My and your Hot takes!

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

I am sitting here playing black ops 4 zombies and drinking beer lets talk about something random lets goo:

I would say everyone can say up to 2:

  1. Current Dbd is actually pretty much fine and its getting constantly (but slowly) better!
  2. Erruption + Pop is underrated as ######### and just as worthy of a anti gen combo as ruin + undying or pain resonance + dead mans switch!



  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267
    edited February 2022

    The game needs new game modes.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903
    1. NOED needs a buff
    2. You can win consistently with any killer, if you have good perks and good add-ons
  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,639
    1. EGC was a completely unnecessary addition to the game and should be removed as soon as possible.
    2. Doctor's rework is easily placed among the worst changes DBD has ever seen.
  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    I don't really like the whole 'hot take' thing but

    I do have a few opinions I'm sure some would consider highly contentious, perhaps even silly.

    1) Dead Hard is the only perk that helps against the strongest killers in the game and if/when it gets nerfed I feel a lot more people will notice.

    2) I think Corrupt Intervention is generally overrated. Still an incredible perk but I'm not 100% convinced it's as required as some make it out to be.

    If anyone wants me to explain these further, let me know!

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The gameplay is stale

    The worst part of playing the game is that there aren't many ways to express creative or chaotic play

    Playing killer doesn't feel particularly great currently

    Playing survivor feels either far too easy or fairly impossible depending on whether or not you're getting slugged/camped

    RPD Map should be disabled

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Endgame collapse made the game extremely boring

    infectious fright is unfair and should be reworked

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168
  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    true would be sick to see something new after 5 years

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    1. yes but it also needs a requirement aswell
    2. depending on the killer but it is indeed true on a lot of killers
  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    about Dead Hard. I'm with you on that.

    IMO, It kills m1 killers. But against the higher tier killers it more of a minor inconvenience that buys like 5 seconds of time.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    That is true, but I believe ppl arent really complaining about dead hard as a nurse or blight really, the only killers that really suffer from it are obviously the weaker Killers.

    I agree with corrupt, I only use it on specific killers that have a slow start like Oni, Myers or Trapper. Everytime I see it on a Killer like Blight I have to immidiatly laugh cuz its just such a terrible choice.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    EGC exists purely to deal with the fact that people were doing things to draw games out well passed the point of being done in ways that were hurting the play experience. At that time it was not uncommon for survivors trying to turn their win into a painfully long game of hide and seek rather than just leaving the game or for a killer to bodyblock a survivor in a corner till they just had no choice but to DC.

    It is probably one of the few times the devs looked at a large scale issue and made a call that properly solved it. Now, if you found long protracted hatch standoffs fun I can see why you'd dislike it, but honestly it was barely a standoff as hatch grab was incredibly difficult so survivor would just get out anyway.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    Yeah, like - I love running perks like Lithe or Sprint Burst but then I face a bunch of Nurse or Blights in a row and my perk is almost useless. It sucks that Dead Hard neuters most other killers while also being one of the only perks that feels necessary to do well against competent killer players using the best killers.

    And I'm not saying people need DH to win but there's a reason nurse mains despise DH and run perks like Blood echo and Mindbreaker/Fearmonger to try and counter it

    Even if it's not as annoying for Nurse/Blight it still helps a lot in prolonging a chase with them, which is invaluable to your teammates since against the S tiers every second wasted counts

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762
    1. Bubba's are almost always fun to play against.
    2. I find Demo very boring to play as, playing against him is fun though.
  • AlkaloidssOP
    AlkaloidssOP Member Posts: 254
    1. I think both Blight and Nurse offer engaging and fun counterplay (fite me)
    2. Lerry's is an amazing and original map
  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,484

    The game isnt nearly as unbalanced as people make it out to be

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I see you are a man of culture, lets take a stroll in lerys while we hold hands <3

  • AlkaloidssOP
    AlkaloidssOP Member Posts: 254

    You've got yourself a deal. <3 Do I bring cupcakes or will you?

