Alternative solution to bloodpoint grind??

So the Devs have made it very clear they do not wish to remove tiers from perks, despite 99.5% of the community asking for this to happen.

So I came up with an alternative idea (Sorry if its been suggested before)!

When you unlock or purchase a new survivor/killer, the perks that are associated with them should automatically go into the next blood web you start! We know this will be easy for them to program because they do it with event items, so I'm sure it can be done with perks as well?

The vast majority of players purchase new characters (especially survivors) for the perks, they never plan on using the character themselves.

For a new players, it will save them tens of millions of bloodpoints, and lets be honest, purchasing content but not having access to some of it until your hundreds of hours into the game is insane!

Removing tiers would be better, but surely this is a decent compromise?


  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I just want them to do anything about it and not in 1 or 2 years

    And no, +50% BP for a week is not enough

  • Cryptikk
    Cryptikk Member Posts: 422

    Removing perk tiers is a great start, I can not fathom why they say "Yeah we know the grind is a issue" and then refuse to do anything about it. They just give the same we cant talk on that that, but soon™" spiel instead

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I'm pessimistic about their decisions for the things they do.

    I'm just upset because they clearly show that they don't care about the requests that's made even though they're universally agreed upon that it's the best and only thing people truly want.