Killer and Survivor Interactions with each other in the fog

Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732
edited March 2019 in Lore

@Mikeadatrix and @Detective_Jonathan both did something cool in two different Lore Discussions. I got some inspiration to do a thing of my own, as you can read in the title. Now I know the general interaction is:

Killer: Come here [name here], I just wanna kill you!

Survivor: No! Eat pallet!

But what if there was interactions outside of the trials? This is assuming the Entity does not keep the both sides separated in some way. This post is incorporating a bit of my own head canons and a bit of what the two members mentioned have written in their own writings. Being a killer main the interactions will be from the killer side, nevertheless I hope you all will enjoy reading this.

As of this first post, these interactions will mostly be a in general. If you want me to be more specific, like how Trapper acts with Dwight specifically for example, let me know. I will be happy to add survivor specific interactions.

Trapper- He rather would have nothing to do with the Survivors. Even outside of the trials he absolutely refuses to even look at them. The Trapper finds the survivors very weak and unworthy of talking to him. This goes as far as even being willing to talk to the Legion members despite finding them nearly as unworthy. The survivors make him sick, and he relishes killing them or hooking them. He figures it's a shame he has to play by his master's rules and stop himself from killing them at the campfire. He will always do his best to... Heh... Eliminate the weaklings if he can. Should they escape he usually roars in fury.
Lucky Gambler- If there is one person The Trapper hates the most, it most likely would be Ace. With his cocky smirk and his happy go lucky attitude, The Trapper gets enraged. It angers him the most seeing that no matter what happens to him, Ace will always smile, whether he is wounded, on the hook, or getting caught in a locker. In some ways he feels jealous, but would never admit that. Outside of trials, much like every other survivor, he will most definitely avoid Ace.
Obsessed Detective- While in general he despises all survivors, The Trapper will have to begrudgingly admit he feels a little bit of respect for the man. Taking a wound to the throat and having the will to keep moving is awe inspiring. Of course, this won't stop him from killing the man, but it is worth noting. "Now. Pay. Attention."
Focused Competitor- He initially thought she would be easy prey being the lone wolf she is. However he was proven both right and wrong. Right because she often got trapped into his bear traps and he would often get to her before she could free herself. However she often escapes him quickly if she hops a window, this annoys him to no end.
Rugged Scrapper- Ever heard of the definition of insanity? It means doing the exact same thing, expecting things to change. That's how The Trapper feels when he goes for a swing and then David sprints forward past a trap, preventing Trapper from reaching his target. When he does get his hands on the man, he makes sure that he doesn't escape if it's the last thing he does.
Nervous Leader- He finds Dwight truly pathetic. At least, he did. Dwight has proven to everyone with just the right motivation, anyone can survive. In the beginning Dwight was a hider, and almost never engaged in a direct confrontation with any killers, The Trapper included. But over time his natural leader side had taken charge, forcing The Trapper not to target him because he's weak, but because he can bring a end to his hunt quicker and with less blood if he doesn't.
Resolute Dreamwalker- He often does not understand The Nightmare's obsession with Quentin. The boy is weak, worthless. He eliminates him as easily as he eliminates the others who thought they can survive.

