How could you make killer more fun?

furret534 Member Posts: 77
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

A lot of people are saying killer isn’t fun to play right now. Everyone has their own reasons, and I’d love to hear what your guys reasons are and what you’d do to make killer more fun. Try your best to think of a method where both sides win in the long run!

Edit: I realize that me saying killer isn't fun is making the argument one sided. Others have pointed out how solo-Q isn't fun for them, so what would you do to also make survivor more fun as well?

Post edited by furret534 on


  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Buff SoloQ to SWF level, then buff Killers accordingly and maybe rework tunneling and camping if Killers can win without those strats

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981
    edited January 2022

    Well, when I play Killer there are three things that make me feel bad very quickly: Clonky mechanics, holding shift-w and stale perks.

    First point is pretty easy as it is about things like Hillbilly getting stopped by a small branch of a tree, Ghostface getting revealed (strech res says hi), getting window hits I should not get or miss those that were good.

    I can deal with a survivor outplaying me but things like those branches or missing chainsaw hits while the survivor is right in front of me are hindering my fun. Same for things like the Twins or Deathslinger, they just feel bad. I like Pinhead because his mechanic is smooth. Little things like looking in the direction where I launched my chain, good sound effects and I see when which chains should break.

    Holding Shift+W is a problem in itself. It is too rewarding to just run and not try to loop certain Killers even thou you can. Take Artists as an example. She is pretty strong at the loop but also quit predictable. You see the crows, you see when she slows down and you can chain two loops together too great effect as three crows are not enough. Same for Pyramide Head: His steering makes running into him very effective and faking windows/pallets is also pretty good.

    However basic M1 Killers suffer the most from this. When I play Ghostface and a survivor just holds shift+w this gets ugly pretty quick. The problem is that this tactic is not only good against strong Killers but also trashes bad Killers even harder.

    For this reason looping should be more rewarding for survivors than just running.

    And finally stale meta: I dislike seeing Dead Hard. Not because I dislike Dead Hard, I can deal with it. I just want to see more different perks. People say they hate Boil Over and Cycle of Healing? I like them because I finally get to see more perks.

    As such: Change Exhaustion time and recovery. Give Dead Hard more Exhaustion, give Smash Hit 15 seconds of Exhaustion and Lithe 30 seconds or so. Hell, I was outplayed by Lithe hard yesterday and I love it...

    Same for Killers: I dislike facing Pop/Ruin/Scourge Hooks again and gets boring pretty quickly.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952
    edited January 2022

    I think Killer is fun atm, the new Boil Over is making Survivors try out new strategies, which moves them away from the usual DH, DS, BT, Unbreakable. Which is good. BHVR needs to give survivors more new options to crush meta, which will in turn make the game fun.

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    People say they are not having fun because they lose a lot. Make it fun by not caring if you win, that simple. This game requires no brain or effort what are we going to blame now?

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    I don’t know how people get kills camping it never works for me plus camping is boring. Unless you’ve got a tent 🤣

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Camping usually works if you got a 3-Gen or anything else worth protecting (maybe a slug that's next to the Hook, a Hex Totem etc.) otherwise, it's an unreliable strat that punishes teamwork

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    It only works with one hit killers or STBFL, at least it doesn't work with freddy... unless you have 8 stacks of STBFL and NOED activated.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I can easily secure 3k and almost guaranteed to have 2k if I try hardest with that facecamp king, but I'm not sure if that is fun.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Killers should not need camp & tunnel for kills. If you can kill only with this way, there is some issues. So...

    Buff Solo-q obviously because they are weakest side of this game. And balance game around hooks. If you balance game around hooks; camping and tunnelling will be issue. So nerf this strategies. Probably this will be fun for everyone. I would gladly test on PTB.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I have my friend group for test something :) I have not problem to testing stuff on PTB. But live version would tell more ofcourse. At least this will be good step for DbD, sadly never will happen.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    You can't.

    Killer won't be fun unless you make it so they can win easily, without needing to get stressed over it. At the highest level, if you want to win, your going to be stressed which isn't fun.

    This isn't me saying anything bad about killers, it's just the truth. Playing meme builds is currently the best way to have fun.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I'd say that making maps balanced would help in this matter

    And buffing the "weaker" Killers... though I don't know how I'd handle all of them

    Plus making Killer activated perks and Survivor activated perks different

    Like Deep Wounds and Blocked Gens for instance

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    The game is in need of new mechanics IMO. The game is/gets stale quickly now. Aside from that some minor things to help are:

    Specific killer MMR like they said it would be. My Billy should not be going against anywhere near the same opponents as my Pig.

