Playing killer is so miserable

Just trying to do my dailies/knock out rift challenges and playing killer is like pulling teeth. I literally just got done playing bloodborne NG+ and it made me less frustrated than trying to get 3 survivors to step in traps before the game was over.
Yeah, I don't envy people who still play Killer.
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Killer's not for everyone. I like it. But it definitely takes patience.
It would be nice if they made it appeal to 20% of DBD players somehow.
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Just too afraid to buff killers until they all have nice things like alchemist ring, blighted crow, and adrenaline vial
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Maybe. Not sure how I'd feel about buffing killers though. At least not in the conventional sense. I don't necessarily want my games to be easier as killer. However, I wouldn't mind if they were slower.
What I'd like is 3rd person killer camera. π
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On a tangent I do think it would kind of interesting if they had a killer who part of their base kit is they have the third person perspective of a survivor. Personally I'd hate it, I prefer playing in first person perspective (it's one reason I'm a killer main) but there's no doubt that third person perspective is a nice tactical advantage so I imagine they'd be pretty great at finding survivors and gaming loops, etc.
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That's really interesting. I was a survivor main first because I dislike first-person games. But that sounds like a cool killer idea.
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Oh you're going to enjoy the gatekeeper challenge
No joke I did a really scummy move and went afk pig and slugged and hooked everyone after someone disconnected early on like I saw the opportunity to make the match end quickly and i took it
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I feel that. Devs seem to choose to not balance killers around a fun factor so many killers just feel awful to play in many situations.
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Well... The Devs think of Survivor fun first
Forgetting that Killer players are human too
It would be nice to get Killer buffs soon... Cause Perks are doing too much to sway opinion right now
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Whether the devs think it or not but a few things i've seen around defiantly make me feel that Killers are the neglected faction.
Moris nerfed, fine was needed, but to leave keys in for a year after was a joke.
Then when on a Q & A someone displays the same feeling and asks a question and is basically trolled, (Play survivor or Civilization) That to me shows the contempt shown to Killers.
Even if they had said stuff like we're making small changes here and there to hopefully make it a better experience would have been better than if you're Homeless just buy a home, rhetoric.
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It's the weekend, I try to avoid Killer period.
It's never easy but weekday matches are more tolerable. Now it's just nothing but sweatlords.
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Well duh, fighting Orphan on ng+7 is more chill than playing M1 killer on Blood lodge
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Then take a break.
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How is playing killer miserable, exactly? Because i get 3-4ks almost every match. Do you know why? Killers have many gen regression perks that they can rely on. Killers can literally win against every solo team.. they just sometimes struggle while playing against SWFs. If killers bring good gen defence perks and addons.. survivors dont stand a chance. If you still keep losing despite all strong killer perks... this is a skill issue.
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Any challenge that ultimately depends on Survivors making mistakes sucks. But, sadly, I don't see BHVR really making the effort to adjust these challenges.
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I play exclusively solo and have no problems. Sure I get some bad matches or the killer is way above my skill level but most the time I have no problem. Especially if I'm running full meta.
I go and take a brake from the stress of playing killer by playing solo survivor so if your having an issue escaping sounds like a skill issue.
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I just got wrecked by a TTV Huntress while going for the 3 stuns or blinds challenge. I am used to some meh killers as I am low mmr, but she was messing me up and making me feel like I needed a special helmet to stop me from hurting myself. And she even waited out decisive which was supposed to be one of my stuns. I guess she didn't want to tunnel while live. Luckily my teammates were amazing at survivor, they carried me hard.
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bloodborne is easy btw
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It happens I think survivors forget you shouldn't escape 100% of the time just like a killer shouldn't 4k 100% of the time. Also sometimes you get steamrolled.
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Honestly, orphan is a really fun fight. That one, Maria, and Ludwig I replay the DLC for every time.
I did take a break, this is me coming back from the break trying to participate in the rift event.
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Play good killer, trash killers not worth your time, unless you are playing it as meme.
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Killer is impossible to fix.
I have no idea what you could do to make Killer experience better that is going to apply fairly to all skill levels.
Currently anything you to buff Survivors turns Bully SWFs into even more unstoppable demons, and anything you do to buff Killers turns low MMR Killers into pubstomping monsters.
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I'll just keep repeating it then:
Survivors dont need buffs and killers dont need buffs. Remove perk stacking. The game will do immensely better for it.
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Most pubs are not that bad though...
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And those things are "OP", right?
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Smart survivors are like mind-readers when it comes to traps. They'll literally know exactly where it is, even if it's in a super clever spot, or disarm it, or run in weird directions that happen to be far away from your traps.
