Can we all admit Bubba is just a trash killer?

Honestly it's like anyone who plays this killer does it for the memes.
rough day in the basement today?
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LOL xD No it's just the typical, "Hey guys its bubba." D/C D/C D/C.....
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He is actually a decent killer , has more strengths than weaknesses in my opinion.
his camping tho is unfair and i hope they change it somehow without nerfing general bubba gameplay
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I mean as a killer he is fine. But honestly yes his camp game is 100% unfair. There's not really a counter play to it. One I'm not aware of.
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What if BT protected the unhooker as well from a hit that would solve his camp game
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I know those feels but I struggle to think of how to change him. He's just a 115% killer with a chainsaw that acts like a multi-blast shotgun. I'd rather not face him because of how the players play him though. He could use the Pyramid Head cage treatment with hooks.
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Bubba is a good example of a killer which imposes consequences for survivor. One of few killers that makes the survivor weigh risks in bad situations even with 2nd chances.
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Yep. A lot of people play him because of how well he can camp. It's unfair. I haven't seen a LF that didn't camp in a very long time.
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what short memories we have...
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He can be effective as a non-camper, but the nice, lazy, easy option is just too tempting for many to pass up.
Make it so the first down with the chainsaw forces cooldown. No more mowing the lawn fixes the camping, and he'd still be effective.
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You will need to hang me on a meat hook and face camp me irl if you ever want that blasphemy coming out of my mouth.
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That used to be how BT worked, there's a reason it was nerfed.
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It comes down to chases, in the current meta it only takes a tantrum or two without a down and you've basically lost the game.
You can recoup that with a good camp given how well the saw works in that scenario so why wouldn't you.
He's not trash by far but people get really pissy about camping but that says more about them than bubba.
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Bubba is S tier killer to go against.
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I find nothing funnier than a survivor DCing when I just barely chainsaw them through the window they vaulted.
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Or for a good laugh. Scares the hell out of survivors. I dont even use perks or add ons, when i want to put on a good show for survivors bubba is the go to.
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Sorry to hear, but we are out there, nothing funnier than having a tantrum after putting a survivor on a hook then running off revving the saw. We dont all face camp, hes just a good one when you want to put on a show. Dont hate us all please ☹
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I love Bubba. He's so fun to play against xd
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I enjoy playing against him. If he's a good one, you have to be really focused on what he's doing. If he's new/weaker, you can do a lot of fun stuff against him.
First couple hooks though, you just have to pay attention and see what he's doing. If he's camping, slam those gens out and bail. If he actually comes off the hook and goes looking, then it's just like every other match. You just have to be more cautious with Bubba because of the memes.
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Sounds more like trash teammates, doesn't it? :D
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I honestly hate the sound he makes when he chainsaws.
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He isn't that bad and can be one of the strongest killers as far as taking advantage of survivors being caught out of position. Having an insta down power is always going to be decent but of course if survivors play smart he is going to have a rough time with windows etc and be forced to M1.
He is a lot of fun to go against when he isn't being a moronic basement camper
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In fact, he is strongest killers in game, he is the only one who can consistently win against good survivors.
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I mean survivors tend to have most trash players thanks to their popularity.
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It sucks too because the few bubba players who don't camp get a bad rep because it's bubba.
I actually love going against bubbas who actually play the game - some of my most fun chases are against bubbas.
I've been trying to think of ways to fix his facecamping that isn't either exploitable by survivors or that wouldn't nerf non-camping bubbas and I just can't.
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Just play the bubba how they play you, like all killers. If they face camp or act trash be trash back. But if they just play or mess around try to go with it. Some of us just use bubba when we want to mess around and go crazy. Play the player if that makes sense? Im only killer, if they disrespect you do it back.
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Please dont hate all killers who use bubba🥺, honestly some of us just use him to mess around and put on a show. Its pretty funny hooking a player then having a tantrum and run away revving up . Try to play the player, not the character. As a killer only who never camps or targets weaker players i promise, we do exist. But he does have a bad rep.
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Cheers. I hope you keep getting good ones
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Bubba Counters BT really hard though...
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If they weren't around back then obviously they wouldn't know how it used to work.
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######### no
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That's because second chances mean nothing if he can just saw through your BT and still going for another down.
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Looks at my 30+ 3-4k streak with bubba
Er... Agree to Disagree
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I love playing with Bubba as a Survivor those are some fun chases.....until the Bubba decides to be a basement camper Bubba
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He is one f the killers i hate the most to go against, as much as i would love to have him nerfed it would probably kill the character.
