charms are useless and I am pretty sure 97% of the playerbase doesn't give a ######### about them



  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    I am unable to collect every charm like Pokemon' since I started my current account on Tome IX. Prior charms are no longer available so yeah now I don't care at all lul.

    For the 3% it's just a collection 100% completionist thing.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Dunno, foot tree is pretty funny

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    How many of the hundreds of charms do you use regularly? cause to me, the vast majority of the charms are extremely low-effort placeholders meant to make the rifts seem worth more. I don't completely agree with the OP since a couple of them are cool and although they are extremely minor cosmetics that become an active detriment to use as a survivor, I play jeff usually anyways though so not like I care about that but such a large amount of them are so garbage and low effort that are just perks or already existing art in the game slapped on some flat shape and then recolored 5 times.

  • Khelendrose2020
    Khelendrose2020 Member Posts: 207

    Back when I was actually playing, I loved when survivors wore charms. Most of the charms stand out and would betray their location when hiding. A Blendette with a shiny charm in the it.

    I don't even know what charms I have on my characters. I never look at them because they are pointless decor. Everyone has the same ones so why bother trying to "brag" with them?

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933
    edited January 2022

    Myself and others like them. They absolutely should exist.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Yeah I don't use them on survivor as they look silly. I don't like them on hooks either, would be cooler if there was another way to decorate your presence than having hook christmas ornaments but I'll at least use actually fitting charm like horse head or something creepy. Not the key-chain looking ones.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I quite like charms, and I enjoy decorating hooks with things that fit the character. Survivor charms are harder to see and make the character easier to spot, so I tend to be more reserved with them unless I have a bright outfit on that character anyway. The stuff that's "5x a picture of Amanda's foot" is a waste of space, but we've had some really neat charms in the rift that I'm very happy to have.

    I just wish that whoever's behind designing charms would focus a little more on what they think people would actually like to see. This tome is pretty great, but like, you sometimes get things like "literally just a big tick", "a square with 22 on it", or "a circle with a picture of a camera on it" when stuff like dolls of the characters, bright glowy things, and cute or funny memorabilia always go over well. And please, trim down the recolor charms. I do not think I have met anyone who likes those.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    There are a handful of charms I really like. But having lots of recoloured charms is just battlepass filler. I see this in other games too.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I actually really enjoy charms. They're nothing insane, but I enjoy a little bit of something extra to make my Survivors stand out. They're not the most amazing thing ever, but I definitely enjoy things like the Pride charm, the Crow charm, and the Survivor Character charms. A lot of them just look really cute, and I can appreciate the effort they're putting into making stuff that fits with the lore. (Especially because it's not really taking away from anything. People who make skins and charms aren't really focused on things like re-writting Nurse's code from the ground up or crunching numbers for SBMM.)

  • zsplitts
    zsplitts Member Posts: 42

    I love the charms! Particularly the cute and / or animated ones!

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 308

    I try to match my hook charms with each killer. Tho not completely gone, I agree the rift could provide a greater variety of rewards instead of so many charms.

    Also I think it would be nice to unlock different types of hooks!

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651

    I don't necessarily mind charms. They're cute and offer another way to provide some backstory for characters and give players a chance to show off. What I DO mind is all those repetitive icon ones you get for each tome entry. There's 5 each per featured killer and survivor per tome. That's 100+ charms clogging up the customization menu that are all basically the same thing.

  • BirdSpirit
    BirdSpirit Member Posts: 186

    Recolors are pretty boring. They could probably go for higher quality ones in the rift and give less to replace some of the rewards with shards or BP.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    I like the more rare charms, but I agree. I could go without them completely.

    I would rather have loading screens in the the Rift then charms anyway.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I get why people like them and get them, but at the same time they really are just place holder junk in the rift.

    Outside of a couple of brighter ones to easily see hooks I have no use for them. But that's just me.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    choosing your charms are a fun way to customize your characters (especially for since you can decorate your hooks however you want.

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    I like charms....quit speaking for everyone.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,565

    Same, I don't think I've ever seen any player bring them into a match.

    At the very least, put those in the free track instead of the premium track.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, to keep 3% of your playerbase happy for like little to no effort...yes, 3 percent is alot, i mean 3% of like 1000000 people alone is 3000 which is 3000 more people to buy stuff from the store if they enjoy the content

  • PerfectlyPink
    PerfectlyPink Member Posts: 435

    If there is a chance for a Scaler charm, I am more than happy with them.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 925

    I really don't care for charms at all. They're something i never notice in game the worst part about the charms imo is that there's so many of them good luck going through the dozens of pages trying to find that one charm.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Most people do not want them, and they are a major issue in terms of rift bloat

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    You don't know that most people don't want them. These forums are a very small part of the player base.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Fair, and while I do enjoy some charms, you have to admit many suck and are purely used to fill up the rift (recolors and 2 dimensional ones) and many are next to invisible on survivors but yes, some like the blight serum, Chinese lantern and the Billy puppet one are cool

  • Moplington
    Moplington Applicant Posts: 30

    Yeah charms are pretty useless I haven't equipped one in over a year.

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 388

    Once we reached like three full pages of charms I took off all charms from all characters and never looked back.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    I would love charms, If I could fly the trans flag.

    But I cant, so Charms suck. :C Very angery

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I liked charms when they were introduced, but boy have they become massive rift filler. If people got small amounts of iri shards or bp rewards instead I think most people would prefer that.