Jason Voorhees

Please sign this petition to add Jason in dead by daylight http://chng.it/y76h8Ck85Q .
No. The last thing I want to see is Jason reduced to a hooking machine like happened to Freddy and Myers.
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There's an ongoing lawsuit between the rights holder for F13 and the writer of the original movie, until that's over there can't be any new F13 movies, tv shows, games, whatever, and that includes DLCs.
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Jason is never going to be added to the game, the developers are inspired by him to create the trapper
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You can be sure that the reason, why Jason is not in the game yet is NOT that the Devs dont want him to be in the game.
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That's what a lot of us thought. But then the board game just released: https://bloody-disgusting.com/toys/3625873/horror-camp-crystal-lake-first-officially-licensed-friday-13th-board-game-now/
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Regardless of what you think, if this game is still alive when that lawsuit ends, I guarentee you he will be in the game. The devs want him and have expressed that he has a standing invitation when he is available.
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Incorrect. The devs themselves have said he has a standing invitation to this game. If the game is still alive when this lawsuit ends, I guarentee you they will add him.
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I don't doubt that. But that wasn't what the OP posted. He asked people to sign a petition for him. I said "no" and why.
Which has absolutely zero to do with whether BHVR will eventually get the license for him or not on their end. So: 🤷♂️
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No more petitions! While I love the idea having Jason the last thing we need is another FNAF situation
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Now I'm going to start a petition about doing no more petitions. Me being bored is not a good thing for the world. 😛
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I took your comment as: "No I'm not signing this petition because I don't want him in this game". I replied with "He's going to be in the game regardless of any petition, so signing or not signing won't make a difference".
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I agree like I am mad the whole Springtrap thing got toxic because I really wanted him in the game, but people took it too far. Besides I don't honestly care if Jason gets into the game, as long as he's decent I'm fine
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Now I don’t know what to do! Do I sign the petition to stop other petitions or do I call it out for being a petition?
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I really don't care if he's in the game or not. And signing or not signing has zero bearing on them eventually getting the license, correct.
But since he asked for active support for it, while I don't care if they get the license, I don't actively support it.
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Everybody wants Jason, I get it he is one of the most iconic killers from the 80's and definitely the most notable not in the game. However I have no idea what his power would be. I guess he could just walk through barriers....
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And the other thing is that we already have killers who's powers matches his, so I really don't know, he could come as a legendary skin and I'd be fine, but idk if he gets into the game or not is totally okay with me
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If you felt strongly enough to comment that you don't support it, it gave me the impression that you think it can make a difference. I was just replying that it doesn't.
If you truly don't care if he's in this game or not, then I don't understand why you would stop and comment on it? That's just my mindset.
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I don't care because whether or not I give a damn won't stop it from happening. So, why care? Jason in DbD isn't even close to being on my mind until posts bring it up ad nauseam. But ask me to support the idea? No, I don't.
It's really not hard to comprehend.
So, why post a reply? Because it's a goddamn internet forum and I was friggin bored. Christ.
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There's a difference between not caring if he's in the game and not wanting him in the game. They're not the same. But I'll leave it at that so this doesn't go on forever.
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Oddly enough, a licensed Friday the 13th board game just came out so there's hope more is happening.
And last I heard the tv show was greenlit
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No, what you're trying to do is armchair analyze my motives, emotions, and state of mind. And you're not equipped to do so based on a single post. So yeah, stop.
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The hillbilly is inspired and damn near identical to bubba, both are in the game, you also have to factor in the lawsuits that recently ended, giving him a good chance to be in game.