Wraith- The Wraith dislikes that he has to kill some of the survivors, because he knows most of them are 'innocent' and do not deserve to be there. He was a unwilling executioner of men back on earth. But due to his, corruption, by the Entity, he is forced to push and break those feelings ever more in a trial. Often when he is alone and knows no one is looking for him, he would hang along the survivors while cloaked, unnoticed and listening to the survivors talk. In a trial sometimes out of nowhere he will let some survivors go, but doing this too often will get him punished.
Lucky Gambler- The Wraith does not know what to feel for Ace, in a small weird way he wants to cheer the man on. He knows Ace is not innocent, but he does know the man has a heart under his cocky smirk and mostly laid back attitude. This won't stop him from killing the man though, but Ace has earned a little bit of his respect. Not that that matters.
Obsessed Detective- He sees the pain the man goes through, he sees the dangerous obsession that Tapp fights through. The Wraith feels regret for having to hunt him down when in a trial, but sometimes let's the man go live on. Out of the trial he watches over Tapp sometimes to make sure he doesn't get into trouble.
Focused Competitor- He views her being here as a mistake, she doesn't deserve it. However he cannot deny that her sins do not affect those around her too much, but they harm herself. Her mind was clouded by the games she's played, and she hasn't really learned what teamwork was. Her sins to herself are redeemable, but until she learns how to be a team player he will hunt her down for her lone wolf ways. When out of a trial he approaches her sometimes, but never actually makes his presence known.
Rugged Scrapper- There are few who can get under The Wraith's bad side. David is one of them. However he knows a bit of that is misplaced, under his gruff and sinful body, lies a heart purer than gold. It is because of this that The Wraith sometimes lets David King free. Out of a trial he often stays close to David, to study him and his mind more.
Nervous Leader- Dwight is a very sad case, enough that The Wraith feels bad even hunting him down. While Dwight has shown he is a capable survivor when he needs to be, he is a long way from becoming a man who can be taken completely serious in regards to the killers. He does not approach Dwight out of trials, there is no need to.
Resolute Dreamwalker- There are glimmers of regret for having to hunt down this poor lost soul. Quentin does not deserve the hell that is the Entity's realm. He often finds himself killing him out of pure pity, allowing him the gift of temporary death. At the campfire the Wraith can be observed watching over the boy like a guardian angel.

Hillbilly- He avoids them outside of trials much like The Trapper. However one or two have somewhat befriended him. Not enough to prevent him from murdering them to death, but enough that if he were to go away from the other killers and finds them, he will mostly stay close by and watch them. If any other survivor approaches he'd revved up his chainsaw in a threatening manner to warn them to run or be sawed. The survivors he doesn't mind getting close to him may occasionally get his mercy, and he may or may not let a select few escape a trial once or twice.
Lucky Gambler- The Hillbilly does not really like or dislike Ace. All survivors have a equal chance of getting chainsawed in his eyes. As it is, he does not like the smirk since it makes him feel inadequate. Should Ace try to approach him, he will rev his chainsaw.
Obsessed Detective- It was mildly amusing the first time Tapp and the Hillbilly met. Tapp tried to fight back against him, but failed miserably. The Hillbilly will still go after Tapp in a trial and cares little for the man. Outside of that, he would rather not even be near Tapp.
Focused Competitor- She can run, but she cannot outrun The Billy Boi. He finds her a mild nuisance in the grand scheme of things, and does not particularly care about her as a person or target. Everyone is equal to his chain saw. Just come over to him, to find out.
Rugged Scrapper- As with everyone whom he hunts, he does not care who David King is, or what he does. He just wants to kill all those brought before him. However, there is something about David that he likes, and does let the man approach him time to time.
Nervous Leader- All are equal, nervous or not Dwight will get mowed down like any other survivor. He doesn't let him get close out of a trial though, but he isn't as harsh with Dwight as he is with others.
Resolute Dreamwalker- He finds hunting down this sleepy boy very easy. As he isn't super aware of his surroundings as the other more awake survivors are. Out of a trial The Hillbilly will leave Quentin be. But the boy should take care not to take this as a sign of friendliness.