  • NemeanXIII
    NemeanXIII Member Posts: 286

    1.A timer will destroy the games immersion

    2 .Fnaf may be ok, I guess

  • MyelinXCVIII
    MyelinXCVIII Member Posts: 163

    Every single licensed map is bad and some are straight up terrible.

  • Moplington
    Moplington Applicant Posts: 30
    1. Solo queue survivor is the weakest thing in the game and no matter how much information you give players it won't help.
    2. BT and DS are nowhere near being strong.
  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,639

    And this is exactly why this thread is specifically called "hot takes".

  • emodeshort
    emodeshort Member Posts: 180

    Deathslinger should be 4.6 (or at least make him the first 4.5)

    He's a ranged killer, except he is not fully ranged, he doesn't have guaranteed hits and only gets a hit over a pallet if it's mad unsafe. He doesn't have huntress' range nor the ability to have a quick down like trickster. He needs to reload after every single shot, while huntress and trickster have more room for error. He has a standard terror radius despite being slower. Not to mention Artist, a ranged killer with infinite range, passive reload and that can hurt multiple survivors at the same time is 4.6, Slinger being 4.6 won't break the game believe me

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Hawkins was a ######### map and I'm glad it is gone.

    I would trade RPD for Hawkins return tho.

    If your main survivor game is SWF, you're boosted.

    If you tunnel, every game at every opportunity, you're boosted.

    This is not a competitive game, it's a party game that folks want to pretend actually requires some kind of "skill" to play.

  • emodeshort
    emodeshort Member Posts: 180

    I really don't understand why you guys don't like silent hill. I know it can be kind of awkard to traverse between floors, but there's a way up in each corner, it's not such a bad map when you have that in mind

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612

    Hottest take:

    I think demo is boring to play as, play against and watch people play as or against. I despise him. I think he's one of the most balanced killers in the game but my god, it's so boring.

    Slightly warmer takes:

    Probably placebo but I have better killer matches with MMR, but it completely destroyed my survivor experience to the point I do not even play survivor anymore.

    I don't mind the updated maps, with the exception of coldwind being just teeny tiny bit too bright

    Tunneling isn't always the right call, and is more situational than people like to think.

  • Aidan_fowl
    Aidan_fowl Member Posts: 47
    • * I wont use the word "extremly" but the game is VERY killer sided unless you are going against a 4 SWF. Against solos or teams of 2 is pretty much a 3 or 4k guaranteed if you want it.
    • * Windows of Opportunity is underrated af.
    • * Boons are the most overrated thing in this game history, and are an absolute waste of time and a guaranteed loss unless you are a team of SWF.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    1. Both survivor mains and killer mains have some legitimate complaints; not all but definitely some are very valid

    2. Everyone should play both sides a lot before commenting on balance on any level higher than the new player experience

    3. NOED hurts new killers in the long run

    4. A to S tier killers are okay but any killer below that needs buffs

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    If you don't mind, can I ask why you don't think BT/DS are strong?

    No snark or anything I just wanna know why you feel that way

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Can you elaborate on #1? What perks are you referring to?

    also, I wouldn't say SWF is the ONLY survivor advantage. Survivors have a lot of things going for them. Many survivor sided maps with spread out gens, access to powerful perks, and the ability to bring strong items.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285
    1. Blight and Nurse are probably the most balanced killers in the game in the sense that it's skill vs skill when playing as and against them. Very rarely losing as them feels unfair because things like god loops and gen efficiency don't affect them as much as they do with other killers. If you lose against a team you always think "damn they played better than me" and never "there was not much I could do there". As survivor running a good Nurse or a good Blight is probably the most satisfying thing you can do.
    2. As a killer main I believe NOED and camping should be heavily nerfed. These two things alone imo makes devs have the wrong idea about how balanced the game is. It's just stupid how many games where people have 1-2 hooks by the time all 5 gens are done end up turning to 2-3k because of these two elements.
    3. Shadowborn should be basekit or there should at least be a FOV slider. I've been playing other first person games lately and it feels horrible coming back to DBD's FOV. Killers feel like they are drowning in water.
  • Moplington
    Moplington Applicant Posts: 30

    I just don't see them work that well a lot of the time sure, they can prevent you from being tunneled and hooked straight away, but you can easily wait out bt and a lot of the killers can hit you and catch right back up for another hi. As for DS, you can just slug them and they aren't doing anything. The only time I really see them as a slight issue is when a door is open and they are near it.