    Grind reduction but more important...A fun way to reduce the grind (Like a recycle/sell back feature).

    Corrupt Basekit along with DS/BT base. This imo would help a ton with current issues in the game. Corrupt could be re-worked into 1 additional gen is blocked at beginning of trial. DS re-worked to be able to stun twice in return disables in EG. BT RW to Unhooked & Unhooker get endurance. Point is to fix early game and allow a real punishment for tunneling/camping. They said they want to keep proxy camping alone so maybe shorten timer of BT endurance.

    Spawn points/totems need to be fixed as well.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think killer is fun, and I only play killer in fact because I never found survivor all that enjoyable. Of course there’s little things here and there that I wouldn’t mind if they were changed, but nothing that makes me think that on the whole the game isn’t fun to play.

    Off hand, my personal wish list probably includes

    • Remove map offerings. These just cause more problems than any benefit they provide. Any time there’s a map exploit, for example, the map offerings just exacerbate the issue.
    • Have bots replace disconnected players like they do on the mobile version of DbD. Yes, bots don’t play as well as people, but they’re still better than having no player at all. And if a killer disconnects on PC it just ends the game entirely, so having a bot replace the killer in this instance is even that much better that.
    • Hide opponent’s Grades on the score screen. Grades just confuse a lot of players who think they’re used for matchmaking. There’s literally no reason other than it takes development time to remove them that I can think of to still show the Grades of the opponents on that screen. (Knowing your own grade is obviously still worthwhile since it’s used for monthly bloodpoint rewards.)
    • Revamp add-ons which use bloodpoints as balancing against a handicap (e.g. Padded Jaws makes traps not injure and compensates with doubling the trap event score). Add-ons should focus on effects than impact the match itself, not the currency you get between matches. Replace all the “bonus ponts on events” benefits with some benefit that does something to actually help you in the match.
    • Have a timer that, if nobody scores any additional points for say five minutes, then the game goes into sudden death and the endgame collapse starts. This would help prevent those annoying occasional stalemates where everybody is hiding or the killer is bodyblocking the last survivor preventing them from leaving by the hatch, etc.
    • The devs have already commented that they’re actively working on improving the bloodweb somehow to reduce the grind some people feel, so I’m looking forward to seeing what comes of that.
    • Revamp a few perks that are currently basically useless. Monstrous Shrine and Furtive Chase and Beast of Prey on the killer side for instance have worthless effects (reducing the chance of a self escape in the basement and giving stealth during a chase respectively). And on the Survivor side No Mither is actually worse than running no perk at all outside of some bizarre exploits.
    • Add a way to track your personal stats like how often you play various characters and get kills or escapes, etc. A public leaderboard could even be a next step after that, but just being able to even see your own stats would be a nice addition.
    • Add a random character selection option in the character select screen. A random loadout selection button could too. (Yes, there are some websites that make randomized suggestions, but their recommendations assume you have those characters and perks or add-ons which there’s a decent chance most players won’t have everything at a given moment. Having it be an ingame feature makes it just a one-click instant function.)
    • Emotes or sounds or music as rift rewards or in the shop. I’d be much more excited over entertaining emotes or customized sounds than getting dozens of charms. (In fact the new Huntress shows the devs might be starting to think of things along these lines with her unique lullaby and sound effects which is pretty cool! 🙂)
  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501

    This is why i like dms pr so much. Gens blocked for 40 seconds after a hook? Means more time in chase for me which is when the games fun. Id think survivors would think the same way especially when dms doesn't regress the gen. So they can just go back later and grab it after the chase. Artist just breaks it though sadly.

  • Frodo_Tbaggins_
    Frodo_Tbaggins_ Applicant Posts: 20

    There are a lot of good suggestions in this post. For me, I find the meta stale on both sides. After every match I look at each perk and almost 95% of the time there are at least 4 to 5 meta perks used between survivor and killer.

    Changing up the meta would be a great way to make it more fun. At least for me. At the end of the day tho, it's a game. The nature of a game is, you win some you lose some. Or tie. I just don't care if I win or lose. No hooks a 4k no escapes don't matter.

    Play it like you would a scratch off ticket. You scratch it off, it's fun. You don't win you say oh well, toss it in the trash. You win 5. Your like cool I won 5. That's the best way to play.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited January 2022

    Make their powers FUN to use and control. Full stop.

    When Freddy can set snares as he walks without slowing down? Feels good! When Freddy slows down to set his (massively reduced) snares? Feels bad!

