Killers, how long do your hex totems usually last?

I am curious how long Hex totems usually last in your experience.
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Ruin Undying? Usually 1-2 minutes depending on the map. Ruin? Under 1 minute.
Ruin, Plaything, Pentimento? They will be up like 80% of the game. It's actually pretty nuts since you can get up to 10 totems essentially, and all of them are crippling. More so if the person who blew up the plaything is dead by the time you relight it so two people have to find it.
Then you put that build onto a killer who already has side objectives (Pig, Pinhead, etc) and you are golden. That build on pinhead is pretty nutty and easily overwhelms survivors if you are getting downs quickly.
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as long as a juicy fruit
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........I don't know what that means
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That's a few days mate, meanwhile I can't even get my Devour to stay up for a minute.
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Not enough to make me use them,
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Its a brand of chewing gum which you chew for like 2 seconds and the flavor is gone
now its not funny anymore :(
Post edited by Shroompy on2 -
Tf kind of juicy fruit you got
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Most of the time they stay active for all match. Because with the new map reworks they arent easy to detect anymore. I think they should put totems to more obvious places. Yeah, survivors may not choose to find hexes because of the hex spots that are hard to find but then.. they suffer from the overpowered effects of some hexes. So i think they shoud just reposition totems.
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9 out of 10 games one of the survivors spawn on top of ruin. No, I actually started counting, it really is 9 out of 10 matches, I put on Lethal Pursuer just to check.
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Less than it should.
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Not very long. I ran a full hex build yesterday and it was all gone within probably 3 or 4 minutes into the game.
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The refrigerated kind, it isn't 1910 mate, we can preserve food.
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Im talking about the chewing gum LMAO
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He means the "Juicy Fruit" chewing gum.
Pop one in, chew it and spit it out after 1 min.
I would add a picture in but that gorecrapper came back yesterday.
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Oh... am I officially the biggest idiot on the forums?
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Genuinely happy if they last longer than a minute. Totems arent hard to find and half the time survs spawn 5 feet from them, they spawn in the open, or they spawn next to gens.
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Here was a vid of me I posted before. Hex spawns are a joke lol. My whole build was shot 30 seconds into the match
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Ruin usually lasts me about a gen or two. Which is fine because it buys a lot of time for the most part.
Devour is cleansed on the loading screen tho.
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I only use Pentimento, because it's forgiving. All other hexes, minus NOED, or pointless due to spawning.
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It varies wildly, sometimes they get cleansed at the start of the match, but sometimes I have solo Ruin up all game.
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Funny actually, if I run undying and a hex, both are gone within 2 minutes. If I run a single hex then it usually lasts the entire match. My theory is that once survivors find undying they know you obviously have another hex so they all look for it. A single hex just minds its own business.
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Haha are you trying to be funny? Hex totems literally spawn in the most ridiculous places like 80% of the time on top of that you have survivors spawning on top of totems all the time.
Like on a hill hook in plain site for everyone to see next to a chest or randomly next to a generator in plain site.
Hex totems are a complete waste of a perk slot these days, especially with people actively searching to place boons most games. The only maps that are worth using them on is indoor maps because they can be a pain to find and you might get like half a match worth of value. Any other map and they're gone in 1-2 mins most games.
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Really depends on the map. Maps like Lery's and Midwich my totems stay up for a long time, sometimes even the whole match.
But on maps like Eyrie Of Crows, Coldwind Farm, Shelter Woods, and Autohaven, they're gone within 5 seconds of the match starting.
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But don't you have a constant cursed debuff when I hex totem is up meaning that survivors always know that one is up & will actively look for it regardless of they find undying?
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Depends on the hex, I have been running a build with just ruin and no undying and I've been having insane luck with it. I know it shows the hex but I'm personally having good luck with it lol.
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Ignore this comment.
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Tested it out of about ten matches each with one, two, or three hexes.
One lasted maybe 40 seconds at best. It wasn't even one gen done yet in most cases. (And the majority of just one, I ran third seal.)
Two, about 30 seconds. (Third seal/devour, devour/ruin, undying/haunted ground.)
Three, was a weird mix of almost instantly gone, or lasting til endgame. Leaning more on the gone side, but still. (Undying/third seal/haunted ground, or haunted ground/ruin/devour).