Nurse- She, much like the Wraith, does not like killing survivors. The fragments of her past life makes her sad that she had to hurt the more innocent survivors. But this does not stop her from killing them, however sometimes she might leave a survivor alive to escape. She seeings moring survivors as a mercy kill, but that doesn't stop her from feeling bad.
Lucky Gambler- Something about him brings her some kind of hope. It also sorta disturbs her that he will always have that cocky smirk even when she is choking him to death. Outside a trial she would normally not interact with him, or basically anyone else.
Obsessed Detective- She feels great pity for the man, much to the point she might even occasionally let him live. Out of a trial her Nurse's Calling will have her sometimes go to tend to Tapp due to the neck wound he had.
Focused Competitor- Nurse has to admit Feng is a... weird topic. On the one hand, Feng is one of those 'innocent' survivors, on the other, she can be annoying to chase down. However like most survivors she may let Feng go. Once in a blue moon.
Rugged Scrapper- There are few she dislikes, even fewer whom she hates. David King somehow managed to end up in both her list of people she dislikes and hates. This is due to his life before he came here, she could feel his sins. His only saving grace from her wrath is that he is hiding a heart of gold.
Nervous Leader- She generally felt pity upon meeting him first, so much so that he was often let out more then others. Eventually though he had shown that he could be just as strong as the others that he leads, becoming a survivor she had to target. Out of the trials she leaves him be unless he sits alone.
Resolute Dreamwalker- Killing him is more out of pity then any malice. She hates that he was dragged into all this when he clearly requires rest. Rest that he won't get while she is going through walls to hunt him down. Her guilt prevents her from confronting him out of the trial.

Shape- Ever watching from a distance when he isn't with Susie or The Nightmare, he stalks the survivors even outside of the trials. He especially keeps a close eye on Laurie, itching at a chance to kill her. But the Entity has forbade Michael from killing anyone outside of a trial. Because of this he is possibly much more frustrated when going into a trial, especially when he knows Laurie is there.
Lucky Gambler- Death to all. The Shape will not care who Ace is, he will kill. Because he doesn't care and only wants to murder you to death. Under no circumstances will Ace and the Shape ever interact outside of a trial.
Obsessed Detective- Roses are red, things are coming to a head, if these two meet, Tapp would be dead. Outside a trial, along the mile, no named shape shall feel sorry. For the blade that touches you, comes from a mori.
Focused Competitor- No escape comes for the one who tries to run. Be careful, as death comes for you.
Rugged Scrapper- One who is particularly hunted down due to annoyance. David will fall like the rest.
Nervous Leader- Run run, but you can't hide. You can never hide.
Resolute Dreamwalker- Death comes to you, friends. For it is standing behind you.

Hag- Her hunger prevents her from being close to the survivors. She tried once, the Entity itself had to block her from going anywhere near them since her hunger increased tenfold from being even remotely close to them. It doesn't help that she knows what they all taste like. Within a trial she hunts them down and dislikes when even one gets away.
Lucky Gambler- Much like the Shape, under no circumstances is anyone who isn't a killer allowed to interact with her. Her unyielding hunger prevents her from making friends with survivors, Ace is no different.
Obsessed Detective- She hunts him down like any other. She feels little to no remorse killing, why would Tapp be different? Out of a trial she notices that he watches her from a distance to take notes. This irritates her greatly.
Focused Competitor- Feng Min doesn't seem to have a lot of meat on her bones, but that's alright. The girl's spirit would more then make up for not being able to fill her bottomless stomach. As with everyone, no one is allowed to approach the Hag outside of a trial, unless you want to get eaten.
Rugged Scrapper- The meat on his body would satisfy her greatly. The muscles would help build her strength up, or so she believes. She cares little for him, he is nothing more then something to be eaten.
Nervous Leader- Fear is just as delicious as hope for her. Seeing Dwight flee gives her a more burning hunger, as Dwight cannot hide his fear as easily as the others.
Resolute Dreamwalker- Sleepy people are the best people, to devour. His hope that this might all just be a dream is delicious to her, and prizes his flesh over most. Next to Dwight of course.

