Holy ######### the cheating in this game is insane

Just now I'd a Claudette who increases her movement speed the closer I come to her and I couldn't catch up with her. This is beyond ######### mental. This is how bad this game has become. I also had a match where Nea blocked me in a corner by doing a hooking hack or some ######### and I couldn't even damage her, her friend also decided to instantly repair gens and STILL they decided to put the match hostage so I am forced to leave the match and face a penalty.
I have uninstalled this game. I can't play killer with all the cheaters and lag. There is literally no point to use my valuable time on something that barely functions. Actually it's on life support with twigs and duct tape! Come on, be real, BHVR.
Try f13
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I switch between the 2 games. This has its merits, but if i want stress free gaming in killer mode, f13.
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Geah the game have a lot of cheater and unlike other game like CoD the DbD cheater can admit to cheating with no recupercusion because of how counter productive the report system is.
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I thought there was a penalty box for this sort of thing in this sport
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This is the reason why we should just cut down the epic games event with a different date so a lot of cheaters won't be in the game but unfortunately Bhvr doesn't have any cams on the game so they can monitor the game see who the person is who is cheating.
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I havent encountered a single cheater this year. I dont think this game is flooded with them anymore than other games too. I some regions there are obviously more of them, but in general there arent soo much to make such a fuss about it.
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I find it hilarious that you can pull up a good number of CoD streamers who spectate, see a cheater, report them, and within the match they are banned. Yet in DBD you can literally stream yourself cheating and nothing happens.
It's just wild!
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comparing apples to oranges. Your comparing a multi billion dollar game To a game that doesn’t make in a year what any game company makes. BHVR makes 124.2M a year. While activision in 2020 made 8.09 billion dollars.
Of course the ######### game company with billions of dollars will have the best anti cheat system. But that’s still no excuse to have hackers in this game but comparing them to a company that is a juggernaut is unfair
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True enough but you can't say that DBD even has an anti-cheat comparable to their size and cash flow. I don't expect DBD to have a team to instant ban someone in-game but having streamers cheating is something that no game should have happening. Unless it's like a indie title 1 person made and let loose in the wild.
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It's only a matter of time until cheaters start advertising their cheats on the forms
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No game should have hackers unless the game is old as ######### or not being supported. Dbd looks like it’s not dying anytime soon. It’s weird cause I never ran into one hacker.(when did the cheater thing start again)?
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You gave me a good laugh, sir, and I totally agree with you.
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Thanks but I already uninstalled Dead by Daylight. I'll definitely play some Friday the 13th.
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Honestly, ive never encountered a cheater, probably because I got the game on, puke epic games for free. and because i started like 4 or 3 months ago
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The amount of hackers has definitely increased. Monday I was matched with a flying hacker. Killer gave up, because of this. Of course, everyone reported after the match. But when it takes longer to report outside the game, then what the game actually lasted. Most people just shrug and move on.
There are also subtle hacks that are hard to spot.
Even Otz didn't notice one, despite having him right under his nose. A teammate who was faster than him, without any perks that would allow this. Only the chat noticed.
So yeah, with the free Epic week I doubt we'll ever get rid of those hackers.
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You don't encounter hackers, that doesn't mean others don't. Don't act like you are standard of whole community.
Go high MMR, and you see them everyday!