why do people hate springtrap?

Maybe its because im a fan of the series (mostly because of his lore) but I read in some discussions that William Afton wouldnt fit in the game because fnaf is just a game about jumpscares (well yes but no) but the thing about fnaf is that the lore is creepy, we are talking about a psycho that slaught children and hide the bodies in animatronics that are used to entertain other children and that's murky af
I think it might have something to do with how some of the fanbase is acting here.
I never played the games and never even knew who springtrap is, and I am put off by it because of the posts I saw here.
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I don't really mind FNAF as a series. I think it's cheap, but we have Trickster so.
It's the absolutely insane fanbase that puts me off.
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Oh maybe you are right but I read some posts that even tho they played the games they really dont want to see springtrap in the game at the point of one who sais that he would quit if they added the character
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I think a fnaf chapter would bring a lot of unsavory people into dbd, including a lot of annoying kids
Personally I also think he's a boring character with very little potential for a unique power....
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I doubt they hate Springtrap, they are just less mature than the FNAF playerbase they bash and cannot separate the idea of the character from their baby rage.
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That is too much. I certainly wouldn't quit the game even if I didn't like the character or the fanbase.
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Because someone makes atleast one fnaf post (if not more) about it every week so those that were on fence have been turned away from the idea. It's like a little kid asking "but why?" over and over - it's not going to win anyone over, just annoy them.
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I don't like FNAF because I can't play a single horror-themed game without FNAF fans deciding it would be totally cooler if FNAF was somehow shoehorned into it like a bad cross-character fanfic.
And the moment someone says 'I don't think that'd work', they start frothing at the mouth and screaming about how FNAF is the best thing ever and it being shoved into other games is a sign of the clear gods of horror graciously lending their golden characters to clearly inferior games. Because FNAF is clearly the best thing ever and every other game should be so lucky to get the best horror to exist added to them. 🤮
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I understand the point you are making, the fanbase in fnaf its one of the most toxic and annoying ones but judging a game just because the fanbase is bad its kinda dumb but yeah I wouldnt like to see the majority of the fnaf fanbase in the game but just because i dont like the comunity doesnt means that the character itself would be bad
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true, for jumpscares we already have my good old ghostface
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the first two fnafs were ok but they were just jump scares. There are many other better licenses out there. I cringe when I see legion kill someone like David. Like how
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Something something bad fandom. Personally I'm not really into the games like I used to be, but I wish they would just add him already so I don't have to deal with annoying people in both communities whining.
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Something about "cringe" kids.
Which is ironic and pathetic when you take the "I came" situation into account.
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I cringe when I see legion kill someone like David. Like how
It's almost like its a well established fact that the Killers have been powered up with supernatural abilities and are no longer human. You didn't gather that from how even the smaller Killers like Legion, Pig, Ghostface, etc could break a wooden pallet by stomping it?
Even without that fact, the Legion is armed, and the Survivors are not. It doesn't matter that David is a burly man with a history of cage fighting; he has no weapon and the Legion is a knife wielding maniac.
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There's a couple reasons. Why I don't think he should be added.
1. Not scary. He's not, the games are not. It's a single jump scare recycled through many many many different games. It became popular because you had a lot of YouTubers that would make clips of it and put it in their thumbnail as 'super terrifying'. Then they'd overreact to everything as if it were scary. If you look at all of the other licensed killers that have been added so far, they're horror icons. Years and years of them being horror icons and were actually terrifying for different reasons during their times. Springtrap and FNAF is not. It's simply not.
2. The power. His power would be pretty basic and probably wouldn't translate well to the game, other than giving him some other power that's just a slight adjustment to something we already have.
3. His lore, is okay? It's not anything crazy outside of the realm of many other things. I mean Freddy already has the whole tormenting kids thing. If we're just gonna add killers based on sightly twisted lore, why not John Wayne Gacy? Or the tall man from the phantasm? Or Darth Vader for that matter? There's just some things that shouldn't be added to the game.
4. The fan base. Are probably the most annoying thing. Mainly the amount they talk about it. But also how much they build it up to be some great thing, and really it's just boring. Boring and basic AF.
Honestly, if there comes a time where I just want joke characters added to the game for like April fool's day, or to watch the game die, then yeah, I could see it being added.
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It's not about judging a game based off the fanbase. It's about not wanting to encourage the fanbase to do even more of the crap we don't want already, because they get their way, while behaving in the way we find annoying.