Huntress- She finds all the female survivors as the little girls that she lost during her time on earth. As such she would most often go to the campfire and stay by the females, growling whenever any of the males begin to even approach her. In the trials she would often either hook the female survivors mostly in the basement, or leave them in the basement in the dying state. She gets angry when they crawl out of the basement.
Lucky Gambler- She wants his ring, it's shiny and nice. But since she is mentally just a child, she does not know how to ask for it. Besides, he is a male, something for her to hunt and kill. The mere fact he even touches the females infuriates her and she wants to kill him ever more within a trial.
Obsessed Detective- She wants his badge, it's shiny and golden. Being a child mentally she would most likely not know what asking is. Out of a trial she would growl at him if he were to approach her.
Focused Competitor- Feng Min is largely safe from the Huntress. Being female the Huntress is less inclined to harm to smaller female, sometimes. Feng Min does ten to irritate her with how fast the woman can run.
Rugged Scrapper- She wants the golden coin handing from one of his red outfits. Otherwise he can die like the rest of her prey.
Nervous Leader- She finds him the most humorous of prey to hunt. Especially when he hides in a locker she would have reloaded at. Of course the Dwight has overtime learned not to hide into lockers as much but that doesn't make him any less fun to kill.
Resolute Dreamwalker- Ms. Huntress wants to collect the necklace from him, as it is shiny and caught her eye. She still doesn't know how to ask for it politely, so she makes due with having her hatchets speak for her.

Doctor- Despite what it may seem, The Doctor enjoys spending time with the Survivors. Not for good reasons, mind you. There is a rule against killing survivors when out of a trial. There was never a rule against using your powers non lethally on them. The Survivors hate the Doctor since he occasionally strolls over and shocks them unendingly. Because of this, both survivors and nearly all killers can agree that they heavily dislike the Doctor. But the Doctor does not care about what the Survivors think of him.
Lucky Gambler- Possibly the only survivor that could annoy even the Doctor. It doesn't matter how much he is shocked or hit, Ace will smile. The Doctor gets angry at Ace's charisma, his seemingly ease of not letting anything get to him. Even outside of a trial he tries to break Ace, but has no luck.
Obsessed Detective- The Doctor sees Tapp as someone fun to mess with. And weirdly enough they both actually study each other in their own ways. Tapp is sure he could figure something out if he can understand The Doctor. The Doctor is sure he can break Tapp if he uses new techniques...
Focused Competitor- He enjoys messing with her mind and body, shocking her often enough that her running could not save her. He does find her annoying to try to break though, her mind already was fractured before ending up in the fog by the stress she was facing. Oddly enough this was enough to protect her from the horrors of Mind Shock.
Rugged Scrapper- Easily angered by David, he sometimes prioritizes him first. The man often makes a monkey out of the Doctor and that angers him greatly. Out of a trial he tends to avoid the man.
Nervous Leader- One would think the Doctor could easily overcome Dwight's mind with shocks. But the man is surprisingly very resilient. For a Nervous Leader the man has a will that rivals the toughest survivors in the group. The Doctor wishes to study this sense of will, and corrupt it.
Resolute Dreamwalker- A very abusive 'relationship' with The Nightmare has ironically strengthened Quentin's mental resistance. Meaning that no matter how much the Doctor tries, he won't get very far with trying to permanently scar the sleepy boy with madness. Which... Shocks the Doctor.

Cannibal- Like Hag he is not permitted to go anywhere near them outside of a trial. As he just wants to rip out all of their faces and wear them as his own. He does his best to avoid them anyways, they are outsiders and are probably looking to harm his new family.
Lucky Gambler- Even if he wanted to, Ace would not even go near the Cannibal. Ace does in fact have his limits. And meeting a guy who wears faces after ripping them out kinda freaks him out. The Cannibal for his part sees Ace as a outsider and a danger to his new family. And a silent understanding had been born, 'I'll avoid you when you aren't trying to kill me, and you avoid me when I'm at the campfire.'
Obsessed Detective- The man is seen as a threat to his new family. He doesn't like Tapp, because Tapp looks and acts like the bad men who wanted to take his family away from him. He is scared of him and just wants him to go away.
Focused Competitor- She has such a pretty face, he would wish to wear it for his own. So soft, pretty, if only he could take it for himself.
Rugged Scrapper- He is one of those bad men, but not like that cop guy. However, he would want to wear David's face. He wants to be stronger and David's face would definitely make him feel strong.
Nervous Leader- He already has Dwight's face, but he still wants to maybe sorta kill Dwight some more. He tried once but was stopped by his new family. A shame, more faces are welcome.
Resolute Dreamwalker- The sleepy face would make a wonderful skin sleeping mask. Otherwise, The Cannibal would rather have nothing to do with Quentin.

