Is there a non masochistic killer experience?

I was thinking of bringing No Way Out/Bloodwarden/NOED and mostly ignoring gens. Will this be fun? I don't know what the point of this game is anymore.
i mean you might, might not, if your not having fun than don’t play.
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The point of the game, is for Survivors to get out and for the Killer to kill them. In that framework, You are supposed to find entertainment.
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I usually have fun because I decided to get better at the game and I've played this game long enough to see how bad it actually can be. This is a PVP game, you aren't gonna win every match and the opposite side isn't gonna let you just win lol. The game has also been out for a long time, people aren't always going to be potatoes. The meta is defined, people know what is the strongest thing to use on each side is, and there aren't many people not using the best stuff. If you as a killer (or survivor) use bad or meme builds or play badly, don't act all woe is me about it. If you aren't gonna try to win, then dont act surprised when the enemy team trying their hardest to win - win.
This just applies to almost every pvp game. If you aren't having fun, take a break. It is ok, no one is forcing you to play a game you aren't having fun in. Please stop acting like you are tortured and forced to play the game against your will lol.
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Only the masochist end up maining killer. Some I'm going to say NO.
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Haha i hear ya. I am tortured. I started playing in 2018, so it's hard for me to give it up. But ya I haven't enjoyed the game for awhile. Thanks for the intervention friend.
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If you are not a god Nurse or Blight or Spirit i would say it is difficult.
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Step 1: master Nurse.
That's it, there's no step 2.
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This game obviously isn't for you.
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He asked for a non masochistic experience and you recommend mastering Nurse?
Even i consider this evil.
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I have fun playing hentai boy nemmisy
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Please no tears its a waste of good suffering
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Add Rancor and you are ready to go. I run BW, Noed, Nwo, RM/Rancor on billy right now cause I cant form a build I like yet on him.
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The comment, you made it.
I came.
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Yuck bro dont come in forums lol
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SWAT SWF dwight member: I will tear your MMR apart
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If you don't have fun, just don't play. There's a whole slew of amazing games out there.
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Ohhhkay. Enough internet for today.
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You can try to set your own goals. Like getting 4 stacks of bbq and letting everyone go. Or trying to reach tier 3 bloodlust repeatedly. Or equiping Franklyns and Hoarder.
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I like to set the bar very low for entertainment in this regard. This typically involves slapping Insidious on Bubba and trying to get 1 survivor into the basement.
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I'm a killer main. The game can be frustrating if you let it be. I have been playing a long time. I can tell you now, I still have fun. The reason being.... I dont give a rats a** if I win or lose.
I play the killer I want, I play the way I want and I just go do what I can do. Win or lose I just don't care. That's how I have the most fun.
I also don't follow the survivors rule book. As far as I'm concerned to quote The Rock, "You can take that rulebook, shine it up real nice, and shove it straight up your candy a**!"
You do you and just don't care. You will have more fun in the long run.
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Gen Hostage Doc and only play to waste time and do silly things.
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The most fun killer builds for me are the ones that allow me to ignore gens and only go for chases which is the fun part of the game, so that's why I always use Ruin or Pain Resonance, but if you have other ways of getting entertained just go for it!
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Tp+jmm Myers. Until they nerf it.
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How did you come to that conclusion?
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What about winning?
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Nah, there is a step 2...
Go to psychiatrist after the pain you have been through and at least get some sleeping pills to sleep semi normally instead of hearing constant screams of agony...
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Pain and pleasure....indivisible.
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I think it's probably the fact that this is one of the only notable games in the genre, although there is prop hunt and VHS is coming out soon. However, I myself have fun with the game, despite me playing killer and survivor 70-30. There'll be annoying moments that make me wanna explode but I just move on to the next game, and what do you know, the next game after that is completely more fun.
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It's already a thing called playing survivor! :DDD
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Even the devs recommend it.
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The more you try to win, the more you´ll sweat. The more you sweat, the more you´ll burn out.
So sometimes its best to take it easy.
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I have been hard on the grind doing archive challenges for Ringu and honestly, yeah, I am starting to feel the burn a bit. I might have to take that advice and take it easy as much as I would love everything to be prefarmed.
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No halfway decent survivor is gonna fall for bloodwarden because of 99%ing gates. End of the game is when survivors have all the power. Your setting yourself up to get f**ked
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Well, we have the rank reset before the chapter releases. So you might get up to 2 million bloodpoints on top of what you saved till then.
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It is for me. Overall an interesting build as most survivors get pretty confused by your action and you play "fair" until the end-game starts. Survivors will however cry about NoeD sometimes even if it only gives you a single kill.
Now to generally have fun? Play a Killer whos power you like. I play Cenobite and Oni and I love Ghostface. Cenobite feels rewarding for me with his Chains as I love nothing more than to have a survivor who misstimed his Dead Hard gets chained and then downed. I can end the game with one hook, 4 escapes and it was still worth it for me. Oni has the very good feeling when I smash somebody with that kanabo and even when I miss I do enjoy drifting around the map and having survivors play a very dangerous game with me.
Ghostface is just masochism these days. It seems to me that his reveal got more wonky but overall I still like the Killer and getting a good down after some stalking still feels pretty good.
Overall I do not play for results, I play for a good situation.
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totally agree. I'm excited about the competition for this game purely so people know more about it. Seems like people come in not thinking of it as a PVP game and want killer to be some role you never lose in.
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I read the post.
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I actually often play with no gen slowdown perks since I prestige killers and play with what I get on their webs. I’m not claiming it’s an optimal loadout but having perks that are useful for tracking and chases or that do other things like slow or stop healing, etc, are still fun. It just means the game will be finished more quickly but your chases will be a little quicker over the course of the match. If you can manage to get your first hook or two fast enough then you can still get 3-4 kills if you can maintain a quick pace on the chases since with one survivor hooked, another going for a rescue, and a third being chased, there’s only one left on gens and even without slowdown they can only do so much by themselves.
Whether that style is fun or not is a matter of preference. 🤷♂️
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I like your title, that’s could be a joke.
heh … did u say … enjoying experience for play as killer .,, ?
idk …. I play as huntress and elodie