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He's loved and hated... but he's not bad
He's got something that other Killers don't (insta-down)
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He's actually a solid killer when played aggressively in chase. It seems like the vast majority of Bubbas want to facecamp though.
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That wouldn't, because he can just sweep back again, I've had multiple situations where they got me off with BT and he still got us both with how fast he can swing his saw
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His camping is broken but otherwise I like going against him.
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Don't be mean to bubba hes a good boi
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Exactly, he discourages bad play and punishes disrespect of his presence. If a survivor tries to save in his face they are rewarded with the proper outcome for a bad decision.
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So trying to unhook a survivor, which is getting camped is considered as "disrespect of his presence" ?
I can understand the Survivor having a little sense of justice and going for the unhook even though it will probably kill the whole team but whatever xD
Most of the time he will standing around for 3 minutes until the gens are done and the other 3 survivors are gone so whatever. Fortunately, no one has tried to save someone against a camping bubba in my matches for a long time, besides trading a hook when a survivor is going to get killed every moment to buy some time. In certain skill brackets (or how you want to call it) Survivors won't fall for an insidious camping bubba.
I personally think that camping with bubba is a disgusting and bad behavior and hopefully will be prevented in future patches. In fact i also did that when i was starting with dbd but ofc i didn't improve at all, so i started playing nurse and sometimes blight and ofc Survivor and i'm a pretty happy Player so far.
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If it's Bubba and they cockily go for a save like he doesn't matter; yeah that's disrespectful to his presence.
I haven't seen a Bubba camp unwarranted in a long time now, but regardless of why the killer is near the hook it's just a bad idea to attempt a save without a situational advantage. Sucks for the person that screwed up and got caught, but the team needs to avoid turning a solo situation into a snowball.
I don't see camping as particularly rewarding without the survivors making it effective, but without positive incentives to replace camping the removal itself won't have a positive impact. It may help some segments of the community while also damaging others.
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"I don't see camping as particularly rewarding without the survivors making it effective"
Unhooking is typically something that comes with the role as a Survivor and should not be a tool of the killer.
I dont see why preventing face camping, where a player will get a minus pip without being responsible for the killers behavior would damage the game. Sometimes i see good Bubba players, which won't camp at all - not even proxy camping, which still get 3 or 4ks but in a honorable way. In fact most of the bubba players on Twitch wont camp someone, except for some very annoying and intrusive players, which kinda deserve it to be camped i guess.
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I completely disagree. I think 90.00% players don't understand Bubba's power and they bumping into objects, they don't know when they should Chainsaw, how many distance Bubba can get with Chainsaw and that's why these players just lose the game and decide to camp. Bubba isn't easy to play, especially vs high MMR.
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Not Bubba but most Bubba players
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His skill ceiling is really underrated just because his skill floor is quite low.
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Camping can both feel negative and prove vital given the situation it's applied. There are various times when there is no advantage to walking away and others where the advantage is lost by staying.
Depending on the level of play, the most frequent points of interaction vary during the match. Most notably good survivors find that towards endgame as a single solid runner leaves little else for the other 3 to do besides gens.
My concerns aren't for protecting camping but the ability to apply pressure around the hook. I find free saves diminishes both roles and removes all forms of accomplishment in what would've been difficult situations.
As for the the depip, I completely put the survivor in question at fault. It is the survivor's incentive to avoid the killer long enough for at least a safety to be acquired. Getting caught before any progress is made rests with the individual's ability and not the killer securing the kill.
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And yet when I play Bubba I see this scenario in at least 3 out of ten matches: I chase a survivor. I see somebody running past me for the unhook. So I turn on my heel and chase the "rescuer". Said survivor ignores me, runs to the hook, I rev my chainsaw. The "rescuer" unhooks (sometimes without BT), I chainsaw into him an the unhooked survivor, I chain another token and down the unhooked survivor too. After the game the survivors cry about how OP Bubba is and how unfair I play by camping and tunneling them.
It is as if many survivors just lose some of their skill when they face a Cannibal. They see him, they hear my chainsaw and just drop their skill into the dumpster and play like 30-hour newbies. Not running loops correct, predropping everything and then wondering where the pallets went, not abusing windows (I do not even use Bamboozle!) or greedy the generator while being stacked as 2 or more people...
Indeed. Bubba is fun to play and running against a good Bubba is always a scenario that I like. As I play him myself I know what he can do and what he can not do and I when I go down it is mostly because I made a mistake or because the Bubba did a pretty good job. Never felt unfair.
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Omg we could make it once a game too