Nightmare- He torments their dreams, making them suffer when they fall asleep. Though one particular survivor annoys him the most, he cannot kill anyone due to the Entity preventing such a thing. But they can't see him for the most part. When in a trial he will do his damned best to kill everyone.
Lucky Gambler- The Nightmare does not like Ace (There seems to be a pattern here. I wonder why...) But there is something about the man that he can't help but smile at. Whether it is respect or pity, The Nightmare will sometimes let Ace get away if he felt like he deserved it. This does not stop him from tormenting Ace with nightmares though.
Obsessed Detective- He just loves to torment Tapp. The Nightmare especially loves that he has much more to work with in regards to Tapp's nightmares.
Focused Competitor- She has plenty of night terrors already, what is one more? He shows her that she has failed, he bathes in her fear. She makes him feel stronger, and he grows in power as her screams echo the forest.
Rugged Scrapper- David has plenty to be afraid of. And the Nightmare exposes this fear, makes David afraid of him. He dislikes that David seems to be able to snap out of his fear and push past it. Maybe something more harsh must be used.
Nervous Leader- Dwight's fear of the Nightmare is truly something to be taken in. Dwight has a lot of fears. What if he's not good enough? What if he can't help? The Nightmare leeches onto this and torments Dwight based on this.
Resolute Dreamwalker- The Nightmare HATES Quentin Smith. He stops at nothing to torture or kill the boy for taking him away from Nancy.

Pig- Some of John's teachings still run in her head even while her own ideologies overrun it. She, like the Trapper, sees them as unworthy once the mask is on. However she occasionally sympathizes with them and often wants to help them. But again, with the mask on she sees them unworthy enough to even keep their flesh. They do not enjoy the life they live. Occasionally in a trial she will give some survivors second chances, especially when the gates are powered. However they must play one final game if they are to escape. If they fail to remove her trap, then it's game over.
Lucky Gambler- She hates that stupid smirk on his face. But even she admits there is something about the man that makes her smile and hope that he succeeds. She knows he is of the few that are not innocent, but has noted that he often would help his friends when he could. What she thinks pisses her off the most, is that Ace would often find his key earlier then most. Often making her let him go when the gates open.
Obsessed Detective- She doesn't like cops. She especially doesn't like Tapp since he had been following in on the Jigsaw case. She notes that he hasn't changed much since she had seen him last. She makes sure to kill him first or avoid him depending if she is in a trial or not.
Focused Competitor- She sees Feng as someone who has wasted their flesh, their life. Someone who must be punished to appreciate the life she had. At least, that's what John's words tell her. But her mask prevents these thoughts from taking hold, no. She will butcher Feng Min, since she is nothing more then a wasted sack of meat.
Rugged Scrapper- The Pig, surprisingly, sees David as someone who knows what life is really like. He sees how precious it is and even goes as far as to try to protect the others. Unfortunately, he still needs to die. Out of the trial she might talk to him, maybe even try to get him to see her ways and to get the Entity to consider having David become a killer.
Nervous Leader- As much as the Pig wants to say Dwight is nothing more then a pathetic excuse for even a sack of meat, he in time has become something more then that. His commitment to safeguarding his allies from time to time has shown her that he can change. He is still the Nervous Leader, but he is not a coward or a deserter. He has proven himself to be a threat as well, even being able to run her around when she gives chase.
Resolute Dreamwalker- In a small way she actually sympathizes with the boy. He spent a while being hunted down by The Nightmare, even going as far to take drugs to remain awake for as long as he possibly could. She tends to let him have more then a second chance sometimes, when he looks especially tired. He will not get a fourth.

