What if there was a perk that allowed a killer to corrupt boons to bring back hexes?

Witches Curse (perk names are hard)
Start the trial with 1/2/3 tokens. When snuffing out a boon totem, a token will be consumed and it will relight into a hex perk (if one is equipped). If no hex perks are available the totem is destroyed instead.
Hex perks can only be relit once per trial.
I guess that would make hex perks viable.
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I'm on board let's make it happen
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Wait I just thought about it.They could just relight it and maybe a 70 sec cool down would be better than one time use
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I like the idea of rehexing, I prefer it to be a base mechanic applied to all hexes similar to boons rather than putting on an extra perk tho. It’d make hex value more consistent.
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Up to 3 tokens?
Up to 3 relit Ruins? I guess just bring back the old Undying at that rate.
I'm not opposed to a perk like this but it should only work once per trial or have a prerequisite. Potentially reigniting a powerful hex is kind of nutty.
But again, this proposed 3 token system would automatically make it better than current Undying which is kind of ridiculous.
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You've got to realize that this only takes effect if a boon is in play and can be countered just by not using boons. And if no one is running boons its worthless anyway.
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In this day and age? You'd be lucky if you found a game without a boon. If it brings back the hex I'd say it should lose all tokens the said hex had, so you can't just bring back a 5 token Devour Hope because the survivors decided to make a boon
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It requires boons which means both the killer can't proactively remake their totem as they'd have to wait for a boon.
Also unlike undying the survivor's entire team knows where the revived hex is as it overrides the boon everyone can see.
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That's a rather big if. I'm not a big fan of perks that are designed specifically to counter another perk/type of perks.
I see what you mean though.
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I wouldn't be against keeping the hex progress. Just cleanse a hex totem instead of booning it. Then the killer would have to find the boon to snuff and relight the hex
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I just think they should rework Hexes. Make it that you don't start with random totems lit the Killer has to go to a totem and hex it. Gives them more control over their totem placement. Then when a survivor cleanses/boons the totem you lose the power, and stacks (if any) of that perk till you hex another totem (but don't regain the stacks, have to start stacks from the beginning).
This way the only way to stop strong Hex Perks like Ruin you have to cleanse the totems, which means less boons, and makes Hexes more worthwhile to play with against competitive teams.
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How would the killer be able to choose which perk they want to put on a totem if they bring multiple hex perks? Depending on the RNG totem spawn at the beginning of the match, the killer player may want to put their strongest hex on the hardest totem to find.
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From what I can understand, the way this perk is supposed to work is it applies the hex to ANY boon totem, it doesn't need to be the same totem, otherwise it would be entirely redundant
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Please no perks to counter broken perks. It's awful game design.
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It seems like an interesting concept and it seems fair considering you can boon a hex totem.
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Different Key/button
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The only broken Boon is Circle of Healing. Boons in general are fine as is.
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I don’t know about this specific idea of relighting Hexes, but in general I think the devs are missing out on having perks which explore the gamespace of how killers interact with Boons. For example
- A perk that makes a killer able to hear Boons from farther away and/or see their aura if they’re close enough
- A perk that triggers some beneficial effect for the killer when a Boon is snuffed, such as seeing the aura of the Boon creator or blocking all totems for 45 seconds or blocking or regressing nearby generatos or giving the killer a speed boost, etc.
I think there are a lot of possible things they could experiment with involving killers and their relationship with Boons.
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I think that overall it would be better to change both the hex and boon system to a token based system. You enter a trial with a token on every hex or a token per boon perk.
Then you first need to find a totem, then hex or boon it.
This creates more interaction with the totems in general and also a bit a back and forth game between killer and survivors. Place my boon/hex early for that extra buff and risk it getting destroyed early or save it for later.
That or a cooldown + relighting conditions like for killer must wait 90 secs and hook 3 times, destroy 5 pallets, hit 6 times or something like that. And for survivors 40 second cooldown and must secure unhook once, or be chased for x seconds.
It would add a new layer of strategy and promote different gameplay approaches