What are your Q times really like?

Just curious. For killer and survivor day and night. Also what server/region do you play in?
For me here in NA West my Qs are consistent in length pretty much all day and night. Killer takes about 30 seconds or less. Rarely more. Survivor is noticeably longer at around 5 minutes. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Not terribly long, but a ways.
Hbu guys?
During the day and evening less than a minute.
Later at night several minutes.
I'm in Eastern US.
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Survivor, 2 to 6 min during the day, 5 to 10 min during the night
Killer, so ######### long i often lose all motivation to play the game
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EU player here.
Morning survivor: instantaneous, almost instantaneous
Afternoon survivor: 1-2 minutes
Evening survivor: 5+ minutes
Morning killer: 5+ minutes
Afternoon killer: 2-3 minutes
Evening killer: instantaneous, almost instantaneous
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Killer: instant. I never have to wait longer than 10-15 seconds for a game, no matter when I queue.
Survivor: depending on the time of the day. Early afternoon its instant and during prime time (8pm- 12am on weekdays, 6pm-12am on weekends) the queue starts to go slower cause more ppl are playing survivor. Usually at around 9pm queue becomes unbearable and I log off.
Edit: forgot to mention I play on both of the two EU servers (German/UK servers)
Post edited by FeelsBadMan on2 -
Killer Times: Instant to one minute.
Survivor Times: Anywhere from two to seven minutes depending on solo queue, SWF composition, and time of day.
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EU here, pc, cross on.
Anytime after 4am and before 30m, killer queues take a solid 3-4 minutes. After 4pm and before 3am they're nigh instant. The hours between 3am and 4pm, and 3pm and 4pm, just sorta function as a transitional period where anything is possible, but the closer it gets to the nigh-instant time the quicker they get.
Survivor is the polar opposite, with the added caveat of getting closer to 9pm will make the queues longer, and between 9pm and 1am not only do the queues take years but also the game is a sweatfest hellscape.
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I play only killer, typically around 7-8 PM Eastern US when my next daily mission is available, and my queue times are very quick, maybe 30 seconds to get into a lobby? I can’t remember the last time I waited more than a minute at that time.
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I think I'm in EU server; not sure.
My survivor waiting time from around 1 to 5 pm is a little short, 3 to 5 minutes. At night around 8 and 12 the waiting time is long and very tedious.
When I play as killer during a day the match is instant and a little a bit longer at night.
Sometimes the Q times are fast around 2 am for some reason.
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I had 6 minute queue's last night in a 4 stack of my friends
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killer main NA West instant to 1min
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I can only play late afternoons and evenings in Western Canada.
Survivor Q: 2-5 minutes average.
Killer Q: Almost instant.
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Survivor: Morning a few seconds to 20 seconds at the most. Evening 1-3 minutes.
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Depends on the day. Currently survivor ques in a two man take me 15 seconds. Usually survivor takes about 5 minutes and killer takes 30 seconds.
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EST time zone here- killer queues are pretty much instant all day. Survivor queue times are around a minute during the day and probably 7 or 8 minutes at night.
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Survivor = istant morning, Evening from 1 to 5 minutes (worse as time pass), Night = Up to 15 minutes
Killer = Up to 15 minutes in the morning, evening from 5 to 1 minutes (better as time pass), Night = istant
At least this is my experience, though i switch side when the queue took too long.
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At the start if day like 1min. Then after couple of games its like 15-30mins depending how many times i dc :)
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Exactly this
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Im NA West as well and its pretty much the same as you.
solo Surv afternoon: instant
solo surv evenings: 5 min.
killer afternoon: mostly instant
killer evenings: instant
I don't usually play in the mornings.
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EU, with x-play.
survivor between 60-120s on average
killer instant
evening/prime time
survivor 120-300s on average
killer is instant
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Queues seem to be based on how you feel about the game. I notice people who do not enjoy killer claim to have instant queues for killer and those who are blatantly survivor sided always claim to have instant survivor queues. It's a very strange pattern I see here and the steam forums.