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Hex Totem should look like dulls, until someone is getting near it.
Atleast in the beginning of the match people would run towards the out in the open totems to check if they´re lit or not.
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nah chief youre good lmao
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For all I know they were searching for them. Usually when they go down quick I didn't spawn near a single one. Then again, most of my matches today are RPD, The corn maze one I forget the name of, and Gideon
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I dropped any hex totems in my builds a while ago just because everyone's boon crazy and they get cleansed instantly. Now I'm a pain resonance/dead man's switch gamer instead, which I'm sure is even more annoying to survivors.
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I don't know my mmr level (although I usually have streamers with meta builds, if that helps place me), but I'd guess 6 minutes on average. they last long enough to be worth equipping. (plaything and pentimento are the exceptions.)
I've become a big fan of blood favour following its buff.
I use ruin really rarely, actually.
my most used hexes (in order) are probably blood favour, devour, crowd control, undying (on its own sometimes), retribution, and plaything.
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I mean, you still had insta-clown with six bottles going for you.
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Depends on the RNG gods.
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45 seconds. 1:30 if you push someone off the totem
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So long that I flat out stopped using totems.
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Ruin devoure even blood favor exactly how long it takes to spawn next to it and cleans it. Hunted grounds on the other hand could stand right there in the open field with a neon arrow pointing at it no one comes near it
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Active ones about 20 seconds if not less
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For me they last less then a min. So pretty useless.
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I'd say half the time they're never broken and half the time they're broken within the first minutes. Maybe a little longer with Undying but not by much.
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Probably 1 minute at max. Spawns are so bad that they almost always find it so damn fast, most times next to a gen.
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Spawns are so easy to find now, I've removed Hexes from pretty much every build I run (with the exception of Plaything on Pig -- survivors can't cleanse that so easily).
Played a Huntress match tonight and made the mistake of running Ruin. 22 seconds into the match and it was gone. A survivor literally spawned on top of it.
Sigh. Back to the Land of Misfit Perks you go.
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I like plaything on RPD, even though I hate that map. It can sure help you out.
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Lolol. This time I knew it was you before I even looked at your name. BoriskyTheFox ... more like BoriskyTheBaiter!!! I will keep an eye on you, young man, but keep on going :) This will be fun, I guess.
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That varys a lot. Sometimes throughout the whole game, sometimes half the game, sometimes till everyone got hooked once and every now and then they get destroyed in the beginning. Tbf I guess no one can reliably say how long their totems last as we tend to remeber the times it gets broken early and forget about the games when it lasts long. I know that because before taking stats I thought they got broken immediately most of the time.
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Against bad teams, where hex totems aren't needed to sacrifice them, too long or all game.
Against average teams, it varies. And they typically do not find all 4.
Against good teams, where hexes are needed, it's like an expensive corrupt intervention. Lul.
They really should bring back Hex: Thrill of the Hunt's notification, to create more interaction and chases between killer and survivor at the totem spawn location.
For these reasons, I generally do not run hex totem builds without Hex: Undying (not all killers I own have it), because it's not fun to play a match with 1-2 perks as killer, regardless of outcome.
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Depends if the hex is in a "good" spot.
My last game ruin lasted for the whole game.
Games before it pops as soon as the game starts.
Hexes are pretty weak ever since boons entered the game
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Until I need them. As in, they're destroyed the second they're useful
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Just a guess but I think the most common results are a hex gets destroyed after about the second or third gen is done, so two to four minutes? It's unusual for hexes to last the entire match, but it's also unusual for them to be destroyed before a gen or two is completed. Even the good survivors tend to try and finish a gen first before popping a hex, and also when I run hexes I tend to head in the direction of the hex as the first leg of the patrol so that, if someone happened to spawn near it, I can chase them first and keep the hex around a little longer.
Of course if survivors get scared because, say, I've just downed someone with Devour Hope 3 then if they're smart they start actively looking for them and they go down more quickly. But unless they feel they need to actively search out hexes immediately at the start of the match they'll usually go straight for gens first. Even when they have someone with a Boon (and it's usually not multiple people with them, just one Booner) that person may or may not do the Boon immediately at the start of the match and may do a gen if they see it first. Plus even if they do a Boon chances are good it's not a Hex totem they're blessing but one of the other totems unless I'm running multiple Hexes.