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Still better than SoloQ. Barely, but better.
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Not barely. Playing killer is SO MUCH better than playing soloq. In soloq you get punished for others' mistakes.
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You mean like how the game should be?
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Buff base kits instead of perks?
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Killer is soo much more stressless than playing non-4man-survivor, why its quite hilarious to see all those rants everyday.
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I think you have a different idea of what is fun. I had a series of 3-4K matches yesterday but were they fun for me or the survivors? No. I had 1 ragequit DC several matches in a row. Some of the survivors didn't have any perks at all. Then because of backfill and wait times you can face a bully squad where you feel completely helpless.
Maybe it's the kind of person I am, because to me winning isn't everything. DbD is unique in it can make you feel like ######### even when you're winning.
I think it needs some better way to balance than simply MMR and perks, so that matches feel engaging and fair for both sides. As a baby killer it does not feel fair meeting 4 DH, DS and sabo hook, body blocking where you cannot even get 1 hook.
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Okay, but my point is... let's say you do something like.... make Huntress a 115 killer.
That will give Huntresses a better chance to catch top tier, high MMR SWFs.
But it ALSO means that the lower MMR people get stomped TWICE AS HARD.
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To a point yes but it will also will give killers a little break while making survivors actually think about how to deal with a strong killer and such and not be overly reliant on rng and perks which is what the status quo is now.
Along with that it will also open more diverse playstyles since right now the only viable character for all three brackets right now is blight
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I'm not sure, as a survivor you always have a chance to escape thanks to killer, not for the killers.
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They are not afraid of buffing killers, they just dont buff killers because they know that this game is already killer sided. Buffing killers would result in survivor mains leaving the game.. cant you see that? Besides, killers already have enough good addons like Alchemist Ring, Iridescent Head and Pinky Finger.
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I guess you meant ''awful to play against''. Because playing as killer is so fun and easy. Killers dont even have to sweat to win.
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Hmm killers currently have:
- OP Killers like Artist, Blight, Nurse and Huntress.
- Pain Resonance + Dead Man's Switch combo
- Anti-loop perks like Bamboozle, Brutal Strength.
- Killer-Sided maps (they removed many good loops with map reworks) Yet you still think they care about survivor fun? lmao. If anything they only care about killer experience. Quit lying to yourself.
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I don't necessarily think they need to buff killers directly (although the fact that they are supposed to be supernatural killing machine, not fodder for bullying is a joke). One exception.... Bamboozle should be base kit.
However the devs desperately either need to slow down gen speed, or make chases less ridiculous (sheer volume of pallets and windows, alongside dead hard aka free escape).
That being said I'm enjoying Artist atm. Finally a killer I can enjoy (won or lose) without having to camp.
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- They already nerfed loops with map reworks
- Gen speed isnt fast, if anything its slow due to gen defence perks killers have.
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And if you believe these two points I have some magic beans you might be interested in πππ
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Please change your avatar to Laurie Strode.
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Thx for the laugh.
Whenever thereΒ΄s a rework the map usually becomes shittier thanks to the must-break walls and map size being the same.
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Seems like environment god hundred times worse now, somehow I only match with PC god-tier chaser.
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This is a flat out lie and you know it. But your entire account is one big trolling, so we will just see what comes next :)
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Literally the best time to play killer.
So many forced slowdowns to make killers life easier without moving a finger.
In the next patch killers will walk 10 meters and 5 gens will explode and instantly lose 15% of their progress.
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Laughing at all the "killer gen slowdown" comments. For anyone who actually thinks these perks are any good, your magic beans are in the post ππ
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Is the orphan of Kos fight good? To put a long story short, I accidentally beat the game before I could complete the DLC. Didn't wanna do NG+ with that character so started a new one, lol.
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He is my favorite boss in soulsborne series. Really like his fight. Some say he is the hardest Bloodborne boss, but from ng+3 and higher, Laurence is harder imo
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I just got done finally playing VHS as killer for a few matches after waiting months to get access to the beta....
Let me tell you, as bad as the feeling of killer can be in this game, it is nothing next to the outright uselessness of playing killer in that game. Just try tracking a survivor in that game - there's no scratch marks, the sound design is just ass, an injured survivor barely gives more indication than a non-injured on where they are, and there's basically no way of knowing which station they're building on unless they miss a skill check, so you have to guess.
Made me realize I really took this game for granted. There isn't a single game like DBD that is nearly as well though our, even when the devs are very ignorant to some things overall.