My survivor queues are 6-7 minutes. Can't tell you with Killer as I have not touched the role so since early December
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During the day my survivor queues are almost instant, while my killer queues take at least 10 minutes.
During the night, it's the complete opposite. Killer queues are almost instant and survivor queues take 10-30 minutes.
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West coast best coast😁
Same here though. I usually play in the evening. Whenever I do play in morning or afternoon though the Q times are pretty much the same.
It seems like there's been more variation with Q times here within certain dates of the games life rather than specific times day. I forget when it was but Q times were noticeably longer for both during this one 2-4 week period.
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So I've noticed a bit as well. Usually it happens in a disscusion where someone gives their Q times in response to someone else who has Qs that don't fit their own narrative. I don't think anyone is really lying though. At least I'm definitely not. I can literally hit ready up on killer, go take a quick piss, (Yes I wash my hands. Do you know how many people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom?) and by the time I come back I'll already be loading into a game. Don't even get to see the survivors I'm playing against but honestly I dont really care because I'm not one to cherry pick my matches anyways. Even if it's 4 toolboxes or whatever. Couldn't care less.
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Time of day used to be a big deal. Survivor queues were long in the morning, short in the day and moderate at night.
Now they range from 6-12 minutes at all times.
Killer queues were instant at night and about 3 minutes in the morning. Now they are almost instant at all times of day.
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I don't want to say people are lying either, I just notice it often seems to correlate directly with their beliefs on game balance. I prefer to attribute it to regions and time. Mainly regions. I just have to assume Europe has really short survivor queues or something, where as West Coast US has them extremely long.
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Killer instant, survivor 5-10 minute wait.
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Survivor between 2 and 5 minutes. Killer is instant as always.
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Raccoon City resident here, Midwestern USA. Queue times seem to be basically infinite, considering the internet doesn't work and there's zombies everywhere. Rip me ig
On a serious note: time of day doesn't matter for me, instant killer queues all day and survs tend to be about 10 minutes give or take
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Survivor: 5ish minutes
Killer: 5-8 seconds
N/A West, anytime really.
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NA East. Queue times for Survivor are 1-2 minutes, during the week they tend to be a bit shorter than on the weekends though. Killer are pretty must instant. Maybe 5 seconds? At any time of the day for either.
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I am in the Mountain West of the US, and I play a pretty even distribution of killer/survivor; my estimates:
Survivor queue is 4-5 minutes during the day, 5-10 in the evening, 10-15 late night.
Killer queue is 2-10 seconds day and evening, 20-60 seconds late night.
Pretty much the same for killer the entire time I have been playing DBD (2+ years), survivor has gotten markedly longer over the past few months. I have recently considered doing all my surv play on the weekend days, because I work M-F and daytime is the only time surv queues aren't brutal for me.
At this point, I am pretty convinced that people who say they have longer killer times than survivor times at literally any point are trying to gaslight the rest of us (kind of joking but not really).
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Asia here, survivor takes 1 to 10 minutes and killers are pretty much always instant.
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I uninstall during the event but before that when i played survivor i could wait around 5 to 10 minute depending on the time.
When i play killer i wait 5 to 20 second depending on the time.
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In the old days where emblem were the MMR, there was a problem in killer ques at ash 1-4 tier, mostly due to lack of low level survivors.
I don't know if it is still there but people not playing killer much CAN have problem in killer que.
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like 10 minutes. thats why Im here or watching korean raging videos
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US Eastern time zone here. Killer is always nearly instant even if playing during the day, which was never the case until recently. Survivor queue is 5-7 minutes in the evenings and 1-3 minutes during the day. Survivor queues used to be instant during the day until recently. Killer numbers are definitely down
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Survivor: insta lobby from ~4am to ~9pm, 2-5 minutes at night
Killer: insta lobby at night, 5-10 minutes from ~4am to ~9pm
Eastern Europe.
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Survivor afternoon: less than a minute
Killer evening/night: almost instant