    Also they only time I see BT really is against SWFs and those altruistic idiots love to try to take the hit meaning waiting it out is much easier :D

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    Fair enough! Makes sense why you hold the opinion you do

    Personally I think DS is a really strong perk due to the fact that it's one of the few perks in the game that punishes a killer who's playstyle is heavily tunnel-reliant. Like if they go straight after someone the moment they are unhooked. They either slug and wait a whole minute or pick them up and get stunned for 5 seconds then the tunnel continues. Either way you buy your teammates a sizable chunk of time

    It's always the survivor who's dead on hook who has it, talking from experience here. 😌

    BT is def not as strong - I think it's main strength comes in its versatility and deincentivising killers to hit survivors off the hook instantly. Sure they can try waiting it out but unless they are cornered somewhere, the survivor can usually get to a pallet or a window before BT expires

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Here are my lukewarm takes:

    1. Mother-Daughter Ring does not need a nerf. In fact, other Iridescent addons should be brought up to its standard of strength.
    2. CoH is fine on its own and its only issues are the fundamental issues with boons themselves.
    3. DBD is literally a party game and needs to be treated as such by both the devs and the community.
  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Hot take for both sides

    Survivor: Claudette, Feng, and Nea are the 3 most overrated and annoying survivors in the game

    small game is garbage

    Nancys are great teammates

    dead dawg is the best map

    blastmine is a good perk

    No survivor perk should be basekit

    Killer: Huntress is incredibly boring to play against. Freddy’s lullaby is cooler.

    Legion hillbilly and clowns lobby music is not good

    the artist chase music isn’t very good

    Spirit is still difficult to deal with

    pinhead is fun to play against

    bubba is boring to play against but fun to play as

    Demo is an A tier killer

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    The Trapper is not the absolute worst killer in the game.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    I wish survivors would chill out and at least give a killer a chance to see how they play instead of just assuming we all camp and tunnel. I don't play every game assuming there is some survivor hit squad thats going to boil over me to death.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Base Gen Regression needs to be increased

    Gen blocking Perks (Killer side) needs to have Regression

    There needs to be more Gen Speed Debuffing Perks

    Maps should be hand designed at first

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    My hot take is, and this is for both sides;

    The majority of the time you lose, it's your fault, not a perk, not a playstyle, but you either made some pretty glaring mistakes as a killer, or yourself / team did something stupid that caused a snowball.

    Far too many people also can't admit when this is the case, and tend to exacerbate things and call them op / unfun / unbalance or unfair.

  • Kweh
    Kweh Member Posts: 88
    1. This game never should've left Steam to other platforms/console.
  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    Ruin/Undying isn't as good as many think. There are much stronger builds against SWFs that you don't have to worry about being cleansed.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    Yeah, my hot take is that Midwich is actually a good map. Or at the least, it shouldn't be on the same tier as the other indoor maps, which feel unbalanced and/or horrible to play on.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    true, however it would also be wrong to claim that you ONLY lost because you made mistakes, its a mix of all things depending on the situation. If you get the game as Clown you can be jesus christ himself and still lose for example. So its important also to keep track of the other aspects aswell but you are absolutely right that barely anyone accepts their own mistakes.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    I'm afraid giving solo queue indicators of what the team is doing won't help much. Most of my complaints from solo queue come from people making mistakes, sometimes repeatedly, or people playing their own game. Survivors can still be selfish, over-altruistic, and just lack some game sense that you may have because you're more experienced.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Current gen design is to blame for the games woes and needs a full rework

  • lonesomekill
    lonesomekill Applicant Posts: 246

    Are you saying black ops is fine and getting slowly better, or dbd?