1.15% Pickrate for Twins (FeelsBadMan)

Gee, I wonder why "nobody" plays them...
Better nerf them next patch. At least they might get some update in the future... so in like 6+ months If I would quess.
Their logic in nerfing Twins makes me very nervous for Nurse.
Honestly, their logic in nerfing. Period. Makes me very nervous. I'm still not recovered from my boy Deathslinger.
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Twins are more negelected then jeff mains
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I've been playing them a lot lately. Maybe in the next killer stat reveal, I will bring them up on the list.
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Killer mains are just too nice and don't play them because... oVERpeRfoRMinG! UNstOPpABLe moNStErS!
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Nurse was already nerfed. In fact she was nerfed 5 times
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That means absolutely nothing.
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i think bhvr just wants to forget a binding of kin ever happened, that was one of the biggest ######### ups in the history of this game lol.
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You said your scared for nurse. Implying she will be nerfed. She has been nerfed so many times you can’t nerf her.
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I am trying my best, too :3
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Wow, slow down ;) We all know what this dev team is capable of. As long as Nurse can walk... float, there is room for nerfs :D
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I’m really confused on their reasoning for the nerf. They say they won’t buff certain killers that struggle in high ranks because they want to stay in the middle ranks, not too strong or weak, yet Twins is nerfed based on their performance at high-ranks
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Same. Nurse without green recharge is really rough against survivors that actually know how to play against her. I would hope they take into account a number of factors if they ever think they might nerf Nurse again. Have a feeling there's a very clear distinction between "knows how to play against high MMR Nurse" and "has no idea what they're doing against Nurse despite being a high MMR survivor". Maybe that's a problem with Nurse being unique, but the roster has more than enough recycled "hold M2 to do the thing or fake the thing" M1 killers.
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The Twins are very very very unfun to go against. There’s zero counter play to victor, if nobody has exponential, unbreakable or soul guard the game is over.. it’s a boring miserable slugfest and not fun for the survivors whatsoever.. If I was the devs I would remove the twins and Trickster from the game.. There’s a reason why that killer has been nerfed and there’s a reason why any killer who is experienced doesn’t play twins very much cause their win condition is to literally slug out survivors the ENTIRE game which takes 20+min.
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Are we not on a thread about a killer who shouldn't, by all rational logic that exists in this universe, be nerfed, but was still nerfed?
Nurse's resume has zero bearing on BHVR's behavior.
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I wouldnt be suprised if bhvr just eventually deletes twins someday
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Ok, I have to ask you. Why would you not remove Bubba also, his kit is made for face-camping. (I assume you picked Trickster because of facecamping).
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Twins new theme
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I dont get it, all of a sudden devs are now making changes based on the highest level of play in terms of the twins nerf??? Like what???
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I wanna know what HIGH MMR MONSTERS were using stale biscuit.
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they really should just completely rework them
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I'm not playing devil's advocate by any stretch here, but I do seem to recall one of the reasons for the implementation of SBMM/MMR being something about being able to use the data to balance the game at higher levels since they made a point that the emblem system didn't represent the "high levels" so the data from it was hard to use
Maybe this is what was being talked about and we're seeing the result of it, MMR has been active for a good while now so there must be a significant amount of data (not even considering the data it quietly gathered in the background when the old system was still on)
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Leatherface is one of the funnest killers to go against! The chases are very fun and interactive similar to hillbilly. If they face camp you do gens and take the 3 out. Most bubbas that face camp are bambis anyway, the bubbas that don’t face camp again are very fun to go against!
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1.15% is too much for that poor excuse of a dlc
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This is BHVR. It doesn’t need to make sense nor does it need to be rational. There will be plenty more changes like this to come I’d bet. Hope I’m wrong, but considering their history and some of the stuff they say, I wouldn’t hold my breath!
I honestly just find it funny at this point.
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I think survivors need to be nerfed because at high MMR they are broken.
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"Nerf twins because of high mmr "
(Has lowest pick rate)
######### morons
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I concur remember that double stun bug if a survivor slammed a pallet as she was blinking? I recall the dev team saying something alluding to having that be a feature if they could figure a spot for it.
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I think they need better cosmetics, I always wanted Charlette in a wedding dress, with a veil, and Víctor in a tux with a top hat. If that doesn't increase pick rate I don't know what will! There is also a lot of people who want a Child's Play chapter, they could drop Charlette and reskin Victor as Chucky, that is if they can get the IP.
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Considering the small amount of adjustments across the board, the fact that the lowest picked character in the roster was picked out to adjust in a negative manner is quite counter intuitive and no QoL or other aspects improved that would result in them being more appealing to play.
Let someone with far more experience than I on the twins highlight the issues with the adjustments made:
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I'm aware of the problems with the Twins and the issues with the changes that were made, my post wasn't a justification for them or a defense of them
My post is a theory/possible explanation to the question posed in the message I replied to. They asked 'why did the devs make these changes' and my theory is that using data gathered from SBMM they decided Twins needed changes.
If I've learned anything about BHVR is that they rely way too much on statistics these days.