What to Your Expectations from Ringu PTB?

Question on Title.
My Expectations:
- New Killer = Sadako, New Survivor = Reiko Asakawa, No New Map
- Haddonfield Rework
- New Scourge Hook Perk, New Hex Totem Perk and New Boon Totem Perk
- Some add-on changes for other killers
- Some perk changes for both sides
- More Bugs
What is yours?
Sadako not Samara, though I also think Reiko is the most likely survivor (then again they seem to to basing things more on the novel which had a male protagonist). Hex totems kind of make sense with Sadako because she does curse people, but hopefully not honestly as they are quite weak in the meta.
Haddonfield remake yes, time for it to get even worse like all the remakes
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Yeah my bad but they are same person. Just Japan and American versions, so it does not matter so much but i am going to fix it :)
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New map.
Thats all I want from that chapter anyway
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I think it's probably going to be one of the lowest participated PTB's in a long time.
Ringu isn't that hype of a license and people aren't happy with the game right now. Likewise, Dying Light 2 and Elden Ring release at pretty much the same time.
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Yeah the game health is the biggest problem with Ringu. People are leaving the game. The DLC gets people back (or perhaps new people in their place) for a while, but if they don't solve the overall issues, it's a drop in the ever draining ocean.
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On Anniversary they said 2 new maps for this year (Year 6) and we already have 2 new maps: RPD and Eyrie of Crows.
Elden Ring will take so much players from most of games, not just DbD. But you are right. Probably i will give min a month to Elden Rings before back to DbD.
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RPD was last anniversary
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Yeah and it is part of year 6. Probably we will see next new map with Year 6 Anniversary. If they did not change plans, we have 2 new maps this year already.
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Well in that case, I am expecting nothing from this chapter
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I'm quite excitted what they'll do with it.
They said they were going to introduce psychological horror into it so i'm curious
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Another range killer with gen slowdown perks.
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not to mention how early they announced it
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I learned to expect nothing from this game
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Have none
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I bet the killer will be named in game as "The Curse" x)
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While this is true, I think the biggest factor is how early they announced it. Maybe I will get some hype when it gets closer to the PTB, but currently, the Ringu-Chapter is not interesting at all.
I expect:
- New Killer with an hopefully interesting mechanic and HOPEFULLY not another Anti-Loop mechanic
- At least 1 decent Killer Perk and 1 Killer Perk which is situational, but worth to use on some Killers
- Mediocre Survivor-Perks at best
- Haddonfield graphical Rework
- No new Map
- None or almost no Balance Changes to existing Content, since the main focus should be the Chapter, especially because it is licensed and Balance Changes are used more for the Midchapter. (Seriously, I think a license holder will expect their content to be the main thing without much to distract from it)
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Lord when Elden Ring comes out I'm not going to so much as think about dbd for a long time.
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Does anybody know roughly when the ptb would start?
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A survivor and a killer that isn't horrible to play against
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15th of February should be the date. This would be 3 weeks after the Midchapter-Patch.
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Sweet, thanks for the answer
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I hope for two things: please not another anti loop hold w killer, and please no new map. My experience with licenced maps tells me I don't want another licenced map
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Anti-loop, no mobility all the way baby
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I'll start saying that I'm not hyped at all about this upcoming license, it's another killer that will be thrown into the game, a game that has many issues, too many, and it won't make me return to play killer anyway, till they remove sbmm my enjoyment for this game is gone
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Nerfs that make you go "huh?"
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A killer with no mobility and a boon that breaks the space-time continuem.
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Honestly i’m not that excited.
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I expect her to be investing into the entitys cryptomoney
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Killer power- press and hold M2 to use power or fake it and zone the survivor. Tacked on mobility/slowdown/tracking.
Obviously broken perk/add on makes it through PTB and gets nerfed at a later date. Completely fine perk/add on gets randomly nerfed from PTB and then gets buffed to its original state at a later date.
We all wonder why the patch went live with this many bugs.
Copy and paste this for every chapter release.
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- Probably another unimaginative chase killer that will be extremely annoying to go against but won't have any mobility and thus will lack when it comes to the 4v1 core game dynamic.
- Another survivor skin
- Either a bunch of mediocre perks no one is going to be using after everyone got the adept challenge or broken perks that will be the hot topic for the next couple of months considering it will take the devs time to realize themselves that the perks in question are in fact stupidly broken.
- A Pig nerf
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Deathslinger in a dress with really long hair.
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I have same expectations like yours.
But I want to see some counter perks for specific perks (Doesn't matter which).
Hoping it's Sadako with fun gameplay for both sides.
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Unfortunately my expectations are far to low to think anything good would come from this now.
It's just going to be this however.
-another killer to spend money on and never use since the balance is screwed and maybe one perk to try and do damage control from the devs mistakes.
-another perk set pallette swap to make cosmetics for and if it's female another bully squad magnet along with some perks that may or may not devolve this game more survivor biased than it already is.
-no real changes just rework perks since they won't fix bad base kits
-maybe 2-3 more trailers for cosmetics.
-devs constantly saying they will look at some thing but say screw it at the last second.
-no rework for boons or the new wiggle mechanic cause they think these are balanced.
-show this to license holder and backers to say "hey, people are still playing this, let us use your ip to keep selling people ######### "
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want ryuji as survivor thats my expectations
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It's just a way to try and keep people from leaving and continuing to buy #########.
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Well sucks because this game is now "make the killer nurse ,blight or ranged for anyone to care" since the devs ######### up and keep making the game survivor biased.
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I have same expectations like yours.
But I want to see some counter perks for specific perks (Doesn't matter which).
Hoping it's Sadako with fun gameplay for both sides.
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Her power will be able to send “spectres” (which look like her) towards gens, slowly creeping closer and closer, and you don’t know if it’s actually her or not.
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Twins nerf.
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Killers crying everywhere
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I know I shouldn't hold my expectations high, especially since this is DBD we're talking about, but I expect:
- A new killer with a different and interesting power.
- A new survivor with decent perks.
- A new map (Hopefully)
- A new hex perk, A new Scourge Hook perk, A new exhaustion perk (maybe), A new Boon perk.
- Small changes to some killer addons
- Changes to some perks
- Haddonfield Rework
- A low/mid tier killer getting nerfed somehow
- More bugs per usual
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stealth killer with a mid range anti loop zoning ability.
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Hear me out -- what if Sadako is the survivor and the killer is whoever put her in the well?
I mean... that's not what I expect. I expect the unholy child of Nurse and Spirit. But what if?
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Sadako was always evil, it is imposible to add her as survivor. She was never innocent :)
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I expect her to be good or Scott will be right, and I hate it when Scott is right.
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Scott is talking so much, what did he said?
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He believes the Ringu chapter will be a flop.
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Who says survivors need to be goody 2 shoes, i wouldn't mind a evil survivor :>
But yeah Sadako is obviously going to be the killer or it would be kinda dissapointing
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Well i hope not. I love Ringu franchise and Sadako (Samara) is interesting horror icon.
She has great potentials. She can have teleport power, sneak ability, 4 v 1 potential or anti-loop. Probably she will get 2 of this powers.
Except Artist, i liked this year killers (Nemesis & Pinhead). Nemesis is also my fav killer in game and he was part of this year. So i have hope for Sadako too.
She is icon, so yeah she is going to be new killer.
If they make killer her mom, it will be disappointment.
This is like you are making F13 chapter and you are making Fake Jason as killer.
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Gonna introduce a new skill check mechanic for running probably 😂 holding W too hard