    When Clown chucks a bottle and it slows down the other person immediately? Feels good! When Clown chucks an antidote and has to wait for it to activate and it can also buff the survivor speed? Feels bad!

    When Deathslinger can get close and shoot off his hook right away? Feels good! When Deathslinger has a wind-up time before he can fire, slows his movement way down, and virtually can't turn or redirect his aiming despite survivors being able to move freely in every direction the whole time? Feels bad!

    Same goes for Pinhead's barely-controlled chains, Tricker's nonsense recoil, Pyramid Head's wildly over-telegraphed shockwave, Plague's unreliable puke hitboxes, and on and on.

    Killers have to outplay survivors to hit with their powers. But they ALSO have to overcome how badly all their powers actually control. It feels like trying to fight with weighted training clothes on. Or that these characters were purposefully taught to fight wrong, as a joke.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    Killer emotes would make the game more fun.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    still play killer what the fun is the sweaty just to get 2k

    I mean I don't need a 3k or 4k but how hard it can get to get 1k or 2k is ridiculous.

  • espooked
    espooked Member Posts: 465

    thats truee. Its just a matter of what's fun to you. I feel like most depend on winning to be their fun

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I'd say just remove player controlled survivors and change survivors into bots. Then make sure the bot AI is designed so that the bots run up to the killer so killers can get the 4k every game. Right now, it's too much of a challenge for killers.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    The problem is toxic survivors. Who would want to get chained blinded or BO squad bullied late at night? Killers just try to learn a new killer or try a new perk out a some prick teabags every pallet stun, gangs up with flashlighters, abuses multiple body blockers with boiled over and use extremely bright, eye sore cosmetics. If a killer uses anti bully perks then that's a perk slot not used for slow down, lethality or tracking which if you want to do well you better bring perks that do this. (especially slow down) I only play killer when I A. Have a ritual to do. B. Have a rift challenge to do. Or C. Been doing too much survivor or have gotten tired of waiting in queue. The reason for this is toxic survivors and bully SWF squads. I want this game to be fun for all players of all preference and experience (granted noobs need to warm up and learn the game through experience 1st) but as long as jerk offs dedicate themselves to being toxic pieces of human garbage that will not happen.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I was thinking the same thing but make killers bots because killer are just play thing for the survivors.

  • Chimp
    Chimp Applicant Posts: 384
    1. Play Hollow Knight instead.
    2. Done.
  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Killers only see the game as being fun if they are getting 4ks. I've seen several threads on these forums asking for just that. What I haven't seen is survivor threads asking for 4 escapes. How many times have you seen a thread "Killer should be the power role". I see that thread about once every 2 days.

    Instead of a "fair" 2ks/2es, which is what the game currently is. Killers are wanting 3ks or 4ks on average.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Biggest problems are tunnel/camping/gen rush. In the future, they will add survivors' status & may be BT basekit, which is definitely help to reduce tunnel/camping effectiveness. Then Killers definitely need something with gen rush without requires 4 slow down.

  • xxshyguyxx
    xxshyguyxx Member Posts: 312

    The issue with most if not all killers is the massive amount of handicaps they have to deal with ontop of the poorly designed maps that give survivors so many resources to against the handicapped killers.

    As a killer you basically go in these games and end up being led around dirty loops, and way to many pallets that are so close to eachother it quickly becomes a massive chore to down 1 survivor. It's to difficult to get downs. Takes to long bc there are way to many pallets and jungle gyms stacked so close together they chain multiple ones.

    You struggle. Badly. For 1 or 2 kills.

    Their powers are to handicapped and easy to counter or evade. Nobody plays games to get stomped every match. It just isn't fun and you as a killer end up feeling frustrated, and helpless alot of times.

    That's why you see so many unhappy killer players. The devs baby the survivors so much with the second chance perks and tons of pallets where killer gets none.

    It's set up to lose. You win because mistakes they make send those kills don't feel rewarding.

    To make killer more fun they need to make them feel stronger and like they actually have a chance in the fight that doesn't bank on survivor mistakes. There's just to many handicaps to deal with and no real balance.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    well I play both sides and I have to sweat to just get 1k or 2k that what is not fun and survivor is way easier even in solo

    I know as survivor you wont escape everytime but I escape way more then I get 4k

    normal game for killer is I either get 1k if I'm luck or 0k that with everyone on they death hook but by then all gens are done gates are 99%

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    Turn off SBMM/MMR that'll bring tons of killer players back

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    There are killers who do not opt to camping and tunneling all the time.

