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Advice for picking up The Pig?

New Tome just came out, and I've always had her unlocked even before then. She seems like a fun slowdown killer and I've been intrigued on trying her out. However, I also hear everything people say about her being awful, so what advice and tips should I know about playing her?


  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209


    Just don't.

    I know you want to say that my input sounds unhelpful. Just let her go.

  • ActualPainedFrog
    ActualPainedFrog Applicant Posts: 279

    She's extremely add-on reliant, very poor stealth, abysmal anti-loop, but she's pretty fun to pub stomp with and survivors will typically be very nice to you if you play fair, not Billy levels of support but it's something.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    Don't rely on the stealth too much- and if you do, probably go for standing up and getting an M1/grab instead of trying to land the Ambush, it's pretty finnicky and gives survivors a fair amount of time to dodge. The hats are useful slowdown unless you get very unlucky, so don't feel too bad about chasing and downing someone with a hat on, any time they're in a chase is time they're not doing generators or searching Jigsaw boxes.

    Pig, in my experience, works pretty well with any perk build that also gives survivors more things they have to do- an all-hex build works pretty well for her, but still carries inherent risk of RNG being unkind. Definitely recommend Thrill, as well as maybe Plaything, maybe Ruin, maybe Haunted Grounds- give survivors side objectives, that's what she's good at. Other good perks are general slowdown perks, information perks to bolster her lacklustre stealth by letting you start sneaking sooner, and Exposed perks.

    Pig is not, as people claim, worthless. In my opinion, she's not even D tier, she's a mid-C tier who suffers mostly from RNG on how much slowdown her hats will give her- if everyone gets them off very quickly then she's just an M1 killer with a kinda weak stealth mechanic. Still, that's not nothing, and you can bring stuff to help her offset it.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Don't be afraid to experiment, a lot of pig players I see fall into a trap of thinking what some streamer says is gospel

    Also get used to RBTs either doing nothing or winning you the game - the RNG aspect is what makes her a feast or famine kind of character

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Ambush is kinda a meme, but can come in handy around some unsafe loops. At worst it'll make the survivor abandon the loop since it's basically a super lunge with a long wind up. I like using ambush when dropping off of a high building because no matter which way the survivor runs you can just steer into them. Take that Balanced Landing.

    If you can play an 115% killer, you can play pig. The sneaking portion of her kit can be cheeky but it comes down to experience on when to do it.

    Place your traps as soon as you can, they're more effective early. The reason I and many others hate pig is that trap combined with a tunneling pig makes it impossible to do anything. It's just not fun. Yes the timer stops for the survivor while in a chase but...yeah.

    What's worse than a tunneling pig is a crouching pig that observes you and stops you from trying to get the trap off. You don't get into a chase so the timer goes down but you interrupt the survivor on the box and hook them when they try to get it off. It's so dumb. You know they have to go to that box so...

    If the Pig plays nice she's alright. You can slow the game down a lot but it's all on how you handle the match.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,206

    With Pig, it's super important to run every tile correctly and efficiently. Getting downs with her is all on you and your killer fundamentals. She brings almost nothing to the table in terms of chase utility.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Don’t main the Pig. And if you decide suffering is your way then watch CM winter.

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    The only tip you need to know is just slow crouch up to survivors that can see you. Do this while chaotically shaking your head in all directions. If you do it right and the stars align they should be hit by Pigs hidden power the ability to make survivors crouch around you and violently point at you. While their under your spell you end them.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Don't pig sucks.

  • Maverick_74F
    Maverick_74F Member Posts: 159

    As a pig main don't do it to yourself. But if your gonna try here's what to know.

    -Your start of the game is going to be #########. Your gonna lose a few generators if you pick a survivor to chase that knows what they are doing. Corrupt is a must.

    -Eat the pallets and move on. If you see a loop that you can't mind game or ambush just eat it and break it. You aren't very fast and have nothing to catch up to them with.

    -stealth is probably the most useless thing for pig. Walking around the map at 90% speed is a detriment. Only do it at the start of the game if you have corrupt or if you have bbq and know if they are on a gen.

    -Ambushing is ######### unless your at a good loop. Google CMwinters ambush compilations that's what you need to get good at and in my opinion it's what makes pig fun.

    -For headtraps just place them as you think gens are gonna pop. A underrated thing in my opinion is holding on to one for when there is one gun left and slapping it on a suv so they can't leave. If I ever get the opportunity to have 2 head traps on at once I take it.

    -My main perks on her are Corrupt/Pop/bbq/STBFL. Other perks I use are tinker, coup de grace and I'm all ears. Coup is one of my favorites and undderated in my opinion because gens are gonna pop as pig and that extra lunge can half chase tines in half.

    One last thing. Your gonna have to camp alot if you wanna win games

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    For what it's worth, "Amanda's Letter" is a lot of fun to use on indoor maps. It actually makes her pretty decent on Haddonfield too, since all the houses and basements block survivor LoS but your aura-reading lets you flush out survivors much faster than having to check each building like most killers.

    But, broadly speaking, her dash has really limited use on most of the loops in the game, and her traps are some of the worst RNG in the game. But unlike escaping from Trapper's traps, you don't get reusable applications if they happen to get it off on the first try.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,926

    Picking up Pigs is quite difficult since they're quite heavy.

    I would recommend someone else to help you because first of all, the Pig will resist and the weight makes it impossible to carry it by yourself.

    Also, why would you want to pick up a Pig anyways?

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Follow the person you trapped while crouching so their timer doesn't stop.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Play strong killers instead

  • Etsuhara
    Etsuhara Member Posts: 52

    Use Monitor and Abuse with Whisper. When whispers proc, crouch. Never go straight for gens but go around and approach from a "outer wall". Never look directly at gen in case of spine chill. Get that early grab, place a trap and hope RNG is with you. You can use BBQ to maybe get another gen grab or to stealthy ambush the one going for the unhook.

    But my greatest tip, Have fun , try new stuff and dont think to much about the 4k.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    "Hey honey. What's hiding under those red robes" -suggestive eyebrow-