It's beyond infuriating that every time a new killer rolls around, and we have no info on it, the forums are literally flooded with FNAF content. This is not a FNAF forum.
Post edited by SonicOffline on2 -
And that right there is the reason why I want springtrap in dbd. He's ok and all but I can only dream how many toxic 14 year olds will leave this game because "FNAF cringe" or "he doesn't fit the astectic". It would be so much nicer for both killer and survivor if a good amount of those people left because of a collaboration like that.
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It's a reaction to the intolerable fanbase more than anything else.
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Personally I don't hate him or the Fnaf community I've never interacted with any outside of these arguements but I rather him not take a spot for something that would be really awesome.
They have Outlast,Bioshock,Fatal Frame,Siren,Clock Tower,Soma,Bloodborne etc. to choose from
I'm not a super fan of none of these titles also but anyone of these trumps Fnaf. It would be a bummer for an anniversary or license spot to go to Fnaf than one of these titles.
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Of all the possible videogame licenses I'd probably go for Clock Tower. I'm not even a huge fan, played the first two games only and thought they were just alright, but Scissorman is great.
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Incapatablility issues aside, FNAF being an atmospheric horror game even if the lore is pretty cool if quite confusing.
People generally have not had a very good time dealing with the diehard FNAF fans who happen to want Springtrap in the game. A lot of them have spent months getting really aggressive over whether or not a killer teaser was gonna be the fabled FNAF chapter. After a while the mountains of springtrap hype started to get on a lot of people's nerves especially when people who wanted Springtrap would do the internet equivalent of throwing their toys outta the pram when he obviously wasn't coming.
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Clock Tower is definitely the videogame license I'd go for. Not even a big fan of the series but Scissorman would be a great addition.
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Scissorman would probably have bad POV.Do you know who George Maxwell from CT Ghosthead if not definitely look him up but,I do feel like Maxwell would be a combo of Pyramid Head and Oni so I don't know if others would like him.
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IMO we should go for even more obscure games, like Phantasmagoria. I'd so love to play survivor as Adrienne Delaney, or to play killer as Don, who can use The Demon's powers to do stuff around the map. A shared CD (like exhaustion) for Instadowns, instabreaks, and instakicks would be cool ngl to take advantage of The Demon's "power" from the game.
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His creator.
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Why would you add in the villain of the third game and not the character in the games title?
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For the same reason why Pyramid Head is the Killer in the Silent Hill Chapter, and Nemesis is in the Resident Evil one, despite both characters debuting in a sequel.
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No offense but I don’t think the dbd community has room to insult other fandoms. The FNAF fandom is positive over all. If anything, they shouldn’t want dbd fans wandering over there.
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I mean if you look at the newest Fnaf it looks like its made for a 5 year old. Most of the fnafs look like that to be honest.
Only scary thing about them is the cheap jumpscares. We already have a bunny in the game...ridiculous legion outfit.
What makes me worried is that having this killer in the game would make the playerbase even more immature it already is. Sorry but there is a lot of kiddies or adults that act like kiddies in the game.
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Uh... because knife? And a sacrificial entity on his side?
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- Crappy game
- We don't want 10-year-olds flooding our crappy game
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Yeah, a supernaturally juiced, knife wielding maniac killing an unarmed meathead doesn't require much suspension of disbelief.
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Honestly I want Springtrap, if he does get added ya don't have to play as him. As I see it, it'll be a big opportunity for newer players to pick up dbd. Meaning less wait times and more content creators that love FNAF (which are roughly the same age as dbd players)
Well if someone he's a child kill so he wouldn't fit in. (That's not true!! In fnaf 3 and FNAF pizzeria simulator, he's out to kill you aka the guard which isn't a kid.) Also we had the pedo Freddy so it's not to far of a stretch to have Springtrap.
If they say he wouldn't fit in.. I will simply say so angsty teenagers and a k pop star can fit in but a corpse inside of an animatronic is out to kill.
Also I think a map inside of an abandon pizzeria would be pretty cool.
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It’s not fair to keep saying FNAF will attract cringe kids. Remember when stranger things was being teased(R.I.P)? People said they didn’t want stranger things in dbd cause it would bring Cringe children into the game. And guess what? NOTHING HAPPENED! Nothing will change if springtrap was added if he gets added I bet he would have 3 perks that won’t break the meta a pretty interesting power than that’s it everyone moves on.