My Rework Ideas For "The Shape" (Michael Myers)

Lucario576 Member Posts: 53
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

Now, we know Mikey is arguably, the worst killer of the game, his power basically is detrimental in the start of the game and he is just a M1 killer. My rework arent "buffs" per se, but rather is a upgrade to the times we run.

This is my rework without changing the fundamentals of Michael which they are:

  • Tier 1: Slow but Undetectable
  • Tier 2: Normal Killer
  • Tier 3: Killing Machine

But first i want to address a tiny problem that has already been resolved with The Oni.

Now when you stalk in T1, once you gotten 100% of Stalk, you have to press the Active Ability Button to get to T2, andd the same applies to T3.

This is just a tiny QoL upgrade for those people that is difficult to 99% their power at T2 -> T3.

Now then we start with Tier 1:

You start the game always in Tier 1, you gain the undetectable status effect (No TR, Red Stain or can be seen with aura reading) but you move at a speed of 105% (Barely above of a Survivor) and your Lunge is reduced as well. What i propose is changing nothing about this Tier, except that your Stalking is doubled or Faster while in this Tier.

Now you might ask, yeah i get out of T1 faster, now what?, lets follow.

Tier 3: I know i skipped T2, but in all seriousness idk what we could give him, he is like Oni, a "Snowball" Killer so i dont want to touch T2 at the moment.

In tier 3 you get a larger "lunge attack" and you vault windows much faster.

My proposed changes are 2:

  • When T3 is active, if a survivor is at 8-12 meters of you, you get a killer instinct notification for 4 seconds, this is for those moments that you activate your T3 and you dont see anyone and you can use it much better.
  • When a survivor has been hooked twice, you can mori them much like if you had a Tombstone Piece, but you need at least 40% of your power, survivors need to be injured or in the dying state and this ends T3. (Much like Executioner Final Judgement)

Now, one of the biggest changes, everytime Tier 3 expires you get returned to Tier 1 BUT here is the catch, let me explain:

You enter a Tier 1 100 percented, this means that you can press the Active ability button (CTRL in PC) AT ANY TIME to get out of Tier 1, now here is why T1 can be useful, yes you are slower but all the stalk you manage to get in Tier 1 is transfered to Tier 2, and much like Ghostface, you stalk much faster in T1.

Now some obvious changes everyone knows Michael needs.

  • Make it so distance doesnt affect stalk speed too much or at all, standarize his stalk speed like GhostFace
  • Make it so you cant "drain" a survivor a be without a power for the rest of the match if the match takes so long.

This is my rework, thanks for your read and hope you can discuss it with everyone so we can buff Mikey, with this rework i dont intend making him SSS TIER but rather update him to the more modern killer standards


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Stalk quickly at all distances, double stalk rate in t1 and you can't drain survivors... without a warning of myers becoming t2...

    Yeah... no.

    As much as i love myers, this is way overtuned. Faster stalking in t1 and addon rework would be enough to make him better... but for some reason his best addons were nerfed and he dropped from B to C tier while without tombstone... one of the most ridiculous nerfs in this game in my opinion.

  • Lucario576
    Lucario576 Member Posts: 53

    I dont mean you stalk like Tier 3 in 1 second, but yes it becomes somewhat quicker

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 272

    I really like the ideas here.

    Tier I always just seems like such a wasted opportunity unless you are specifically running Scratched Mirror. The undetectable status is only really good to MAYBE get a quick grab or sneaky hit but otherwise, you only use it to get out of Tier I so you can become a somewhat normal M1 killer (until you get enough stalking for Tier III).

    In normal gameplay, once you are out of Tier I, what was the point of it? Being able to control your undetectable status could be an interesting change with the added caveats of your reduced lunge and movement.

    My only thought would be limiting your Tier II stalking that converts. So you can stalk in Tier I but only at a 50% rate (with possibly a cap at like 75% so you can't just instantly go from Tier I to Tier III).