The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

What is a Killer Power You'd Like See Made?

I've always loved the concept of old legion but while it was live, the complaints were totally valid lol it was super boring to face and was super easy to use. That being said, I always loved the idea of a killer that could move fast and strike very quickly, but it took more hits to down.

I'd love a killer more similar to old legion again, done in a way where chase could still be interactive (like no pallet vaulting) but still gave the feeling of being able to hack and slash very fast. A movement power where you run faster and do m1 attacks normally, but you can do a dash attack that is extremely fast similar to a demo shred but no charge up. This attack takes multiple hits to down though.

I'd probably have to do a write up on how I'd like this killer to actually operate, but I would love to see a fast and agile killer again.

What killer would you like to see?
