If you use NOED or Dead Hard you're a bad player no matter the experience.

NOED and Dead hard are for beginners who don't understand how to play the game with experience. If you're an experienced survivor or killer you shouldn't be using these perks in the first place since these 2 perks make or break the game. Now NOED is weaker than Dead hard since it only works end game and also it can be EASILY DESTROYED with smart, experienced players. Dead hard you can't remove it permanently in the match. it can be used in so many ways that destroys the game, especially since maps are mostly unbalanced and lean towards survivors. People that USE dead hard AND are veteran players who play DbD 24/7 means they are just trying to piss the killer off. Shame on good survivors that USE dead hard and also shame on NOED. I hate these 2 perks in game but I mostly hate DEAD HARD since maps are ALREADY too much to deal with as the killer.
Yea, no. Sure, they’re both second chance perks but their use doesn’t reflect the skill of their user at all.
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Info perks best perks
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Perks ≠ skill, this sounds like a bait thread but yeah doesn't matter, people will use stuff like that.
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Whatever makes you sleep better at night
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I always run no mither with Dead Hard, what does that make me?
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My Bill build is the following - bt, wglf, bond, and dh. As someone who exclusively plays solo queue survivor this build allows me to do everything that i can to help my team while minimizing risk (something solo queue players never do). It’s just another style of play, nothing more nothing less.
I might get shot for saying this but noed is fine. The killer sacrificed an entire perk slot just for a possible snowball that might not even happen.
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Nah. Be honest, DH only shines if you know how to use it while NOED is just there and saves your ass for no input.
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I run that same setup but swap bond for kindred here and there or swap it out for whatever challenge perk I need
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Yeah i guess it isn’t THAT rare for solo queue.
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Forcing yourself into playing weaker perks doesn't make you any better.
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Oh look, more 'If you don't play the way I demand, I'm going to shame you' BS. Good thing your opinion means nothing. 🤡
Actually NoED saves your ass if Survivors don't use their ability to cleanse totems. IE: Survivor input. Really wish people would stop lying about NoED.
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I hate these too perks too. You came in with some🔥. I use detectives for noed (screw that perk), circle of healing, borrow time, and lithe😎
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That would be irrational to not use your strongest assets if you can... especially when perks, contrary to items and add-ons, have no usage limits. DH is stupidly strong, and it is to the devs to nerf it accordingly if that's a problem (what apparently is coming). About NOED, i'm all for a rework... mostly because it has too much snowballing potential against solo q players (and maybe also because of its inconsistency while using it). Haunted Grounds is a good perk, No Way Out is a good perk... no reason for NOED to not be put on an equal timer also.
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I’m leveling up by spirit for haunted😈
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As someone who got his friends to buy the game and to use dead hard, it is 100% not for beginners.
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Exhaustion addons
Do totems
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I was actually suprised by the popularity of haunted on the forums. I don't use much that perk, and when i used it with another hex... they broke the main hex and left the other two untouched many times. My luck XD
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Oh no.....it's.....The Oni
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A David player at heart.
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Doing totems costs pretty much time not doing a gen to even get to the point where NOED activates. Also wit randoms you cant yjust do totems, and you cant coordinate with them doing totems at all. But i guess there will come some more "wise posts" from you on that, even though it doesnt relate to the OP.
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Perks don't make the player. Good or bad
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I was gonna say that
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Steam sniping lmao nah it’s just being unlucky. Good teams will still cleanse it since it could be devour or undying
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He likes noed lmao
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I’ll agree with the NoeD part for swf, however for solo queue I don’t think this is a lie at all.
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Sure for noed
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True, although I play other survivors now, I was and always will be a David main at heart.
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Doing totems costs pretty much time not doing a gen to even get to the point where NOED activates
That's, literally, the point? Either you do totems, or you speedrun gens & get punished. Holy hell; why do people keep thinking THE POINT is a flaw? Probably because they don't want to stop doing gens.
Also wit randoms you cant yjust do totems, and you cant coordinate with them doing totems at all
If everyone JUST DID TOTEMS; being with randos would not matter. What TF do you want? Totems to self-cleanse unless everyone is in a SWF?
Again; if everyone would just do totems as they see them; being in a SWF or solo would not change anything.
But Survivors want to stomp and scream and insist NoED is impossible to counter for SoloQs because they want to sit in their comfy SWF with 16 META perks and lick gens until they t-bag out the exit, and NoED ruins that. So clearly NoED is impossibly and 'Someone think of the SoloQ!'
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“If everyone just did totems” you expect way to much out of solo que. It’s a team game yet no one helps
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That's not NoED's fault. You don't take away Killer power just because Survivors are lazy & want hand-holding.
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Not really asking for hand holding just good teammates. I run detectives hunch and if I’m the only one that constantly gets chased, no one on the team is gonna do a single totem. I have had so many matches like that.
