High MMR players, I have a question

At high MMR name the most killers you play as/against?
Now I'm a killer main and I play blight at high MMR. Note I do play with other killers but they are too weak in high MMR.
I play Bubba... That is pretty much it. My other killers aren't high mmr except for Freddy, but I got tired of how useless he was and stopped playing optimally on him to get easier survivors. Tee hee!
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Blight, Nurse, Huntress and for some unholy reason also Bubba
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I play Nurse amnd Spirit and when I'm surviving I play against nurses and blights, 90% of my matches.
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Well that does make sense as blights and nurses are the strongest killers in game. You won't see killer slinger or trickster at high mmr as they are weak killers
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There is no high MMR.
I see pretty much everyone.
Except Twins.
2 in nearly 300 games.
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I played against a slinger some hundred matches ago. He was very good. Shooting through holes I don't even know existed. I don't remember the outcome but I got ######### on. If you're not going against a deathsquad, let's say, "high mmr but not high enough to go against deathsquads eveyr other match", he's viable. I can't say the same about trickster.
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I was just naming examples. I honestly think slinger is way weaker after they gutted him. Trickster and twins are honestly the weakest for me.
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I play killers for fun, not because of some MMR numbers.
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Blight Blight Blight nurse Blight Blight Spirit Blight Blight Blight Blight huntress nurse Blight nurse this was my last session of dbd
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Oh let's get you BLT
Lol sorry for cringe joke. But that's normal.
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Not really surprising. In the stats, he had one of the highest pickrates and highest kill rates.
Pretty easy to climb MMR on a killer that you can safely facecamp 2 kills with
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I play most of the killer roster. It’s just by mood or I see a good vod of a killer on YouTube. But I always come home to Hillbilly.