    At some point even the best killers will opt to tunnel where it makes sense. All I see sometimes is players who think they have already lost (at 3 gens or their ruin got popped) so they want that one person, even tho they might have gotten more kills if they had tried.

    Solo Queue survivors do not need a buff. How do you buff someone who constantly wants to hide and refuses to touch gens?

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Stop nerfing them, give massive buffs to most killers (pretty much everyone but nurse and blight), revert unneeded heavy handed nerfs (Billy, Fred, Slinger) and nerf problematic perks like Dead hard. Lastly, stop making perks designed almost entirely to make the game miserable for the killer.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Rework maps to remove problem loops and awful hook spawns. That would really, really help.

    The problem is that I'm just imagining Ash walking through a graveyard going 'Buff SWF level...*cough cough cough*'.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    edited January 2022

    I also play both sides and it's quiet the opposite for me. I average about 3ks as killer and I rarely if ever escape. Usually my teammates are getting 1 escape on average. This is actually data I kept over 40 to 60 games. I would seriously be curious what your stats would be if you did the same. Kept track of 20 solo games survivor side and 20 killer games on your main.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I seriously don’t understand why people don’t farm between their serious matches. I usually do after 4-5 games. It helps me loosen the tension if I had a challenging match, and you’d be surprised at how funny and cute survivors can be when you’re just messing around, it’s a side we don’t get to see from each other often so I’ve learned to appreciate it.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Survivors run at a 95% speed when inured. There you go, plus it would make sense from a logical perspective since when humans are injured, they usually are in a more fragile state. That would allow for killers to end chases quicker, since they would be able to catch up at a faster pace. And it would make plague S tier.

  • lonesomekill
    lonesomekill Applicant Posts: 246

    I only play killer. To make it more fun the devs could allow us to pick from several killers in the training mode instead of just trapper so we are guaranteed at least one decent game without hacking or bullying. Maybe they could do the same for survivors, let them pick from the 4 characters available, and offer other killers randomly picked in training mode. Maybe nurse, legion, doctor or spirit to join trapper. I dont see any other viable option

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    If we go with my way;

    First, generators will not fly because game is balancing around hooks, this mean everyone will have enough time.

    Second, after this changes camp & tunnelling will nerf too and maybe this will make killers lose the game. Punishment will be harder.

    Third, all solo survivors are not like this. Solo-q needs infos. What is my teammate doing? Who is going to save? etc. This info buffs will make Solo-q better. Potatoes will stay potato and they will stay on low mmr with low mmr killers.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I know not all solo survivors are like that, but the majority of the complaints stem from their lack of being efficient. Now, you might think it is because they lack info but so many times I have brought Kindred only to watch them crouch next to my hook because they don’t have BT and aren’t willing to take a hit for me.

    SWF is often successful because of the reliability it provides. Yes they can communicate better, but even if you were to mute each other, you’d still see them being efficient and knowing that you might have to take someone else’s aggro at some point. Things like that.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Giving info buffs to solo survivors will be good start. And MMR needs some changes too. Good players should not be team with bad players. When i have good teammates, i am really enjoying. This can not be so hard.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    As a killer main, I want something other than pallets to get stopped by.

    log swings, marbles, MORE fall pits, trip wire, etc.

    Obviously winning is fun, but half of the badness of losing is doing so in the same boring ways. I actually stop to get hit by a Flashbang when I see them drop because it is just funny to act that part. I don't need a 4k to be happy, a total defeat that has me rolling in laughter is a win too.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    how the matchmaking is I sometimes get good games too like last night I was getting 3k to 4k but I think my MMR got low but if I start doing to good in a lot of games or get a DC I start letting people go.

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    well it depends. I like killers with some extra powers that make the game interestibg like Pig, Piramid Head or Doctor. You need to respect their powers to some degree.

    The most boring are m1 killers like trapper, legion or killers who are very hard to loop like clown or trickster because their power is crap.

    Cenobite is interesting aswel but lacks of something that players dont pick him too often.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I absolutely disagree. Trapper is, by far, one of the most fun killers for me. If I would pick one of the most boring killers to play, I would have to list Leatherface (because he feels like he needs to be played as a camper), Twins (because they are so awkward to play and have weird delays when switching) and Wraith (He just very simple, which isn't a bad thing but for me, it's not my playstyle).

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Add baseline comeback mechanics for dbd.

    Killer gets a pre nerf mori after getting x number of hook states or hooking every survivor player once. Survivors should get improved healing and repair speed per missing/dead survivor.

    Dbd games swing to hard and reaching points of clear defeat that gets drawn out is terrible for both sides. Give both killer and survivor an out a real way to get back into the game.