Clown- By far the most sadistic, he lives for tormenting the survivors. He wants their fingers, and by the Entity he will have them! Outside of trials he watches them from a distance if he isn't currently interacting with a fellow killer. He doesn't hate the survivors as much as he just wants their fingers, he of course isn't worried about them telling any cop on him, since he knows they are not on earth anymore.
Lucky Gambler- Ace is actually quite terrified of the Clown. Whenever he enters a trial and knows it's the Clown, he does his best to avoid him. When outside of a trial he still avoids the Clown and will ignore his presence to the best of his abilities. The Clown for his part knows this fear that Ace has and uses it for his own advantage. Fingers taste better when the victim was afraid.
Obsessed Detective- He tends to go after Tapp a bit because it is his way of saying, "[Bad Word] the police." He just wants the man's finger and to kill him.
Focused Competitor- Her fingers look really good and he wants them. Badly. They look soft and are perfect for his collection. He actually gets a bit mad because he knows he can't just take them. Out of the trial he sorta just avoids her, as he does everyone.
Rugged Scrapper- If the Clown was to guess, David's fingers would probably be the tastiest and one of the best for his collection. For the pure and simple fact that David King does in fact have a strong heart in him. Out the trials he might be willing to engage in conversation with him. There isn't really much to talk about, as you can imagine.
Nervous Leader- Dwight's fear is probably the best. Now, as the Clown understands, Dwight is no longer the most fearful that could be encountered in the Fog. However much the little man has changed though, he is still the least fearless of the group. As you can imagine though, the two don't sit down and chat outside of the trials.
Resolute Dreamwalker- Fingers, must have them, will have them. He even considers adding something to make Quentin more tired just so he could have an easier time to chase him.

Spirit- She feels fury when seeing the survivors. They remind her of what she once was and now will never be. She feels a mix of pity and anger for the survivors and will never attempt to interact with them outside of a trial. When in a trial she may occasionally let one live, should her pity reach the highest point. Otherwise, she does her best to kill everyone, hoping to one day be able to kill her father.
Lucky Gambler- The Spirit feels anger at seeing Ace smirk like nothing ever gets through to him. She could be brutally murdering him and yet he keeps the grin even when dead. The anger and frustration she gets during the trials does not stick with her after, where her guilt begins to consume her for killing a man that treats things like it does not phase him.
Obsessed Detective- She has a slight bond in regards to how they both ended up in the Entity's realm. Both came in basically dead, though obviously she came in all cut up. Her pity and her fury often clash though, and Tapp is not safe.
Focused Competitor- Feng Min often evokes a strange sense of pity from the Spirit. The girl obviously does not belong here, but her competitive and lone wolf attitude makes her a target for the Spirit's fury. That and the fact Feng Min runs her in circles decreases the likelihood of her letting Feng live.
Rugged Scrapper- He by far evokes the most anger from her. It has nothing to do with his past or things like that. His blatant ability to avoid her strikes or how he can avoid her in general actually fuels her deep seeded hatred within her. At the end of the trial though, she cannot help but feel remorse that she felt such anger to begin with. He does look out for his friends, and she wants to cheer for him.
Nervous Leader- She could never imagine that the others had made fun of Dwight with how much he can cause such fury in her heart. From what she had been told Dwight used to be less then a Nervous Leader, she was told he was a coward. A selfish man that did not look out for his own. Now though she sees him taking her strikes for his team, and she was sure he used those lockers in a purely strategic way against her.
Resolute Dreamwalker- There is a great sadness in her heart for him. He doesn't deserve her wrath, but she does what has to be down so that she may finally have a chance of vengeance against the man she called a father.

The Legion- Given they are a group of four, I will separate them as individuals. The one specific survivor in case you wouldn't be able to tell is Jeff. All the Legion members remember him and would feel he is entitled to live most of the time.
(Headcanon! Resolute Dreamwalker- The Legion mostly leaves Quentin alone since he tends to supply them all with Never Sleep pills. And in return they promise not to kill him.)

