new go to.
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This is nothing new to me, I was already running my anti survivor main build. They are defenseless unless they can get that sweet, sweet, pallet validation. My only weakness. Behavior had to put it in there to prevent the apex predator alpha male gamer athletes like myself from breaking the game and causing even more survivors to lose the will to play.
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Just played a game with boiled over and my team had break out. The killer had iron grasp and agitation on groaning storehouse and still I still got out. He couldn't get to hooks.
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I tried Starstruck, but it actually did not work as well as I had hoped. Currently using Pain Resonance in my fourth slot for that build.
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Rename the perk to BLood Boiling because thats what it does. Survivors are breaking out on a flat ground with minimal distance because the wiggling is too much for my console controller to handle and I get stuck on walls. It's quite frankly an abominable idea and a testament to how poorly this game is balanced. Its annoying in ideal situations but add even the slight threat of body blocking and flashlight stuns and you've got an unhookable survivor. Ive literally seen it run on 3 out of every 4 games so far. You add this to the current boon meta which hasnt been addressed and you get a game that is fundamentally broken.
Stop buying cosmetics please. If BHVR is going to use numbers to balance the game please hurt them where it counts.
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Meta hasn't changed in a while, should we nerf some overused perks?
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I'll see what my experience is like tonight playing killer during the softer hours. I'm also a console killer main. I've completely stopped spending money on the game until CoH, Dead Hard, and Iron Will are nerfed. I'm having a hard time quitting killer because the occasional game is really fun and I'm dealing with sunk cost fallacy (have almost all killers at p3 l50 with all perks). I will not be buying the upcoming chapter. Hoping people during primetime when there are more softer lobbies aren't getting their jollies trying to abuse Boil Over
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Sounds like the survivor equivalent of dms is op now.
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Jeez, that doesn't sound good. Why did they change it?
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CoH was already nerfed, DH changes are apparently in the works, Iron Will is fine as is. Boohoo.
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Idk but it's pretty strong.
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To be fair, Boil Over was a pretty bad perk, the flat increase on wiggle effects I fully support. The immediate wiggle progress for drops sounds... decent in theory, I think the number should just be lowered.
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Agitation and Iron Grasp. My favorite killer combo. It’s now Anti-Meta/SWF?? Sweet!! 😂
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It also doesn't seem to have an ICD, so on maps with 'tiered' elevation, you can trigger it multiple times in very quick succession and instantly escape. Eyrie is the easiest to do this on thus far, but I foresee Pantry being even worse.
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I've only seen that trigger on Eyrie (it can be nasty; the wiggle itself forces you to take that tiny drop); where would it go on Grim Pantry? I'm not envisioning it... though hooking anyone in that main building was already a mess. You pray basement's in there or you're really pushing things. Same with Badham.
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Adding 2 seconds to heal time (without medkits or other perks) is hardly a nerf to COH, it's a joke.
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Yeah, that extra wiggle on Boil Over is bonkers! I could hardly control where I was going, missed at least one hook and had a close call on another with a Boil over survivor tonight. The height thing never even came into play, it was purely that extra stagger it forces you to do.
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The Boil Over stagger is nuts, I can't fight it on controller/console.
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Time to break out Iron Grip/Agitation/Monstrous Shrine/Lightborn or Insidious.
Everyone goes to the basement... basement... basement... Everyone goes to the basement why not you?
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You can't abuse it.
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I talked about it in another thread as a survivor with Boil Over would just run to a spot where they knew I couldn't hook them
If you want to argue semantics over the word "abuse" or not, go for it I guess but the survivor clearly knew what they were doing when they constantly ran up to that area where they knew I literally would be unable to hook them.
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Cool story, bro
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Kate secretly revels in the new Boiled Over sksksks
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Boil over is competely busted with SWFs. I'd love to run iron grasp and agitation but if i do that the gens fly. ( i mean they fly anyways since prove thyself seems to be meta nowdays too)
That 25% needs to go. You can't even fall down to the basement anymore from the side.
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Give it a week.... then see if anything changes (If it's perk choices by Survivors or how you play knowing Boil Over is in play)
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COH's nerf was a joke, given the fact that they decided DH needed hit validation I don't think it will matter at all and instead of iron will Unbreakable should be looked at. Face it as of now it is survivor biased and seeing the toolkits shows this off easily.
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Unbreakable is a one-time use perk, and the only real practical counter to slugging. Can’t typically use it without DS either. I don’t see the problem here.
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glad i started using it after scourge PR came out
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Thanks for the defence for Unbreakable now tell me what about the other 2.
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Bruh, just use the Iron Grasp/ Agitation/ Mad Grit/ Starstruck build then bam, GGEZ
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Imagine calling the CoH change a nerf. It did nothing. It was 4 seconds. It only LOOKS big when people say '25%', but when you crunch the number, it equates to: 2 seconds more to heal a friend. 4 seconds more to self-heal.
This was the biggest non-nerf in DBD history, and deliberately done to allow Survivors to say 'CoH was major nerfed! 25%! Stop whining!' while still giving them their OP perk. The best of both worlds for Survivors; a fake nerf to point at, and a still-broken healing perk to play with.
Oh yeah, and now Boil OP is broken as well. 25% if the Killer steps on a twig, but the 6.25% from the new wriggle mechanic (1 second), for a grand total of 31.25% free wriggle progress.
I wonder why Killers are leaving.
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Players :"We want BHVR to change the meta!"
BHVR : changes meta
Players : "No not like that! Now I have to change how I play!!! Rabble rabble rabble rabble"
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No it's more that instead of balancing the game by stop giving survivors hand out perks they add more just go give them even more options while killers has to use certain perks just to even try.
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Survivors use a certain perk to change the meta.
As a killer, use a certain perk to fit the meta.
This is basic logic my dude. We already have perks to play around boil over. Use em.
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Buff Bubba
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Yeah tell what other than iron grasp is there? And since boil over is a flat percentage what does it change other than maybe a small time difference which might not even matter anymore since they never tweaked this to the new wiggle mechanic.
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Situational awareness also makes a huge difference. The moment you pick someone up you can know if they have boil over. If they do, you know to not drop off a ledge. If you can't reach a hook, leave them slugged.
It's all about adapting to the situation at hand
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Ok I'll look up agitation but for the placement sure tell me that when you get stuck on midwich with stretched out hooks , Dead Dawgs saloon's balcony, Haddonfield when that comes back,rpd and the game. Where there are certain areas where you don't have much of a choice.