Just to clear things up



  • zelion
    zelion Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2022

    Unsportmanlike to use the most appropriate strategy to win a game? You obviously do not know the definition of unsportsmanlike. Or you have never played both sides of the game. Sometimes getting someone out of the game is the only way you could possibly have a chance of winning and it's absolutely MINDLESS to go for the person with 0 hooks over the one dead on hook if you're at 1 gen left. Camping is perfectly viable strategy if you figure out you are playing against an overly altruistic team that will let go off gens and go for unhooks every single time. There's absolutely zero reason to leave the hook when nobody is on gens. That, or when the engame has already begun and you have 1 hook, so securing 1 kill is the only thing you could possibly do.

    In the large picture, tunneling and camping hurts the killer against optimal survivor teams, because gens will be finished the time you manage to get a good survivor out of the game and 1k is the most you're ever gonna get. In the large scale, killers actually compromise themselves by doing these 2 things. But then again, most survivors who complain about tunneling and camping aren't good survivors to begin with, and those are the types of players that makes camping and tunneling an effective mechanic, because you literally LET the killer win the game through that and then complain about him not playing the way you want him to. Try winning by camping and tunneling against Oracle. Or any top tier SWF. If you get more than 1 hook, call me.

    I can't count how many games I've been hardcore tunneled or camped and managed to buy my team just enough time to finish and escape. That's a win in my book. And a 1k is a definitely loss for the killer. So i've won all things considered. Plus, I've actually had fun being chased. It's way more fun than holding M1 and looking at a gen the whole game. Many of you just need to swallow your egos and realize that you cannot escape every single game, and if you're playing survivor, winning doesn't necessarily mean YOU escaping, but the majority of your team doing it, because ultimately it is a team game. If you manage to buy your team enough time to get a 3 man escape with the cost of you dying, be proud instead of complaining, you basically won your team the game. And if you couldn't and went down in 10 second every time, well... get better. No seriously, get better, don't blame the killer. And for real, swallow the egos.

    THEBLASTOUT Member Posts: 55

    SWF with four flashlights are not toxic at all

  • Dionysus42
    Dionysus42 Member Posts: 427

    Weird that Mandy contradicted herself. In this thread she said abusive messages are bad in post game, whereas before she said it was 'just a part of any online game'. Instead of gaslighting and denying that anything toxic exists, a rather repulsive farce, they should openly state that they don't care enough to moderate the behavior (or find it too difficult) and simply judged that the players they lose from people who don't like being taunted and insulted are acceptable losses. Like any business, they only care about profit; if people had been paying every time they facecamped Claudette with the mask, you can be sure it would never have been removed.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    The problem with this is drawing the line between want/need. It opens the doors for survivors to project their own presumptions onto the killer. I've lost count how many times I've had survivors tell me what I did as killer and why... despite the fact that I was the one playing killer and I know what I was doing and why!

    This attitude doesn't put an end to survivors accusing killers of tunnelling for any/every reason, and that just promotes more toxicity.

    In my last game I got accused of hard tunnelling... because I killed survivors 1-3 and didn't even hook survivor 4 (who went on to escape) because he kept avoiding me. These guys seemed to be of the opinion that the killer has to go round-robin and dish out hooks fairly, instead of going for the target right in front of them.

    If you don't want to be tunnelled then:

    a) Avoid the killer (there are more than enough perks to assist in doing this, so boohoo if you choose not to bring them)

    b) Blame your team-mates for misplays if they unhook you unsafely, or refuse to take chase when they've got hooks to spare

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Most seasoned survivors do know where to draw this line, or at least they used to.

    I've seen many survivors in the post-game chat who understood or accepted that the killer had to tunnel on that particular situation. I even did it myself, back in the day.

  • Lenox
    Lenox Member Posts: 234
    edited February 2022

    Calling you.

    Hook phases while being camped is 120 seconds. Let's assume that survivor had a (generous) 40 second chase. That's 160 seconds.

    1 gen takes 80 seconds. That's not even considering travel time. Three survivors, if they ignore the camped person, will complete 3-4 gens at best in this time.

    Then it's 3 v 1, which unless the killer messes up, will probably be at least one more kill. In my experience, camping usually leads to around 2.5 kills.

    Your claim of 1K is false both in theory and practice.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    There is a difference between being toxic and breaking rules.

    Flashlight clicking and teabagging when not strategically used, 4 man slug for no reason, hook hitting, closing hatch after carrying survivor to hatch etc. are all taunts and bad sports. In many sports, taunting is forbidden. There are people that are nice after winning and even escorting you out of the playfield, and there are DBD players making their best at rubbing the win in your face.

    Do those taunters deserve bans? Maybe some of them should in order to learn how to adopt a good sport, but nevertheless, toxic shouldn't be equivalent to cheating or body blocking. Those are different things.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Nah, I will close hatch on your face so that I know exactly where you are when adrenaline activates. Nice try, baby survivor.