Frank: The mastermind of the group. He does what the Entity wants him to do, and he does it with cold efficiency. He regards the survivors as just pests to get rid of. There is only one exception to this, one survivor he feels pity for and may let live. Otherwise, every other survivor is fair game. Outside of a trial he does not really like to talk to any survivor.
Lucky Gambler- On the rare occasion that the two talk to each other outside of the trials, Frank makes fun of Ace and his older age. Ace doesn't tend to let this get under his skin, and will brush Frank off. Saying he's heard better from younger kids. Frank makes sure to be extra brutal to him.
Obsessed Detective- He sees the man as a threat to the Legion, a cop is not a good sight for a group of delinquents.
Focused Competitor- They once had a running contest, Frank won by the pure fact he didn't need no windows to get to top speed. Yes that's what happened for real, no need to ask the others I swear.
Rugged Scrapper- He is low key intimidating. Frank tends to not really talk to David King since he is sure the Entity does not grant him superior strength out the trial. Not that he is allowed to hurt someone anyways.
Nervous Leader- He sees Dwight as an easy target, and for all Dwight has grown from his previous cowardly ways, this is still true. Regardless he may talk to Dwight time to time, only really to make fun of him.
Resolute Dreamwalker- Maybe if they met a few years ago, Frank would have considered having Quentin as a friend, maybe as a part of the Legion as well. As it is, he will still hunt the boy down since there is no feelings of comradery for him.

Julie: She follows Frank wherever he may go. Like him, she might let one specific survivor live. But only because of a deed he had done for them years before. Because of her close relationship with Frank, she too may not ever try to socialize with the survivors outside a trial.
Lucky Gambler- Same as Frank basically.
Obsessed Detective- She draws the same fear as Frank does, killing Tapp as soon as possible. Out the trials she avoids him, much like Frank does.
Focused Competitor- She's also totally won in a race against Feng Min and there is no need to ask for confirmation if this is true.
Rugged Scrapper- Had she not been so into Frank she might have found herself pursuing David King as a love interest as he and Frank share some similar qualities. Doesn't mean Julie doesn't dream of the Rugged Scrapper time to time.
Nervous Leader- Julie doesn't see Dwight as being worth of her time. Though, she does see Dwight as someone who can grow into a better person, she might have once hung out with him had they been in the same place and time. None of that matters now.
Resolute Dreamwalker- She finds Quentin one of the least annoying survivors to hunt down in a trial. And may find herself talking with him time to time.

Susie: While she follows Frank, it's not the same as Julie. She may sometimes go to the survivors and sit near them by the campfire. But unless they talk to her for whatever reason, she will not say anything to them. In a trial she feels pressured to kill, and will normally not hesitate to kill anyone. She is most likely out of everyone to not kill one specific survivor as she feels he doesn't deserve to even be here.
Lucky Gambler- They talk time to time. More so he initiates the conversation and she would reply. They are kinda friends but Susie will still kill Ace in a trial, especially since Frank had ordered it.
Obsessed Detective- She is possibly the most afraid of Tapp, and will lash out at him both in and out of Trials. She had since tempered herself, but she and Tapp are definitely not on friendly terms.
Focused Competitor- Out of all the Legion members, Susie can possibly beat any of the runners from the survivors side in a race. In fact, she had raced against Feng and Meg and won. Ask around and there will be confirmation of this. She and Feng are something of rivals though, little by little, piece by piece, Susie will eliminate the competition.
Rugged Scrapper- She cannot tell whether her nervousness comes from his intimidating stance or because he is hot. Either way she probably won't talk to him face to face. Unless the Entity gives her some drugs to cease her nervousness.
Nervous Leader- In a small way he kinda reminds her of, well her. She actually sorta, maybe, probably, has the smallest crush on him by virtue of him being a little cute and showing that he is kind. She may let him live should she deem it necessary. The others of course tease her for this.
Resolute Dreamwalker- Susie is a bit too hyper for Quentin, as she mostly talks too fast about too many topics for the poor boy to keep up. She finds him a fun guy when he is more awake.

