New Wiggle Skill Check or OG Wiggle Controls

Kill_Yr_Idol83 Member Posts: 213

Do you prefer the new wiggle skill checks or the OG controls to wiggle?

New Wiggle Skill Check or OG Wiggle Controls 75 votes

I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console
White_OwlGibberishCamoRangerMiriamGDr_TrautsDimekkisfenkinCashelP14BlazelskiDr_LoomisMalman25AGMMooksHellraisingPredatorValikKing_RendallandromatArchAbhorChurchofPigoh_salutations 50 votes
I prefer the new wiggle skill checks on Console but like the OG controls on PC
SlowLoristhog1 2 votes
I prefer the new wiggle skill checks on PC but prefer the OG controls on Console
RavenTheWraithKill_Yr_Idol83 2 votes
I prefer the OG controls and dislike the new wiggle skill checks.
Seiko300OnryosTapeRentalsMunqaxusRougualTaigaGeneralV[Deleted User]HannonMaxwellUnknowninsanityGuiltiiThat_One_FriendAmb104Tricksters_Wife_Pun1sh3r_Marc_123ordinarylegionmainMrEnricksBBDBafflingMoron 21 votes


  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    I dont have console so

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    When I play on my PC I use a controller because I suck at keyboard controls, so I really can't comment on PC controls. But as far as controllers go, I like the new skill checks.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    I still find myself mashing whenever I get picked up before I remember "oh yeah, theres skillchecks now". Almost 6 years of muscle memory is gonna take a while to get rid of. Good change though, but as many have said, they need to adjust it so that hitting great skillchecks doesnt make you struggle out faster than you could with the mashing.

  • MrEnricks
    MrEnricks Member Posts: 20
    I prefer the OG controls and dislike the new wiggle skill checks.

    The new ones are distracting for the wiggle bar, and (just like the old 2nd hook minigame) It allowed you to use a button that wasn't really ever used in dbd

  • starbeet
    starbeet Member Posts: 16
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    The old felt good pulling the killer, but the new one seems more powerful and it's easier on my hands and controller

  • BafflingMoron
    BafflingMoron Member Posts: 7
    I prefer the OG controls and dislike the new wiggle skill checks.

    I personally prefer older ones,as a killer main I feel that people get off faster

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Yeah I feel the same way. I like to look around e.g., to see exit gate spawns but with the new wiggle system you gotta focus on the skillchecks.

  • Mysterious_Man
    Mysterious_Man Member Posts: 4

    I prefer the new system. Doesn't take any thumb energy of rocking back and forth, just takes good timing and concentration of getting great skill checks. But I never had a problem with the OG system. Just comes down to a slight preference over the other.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    New system is good and gives the survivor something engaging to do instead of just stare at the screen and be upset.

    The problem is the great skill checks.

    These bad boys give something like 1% additional progress each. In just a few seconds, it's easy to pick up an extra 15% progress or so.

    Having a friend or two tank hits can allow a wiggling survivor to gain 30% more progress over a number of seconds if they are good at the checks.

    Why Behavior gave survivors GREATLY increased wiggle speed, but didn't increase the overall wiggle time at all is beyond me. If the skill checks were harder and the progress bar was increased by 20% or so, it would be a lot more balanced overall.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,827
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    I like the new wiggle better but I think the great skill ckecks should go.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745
    I prefer the OG controls and dislike the new wiggle skill checks.

    New System is too distracting and another skill check.

    The old wiggle is way better. And not another skill check.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    Thank you for the correction.

    I appreciate that you're listening to the community on this topic!

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    I prefer the skill checks, I just wish hitting the greats didn't speed up the process. It messes up the timing, even if it is just a second, and just feels like an unnecessary buff.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,827
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    This is good to know! Thank you

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    I think they're a bit powerful.

    maybe Iron grasp should add a bit more to the wiggle duration to compensate/maybe Iron grasp could make all wiggle and carry based skill checks significantly harder? (so, DS included)

    what would people think of that?

  • King_Rendal
    King_Rendal Member Posts: 18
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    Remove the bonus progression though.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    I like them. The great skill checks are nice, especially for BP, but if they removed that one second increase I'd be fine - just keep the great for BP and "hit x great skill check" challenges. My only complaint is the obnoxious ding when you choose to not wiggle. I think make it if you don't attempt a skill check for 2 or 3 of the skill checks it stops making noise until you attempt a skill check.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428

    What if instead of bonus wiggle progression, it increased the side to side movement of the Killer for a sec? This way Survivor can make Killer run into objects more if they hit those.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    I think this poll would have benefited from having responses in the "I have only used the new wiggle on (pc/console) and I (like/dislike) them." category .

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,869
    I prefer the new wiggle skill checks for both PC and Console

    Honestly, I love the wiggle skill checks. The small speed bonus to wiggling on hitting greats gives you a reason to go for them without having too powerful of an effect. Wiggling actually feels kinda engaging now.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745
    I prefer the OG controls and dislike the new wiggle skill checks.

    Have you somehow considered the feedback that some don´t like the skill checks and the sounds at all?

    I don´t like the new system but if i have to use it i hope there will be some kind of option to make it at least silent, as the sounds can be annoying. Or have you changed the sounds in any way?