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Other people ARE asking for hand holding; They want NoED changed because they don't have teammates that will cleanse totems.
They're, literally, asking for the perk to be changed/nerfed because they don't want to do bones instead of getting better and doing freaking bones.
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People run crutch perks all the time. Now with that in mind, why I should put to myself a handicap knowing well that there's people out there who spam endlessly those perks? Also it's fun that you mention that noed is for bad players cause they will literally do an exchange: the entire trial with only 3 perks instead of having a 4th perk (potentially more reliable cause you can't erase a bamboozle for example, while noed can be erased even before the perk itself will activate) that gave them more chance... This is a foolish belief imo, noed it's just an incentive for survivors to do other stuff instead of doing only generators (genrush). Regarding dead hard I did a thread about it, you are free to check it since I'm tired of writing the same things about that perk
Here's the link: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/260885/dead-hard-must-be-reworked
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I get that it doesn’t need a nerf. Just need better mates
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Even with good teammates. Without comms. Survivors have to break five totems. Or break the NOED in endgame, that have more chance to spawn in a good spot. But apparently, it is the survivors that ask for hand holding. LMAO. I'd stop trying to reason with NOED defenders if i were you. They don't reason straight. If they ever change NOED, it'd be as good as DS/ Keys/ Moris reworks; and, oh my god, did it improve my experience of the game.
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listen I hate noed as much as you do. The only counter really is a 4 man squad with comms. And even when noed activates you still have a chance to break it, (with a 4 man squad). If your in solo your teammates will just leave you on hook once they see noed
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I love how you sit there and claim 'break 5 totems' and 'Or break 1 totem in end game' is apparently unreasonable.
Yes; You're being lazy. No: Killers are not the entitled ones for pointing out the flaws in Survivor whining.
I'd stop trying to reason with NOED defenders if i were you. They don't reason straight
Says the babies whining 'But 4 people doing 5 totems is TOO HARRRRRD! WHAAAAA! Nerf NoED!'
Do bones, lazy Survivor. Do bones. 🤡
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I was mostly trying to say that NOED defenders can't be reasoned with, and are a waste of time. (Like, look at the post above mine).
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Oh yeah that’s why I try not to comment on post about noed. A dead hard post will have everyone agreeing it needs a nerf. A noed post will have a lot of people defending it lmao. Just ignore him and add me on dbd I’ll take care of the totems😈
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And I'm saying Survivor whiners can't be reasoned with, because NoED is fine.
Survivors being lazy babies does not make them right, and Killers defending a perfectly fine perk does not mean they are wrong. Amazing how you're wrong, and can't understand that simple fact!
Your reply screams 'I refuse to admit I'm wrong, and will blame everyone who disagrees with me as being 'unreasonable'. But I'm totally reasonable, because I'm me.' 🤡
NoED is fine. Do bones. Stop being a lazy Survivor main.
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I'm a 4k hour killer main who has used noed maybe 5 times total. I have no problem with deadhard. Once I know a survivor has it, it's easy to bait out. What say ye?
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Judging people for what they run when the game literally provides them that option, is pretty cringe.
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Continue to give me a good laugh. Makes my day better.
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I’m getting a good laugh too
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Doing totems is not a way to deal with noed. Only do one
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I have had games where I bless one and cleansed 3 and it still actives😞
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When devs nerf noed you would need to do kills :)
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Noed doesn't need a change and neither does Dead Hard even though the devs are changing it anyway, people are just cry babies and can't accept they suck when they lose or they made mistakes to lead to the loss, killers don't even fathom how good they have it compared to what was there when this all started and survivors who believe killers are OP are casuals who rarely play or they're just really bad at the game, but regardless nobody will accept their mistakes or accept there might be a better player than them behind the other side because everyone is a god at the game apparently and never loses unless the other side is abusing something they consider "broken" AKA refusing to adapt and cry for nerfs instead .
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That's just wrong though. They aren't the most well designed perks in the game, but using them doesn't automatically make you a bad player
Like I'm no NOED or Dead Hard fan but they have their place in the game for a reason.
NOED, while being a badly designed perk imo still has its place as a second chance perk for killers. An increase in power when a killer is at their weakest/about to lose. With no generators to defend, all killers have left is to either defend exit gates or camp and NOED allows you to get that snowball going. It's not well designed, though. I don't like how people use NOED, but that's only partly the perks fault
Dead Hard is one of the few perks that actually helps against the two strongest killers in the game (Nurse & Blight) and many people use it specifically because they go against these 2 killers so often.
These perks also teach you bad habits, but that also applies to many other perks
Bamboozle encourages you to not learn how to play around windows
People using Sprint burst will walk around everywhere to preserve it
And so on.
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Yes, because escape from a 119% one hit killer is easy as hell