Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

I wanted to see what the new player experience is like right now

gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

New gamepass account, first ever killer match. Sick of high MMR so I wanted to try out a new killer experience


How can you defend this? It was an instant matchmaking. If I were a new player, id probably just quit after this one match, especially if its on gamepass.

These players have teachables from 3-4 different characters and you put them against someones first ever match, who only has 1 perk slot? They were playing really well too, body blocking, looping unsafe pallets well ect. So much so I thought wow, does this game somehow look for my steam folder and know I am not a noob?

I dont get the logic. These people must have atleast 200 hours minimum each.

Inb4 " Oh they were probably just in a long queue ! THe matchmaking decided to put them with any killer ! "

Thats stupid, it shouldnt ever, ever put a killer in their FIRST match against anyone with over say, 10 hours experience.


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,480
    edited February 2022

    Yeah, I think SBMM sticks new killers somewhere kinda low middle-ish in the rankings. Theoretically you have to lose a bunch to get properly matched with other players of a similar skill level. Of course, with how queues are, matchmaking is pretty much busted a lot of the time, so even if you do reach the correct MMR for your skill level you'll still probably get suck lobbies.

    One of the big complaints about DbD is how miserable the new player experience is.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Thats disgusting. And I thought horrible grind and progression system was enough for new players to leave after one hour

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    And you know those 2 red ranks either had to be waiting a long period of time only to get low rank teammates or they were a 3+ swf

  • lonesomekill
    lonesomekill Applicant Posts: 246

    Matchmaking is based on who has been in queue longest gets next game. In my opinion. Thats why a lot of the time its so out of wack

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
    edited February 2022

    No kidding. I am not saying I am a god at the game, but steam + xbox combined I have 2500 hours, 100% achievements, and watch videos on the game daily by streamers. These survivors were playing really well. I think I would have won with a proper build, but I really struggled with this ( hex totem was gone by 1st gen completion, so it was pretty much no perks )

    I really do think it should exclude new players from vsing people like this. But it also makes me wonder, if games like this happen, why do the rest of us have to suffer through this MMR? Even brand new players arent getting the benefit from it, so were all suffering for nothing.

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
    edited February 2022

    Thats stupid though. Do you want to keep new players?

    This is literally my FIRST killer match. I dont care how long these survivors have been waiting, it should exclude them from finding someone with less than 2 hours playtime. If it were on steam I could still get a refund.

    I have uninstalled games very quickly due to gamepass. I would 100% uninstall after this match if this actually was my first.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Exactly like our wait times basically got extended for nothing

  • BirdSpirit
    BirdSpirit Member Posts: 186

    Yeah this ######### is messed up.

  • lonesomekill
    lonesomekill Applicant Posts: 246

    I didnt say i agreed with it. Its just a suspician i have.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Don’t worry the sbmm works fine though!

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500

    Did you play survivor to see if the other end of the spectrum is just as broken?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Don´t worry. If you have like 50 matches with this specific killer and get non stop roflstomped, your mmr will finally reach the desired level. Unless you switch between killers in an attempt to improve, because you think its you...

    New players are doomed.

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501

    Don’t speak about the void … or matchmaking … nah same

  • Virghoul
    Virghoul Member Posts: 64

    It happens to survivors also. I have been matched with survivors, I'm a killer main, that have single digit hours in the game and it's obvious they have no idea what's going on. It is a bad introduction to the game.

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    This is a good thing, most newcomers that try killer and get matched with survivors like those will not stay long in the game, or at least not playing killer. Which means longer queue times for survivors which equals to more survivors leaving the game with their friends to play something else (me and my swf can take up to 15 mins to find a match).

    So sooner or later bhvr will be forced to make big changes, or the game will hopefully die to VHS.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Its quite interesting, that you did this just now. Cause this was already mentioned several times before and the devs already stated why thats happening (cause youre gonna get an kinda average like MMR at your start) and that theyre gonna change this in future updates. That was all mentioned during Q&A. Maybe inform yourself before doing soomething like this?

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Huh... I was considering trying MMR as a "new" killer since I got the game for free on Epic... haven't done it yet but part of me is very not surprised that this is happening.

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
    edited February 2022

    Things like this shouldnt be possible. They shouldnt need updating - it shouldnt happen in the first place since this is why they told us MMR was being put in. We have been suffering with bad MMR for no reason basically. Its like theyre still in college leaning game development and we need to suffer through their mistakes.

    Same as how boil over is buffed, we all look at the patch notes and say itll be op. They release it as is anyway and a bit over a week later they admit its op and need to nerf it. COH is another example. Take a strong individual action, make it AOE with unlimited charges / uses and let 4x players use that. Great idea!

    When streamers with 5k+ hours all agree on something, why ignore them?

    These are things that shouldn't need feedback / testing / updates. They just shouldnt happen, and it makes me wonder if they even understand their own game.

    How hard would it be to make matchmaking straight up exclude a team of full teachable perks, vs someones FIRST match. The old matchmaking system would have never put a bronze killer vs iri survivors. First match vs a team of teachables isnt average, its so stupid.

    Also them saying theyll do something means nothing to me. They have not came through on many things now, I dont care until I see it in-game.

    Im really over people like you.

    But at the end of the day, this is for their benefit not mine. I have an account with all perks unlocked at p3. Why should I care about the new player experience, thats their job. I dont lose money if new players leave.

  • PlsDieThxBye
    PlsDieThxBye Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2022

    To be fair, it is the exact opposite wirh me playing survivor. I win my first 5 to 6 matches. And then it gets late and I find myself with killers on tournament level, where every single action they take turns out just the way they expected. One of them I thought must have been cheating. Then I saw his Nick and checked his TTV - he is a GOD. And I don't know, why I was thrown in a match with him. I am 800 hours in the game but far, far from his level. And I was more or less the last one standing with almost 40k BP in the end. Just imagine what my teammates must have felt like (solo q). They were ashen or bronze level. At least I was gold 2 or so.

    I am on (West-?) European Servers. So might be because there are less players. And since it was free on Epic I turned crossplay off and have not turned it on again - thx for that btw - because I got matches with survivors with 1 or 2 slots....

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
    edited February 2022

    Lol, first match of the night on my main account.

    So basically their matchmaking is, put killers with anyone haha. Killer didnt even get a single hit on anyone

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,608

    I regularly get games as solo queue with killers who can't catch me and have one yellow or green perk. I mainly run meme builds and quite often don't have an exhaustion perk either. That's not fair match making.