Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Killer Perk Spotlight: Dying Light

I find this to be an interesting perk as it encourages a different form of gameplay other than just blindly downing and hooking everyone. Unfortunately, I believe that in its current state that the perk is too weak to be truly effective and gives the Obsession a powerful bonus to altruistic actions (healing and unhooking) at the very start of the game.

If I were to rework this it would be to have the Obsession lose their bonus as the Killer hooks everyone that isn't them while slightly buffing the numbers to keep up with gameplay today. Another thing would be to bring back the old Dying Light as I find that it would add a bit more fear to the game.

Does anyone else have any opinions regarding buffs to current Dying Light or believe that the old version should come back to the game?


  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    I would remove or decrease the bonus for the obsession, but don't think this would make it all that great anyway.

    The biggest problem with this perk is that (similar to huntress lullaby) if you get a lot of stacks on it at a point where they are useful, you are probably already winning and didn't really need it. It just makes you win harder. If they don't want to rework it completely, they could change it so that it gives a bigger speed decrease per hook, but can only get 1 stack per survivor.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,978

    My biggest issue with Dying Light is that it has no use once the obsession is dead. Like, at what point in stacks is that situation unfair for the obsession to die?

    STBFL is a lot more effective on a lot of killers, and you keep those stacks too. Furtive Chase has also been changed so that the obsession dying keeps you your stacks. Dying Light is the odd one out here, which is weird, because if Dying Light is already at a point where killing the obsession would give "too much" of a slowdown, then at least 2 non-obsessions are dead on hook already and the generators are clearly not even close even if the obsession were to die.

    I understand the original Dying Light makes devs a bit cautionary about giving killers a permanent 20%+ slowdown by killing the obsession, but now leaving the obsession alive as long as possible is often more beneficial rather than killing them asap. Let alone that Mori's have been nerfed too.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,978

    I disagree with that pretty much. Most hooks, from experience, happen between 3 and 1 gens remaining. This is EXACTLY when getting generator slowdown could make the difference, as the first 2-3 gens wont really affect your endresult too much.

    So the argument that Dying Light was never needed or makes you only win harder is a statement made earlier by DBD content creators, that I simply heavily disagree with.

    Yeah sure, on its own, disregarding all other perks, that would probably be a correct statement, but Dying Light is NEVER the only perk in the game. It amplifies the effects of others, it decreases the effect of survivor perks. Claiming Dying Light wasnt gonna help you win as you would have been winning anyway is simply a statement that is objectively false.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited February 2022

    Isn't DL a stable perk on comp blights builds if the player actually knows how to play blight?

    Not that it being used on an S tier killer changes the state of the perk on other killers, but I think it's on a good state right now. It doesn't really need neither buffs nor nerfs, especially not on the obsession condition

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,508

    Dying Light is...kinda messed up.

    By the time you get the effect its original version provided, it doesn't matter anymore.

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165

    True. Maybe shouldn't be as strong as original but the current version definitely needs a buff.

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165

    I would unfortunately disagree with you on it being in a good state at the moment as it gifts a Survivor with 33% altruistic speed for healing and unhooking without them having to do anything. To get the same equivalent on generator slowdown the Killer would have to get 10 hooks, meaning that at least 2 survivors would have to be dead after being hooked 3 times or if played efficiently all but the Obsession would already be dead and at that point generator slowdown doesn't matter as it is a race for hatch at that point. At the current level its at I would almost equate it to No Mither as it gives more value to the Survivors in the game than the Killer.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903
    edited February 2022

    Take away the bonus to altruistic speed/ make the obsession affected by the slowdowns/ do not disable the perk when the obsession is killed (just prevent any more gain of token)... and i think the perk would be pretty fine.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Ok and? All other survivors suffer from the debuff (including healing debuff), a 33% healing only buff to the obsession isn't game changing at all, especially without extremely good coordination which you don't have in most pub games.

    DL encourages going for multiple hooks, and it's power increases as you build up pressure. Paired up with thana you just need a couple of hooks and that slowdown can be really felt.

    Plus, slowdown perks can't be too strong alone, because there are so many of them that sticking them together will make the game literally unplayable (other than extremely dull and boring). Just look at new DMS paired with scourge hook PR.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Personally i think it's the worst perk in the game.

    It boost the survivors at the very start of the match

    Because it only triggers on non obsession hooks it wants you to chase non obsessions. But if you do only 2 people are affected by it. And if you want to affect 3 people by chasing the obsession the perk isn't growing.

    It's just a win more perk, that makes it harder to be winning in the first place

    I would rather pick monstrous shrine, atleast that doesn't buff my opponents

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    My change for Dying Lights would be that you could get stacks from hooking anyone, you still have the slowdown even if the obsession is dead and the obsession buffs are decreased to 20% instead of 33%. I would decrease the maximum amount of stacks to 10 instead of 11. Because it literally makes no sense for the cap to be 11 stacks.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    Agreed. No killer perk should give a survivor buffs, that's STUPID!!! All survivors should suffer the 3% repair penalty per stack.

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165

    I respect your perspective even though I don't agree with it due to the fact that the 33% is given for doing nothing at all and like I said before to get to that equivalent value for the Killer wouldn't mean anything due to the game already being pretty much decided at that point. Besides the bonus for altruistic speeds can also be stacked and used in combos with other perks and items like COH and medkits, both of which are commonly used.

    Honestly I would rather not have any gen speed/regression/blocking perks or add-ons in the game but as the developers don't seem to be willing to address base regression or repair speed at all I would rather have weaker perks like this addressed as in the current game it is currently get better slowdown far easier with other perks.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Well, hypothetically, if a killer perk had a really, REALLY great benefit but was counterbalanced by some lesser handicap that could be fine, interesting even. The issue with Dying Light is the perk’s benefit is kind of average so giving it a handicap is a bit pointless. Heck, you could take that speed boost for the Obsession off entirely and I still don’t think it would be all that popular a perk.

    That being said, I do personally run Dying Light for the hell of it on a few killers who happen to have it from their Bloodweb. (I like to prestige and reset killers and play with what I get. Sometimes what I get is Dying Light.) And to that extent it’s … ok, I guess. 🤷‍♂️ For instance, last time I used it was on Legion, and it worked moderately ok because Legion has the ability to put the Obsession in Deep Wounds then switch targets and find someone else quickly. So I was still slowing the Obsession down a bit but also getting hooks on everybody else. I’m not saying it’s the best loadout but it was fun, and felt thematic since I was literally “saving them for last” 😄

    But yeah, I would not at all be opposed to Dying Light getting rid of that bonus it gives the Obsession.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I would....

    Make the bonus grow as the Killer get hooks... starting at 0% to 33% (it goes up by 11% for each hook of non Obession Survivors)

    Also make the Debuff bigger like 6% for 6 stacks (cause anymore would mean that a Survivor is dead)

    36% v 27%... just saying

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Would a possible alternative to the obsession buffs be to have them start at zero and increase with Dying Light stacks? That way the obsession gets buffed while the rest get slowed down.

    I'm not sure if stacks should be kept on obsession death or not. This perk has more direct interaction, for lack of a better term with the obsession than Furtive Chase, so losing the effect with the obsession feels like it makes more sense. Maybe an option there is stacks remain for a certain time after obsession death.