Joey: He may or may not occasionally go to one specific survivor to chillax and listen to heavy beats with. He feels little to nothing for the survivors outside a trial. Like Susie, he may not kill one survivor because he actually likes him enough to consider him a friend. Everyone else can die in a fire for all he cares.
Lucky Gambler- He doesn't care about Ace. He will kill him without a second thought. Outside a trial he will not talk to him.
Obsessed Detective- [Bad Word] the police. He doesn't care for Tapp and will gladly be rid of him if he could.
Focused Competitor- He must say Feng Min is kinda cute, but he ain't got no time for small time like Feng. In the race the Legion members participated in he had won against her. Definitely.
Rugged Scrapper- Being the hard arse he is, he doesn't let David King intimidate him at all. He actually goes out of his way to take King out first. There is only room for one King, or kings and que- Shut up.
Nervous Leader- He might let Dwight go free out of pity. But nothing more, nothing less. He doesn't care for the man at all.
Resolute Dreamwalker- Joey doesn't feel anything for Quentin. If he's in the way, he will kill him. Or he might let him go if the pity he feels grows enough.

Annnnnnnddd that's it. Again if you want me to do survivor specific interactions let me know and I will update this to include such information. Hope you all enjoyed this.

1/15/19 Jesus I was done with this earlier this morning, but then a error had messed up my hard work.

Edited as of 1/11/19 to include the Lucky Gambler, otherwise known as Ace Visconti.

Edited as of 1/15/19 to include the Obsessed Detective, otherwise known as Detective Tapp or David Tapp.

Edited as of 1/28/19 to include the Focused Competitor, Rugged Scrapper, and Nervous Leader. Or Feng Min, David (Daddy) King, and Dwight Fairfield respectively.

Edited as of 3/7/19 to include the Resolute Dreamwalker.

Post edited by Shad03 on


  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    For some reason after i finished editing my edition of the survivor relationships within the fog, It deleted my post or something, i don't plan on typing all of that information over again as i feel like it was a waste of time.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732
    edited January 2019

    @Detective_Jonathan said:
    For some reason after i finished editing my edition of the survivor relationships within the fog, It deleted my post or something, i don't plan on typing all of that information over again as i feel like it was a waste of time.

    Damn, I saw and I was like, 'Hol up'. I am sad now.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    @Shad03 said:
    @Mikeadatrix and @Detective_Jonathan both did something cool in two different Lore Discussions. I got some inspiration to do a thing of my own, as you can read in the title. Now I know the general interaction is:


    Annnnnnnddd that's it. Again if you want me to do survivor specific interactions let me know and I will update this to include such information. Hope you all enjoyed this.

    Absolutely awesome! With the three of us writing these types of things, it's pretty cool to see how each of our posts tie into each other. Truly an awesome thing. When I do play surv, I'm an Ace main, so how would you see him interacting with the Killers?

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    @Detective_Jonathan said:
    For some reason after i finished editing my edition of the survivor relationships within the fog, It deleted my post or something, i don't plan on typing all of that information over again as i feel like it was a waste of time.

    ###, man. That's a total shame. I might draft up a remake of your post one day. I'll be sure to message you if I run into any errors.
  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    @Mikeadatrix said:

    @Detective_Jonathan said:
    For some reason after i finished editing my edition of the survivor relationships within the fog, It deleted my post or something, i don't plan on typing all of that information over again as i feel like it was a waste of time.

    ###, man. That's a total shame. I might draft up a remake of your post one day. I'll be sure to message you if I run into any errors.

    Appreciate it

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Mikeadatrix said:

    @Shad03 said:
    @Mikeadatrix and @Detective_Jonathan both did something cool in two different Lore Discussions. I got some inspiration to do a thing of my own, as you can read in the title. Now I know the general interaction is:


    Annnnnnnddd that's it. Again if you want me to do survivor specific interactions let me know and I will update this to include such information. Hope you all enjoyed this.

    Absolutely awesome! With the three of us writing these types of things, it's pretty cool to see how each of our posts tie into each other. Truly an awesome thing. When I do play surv, I'm an Ace main, so how would you see him interacting with the Killers?

    I will add that in under each killer separately. Again these are mostly head canons and a bit of the lore already in place. Check back time to time and you might see the op having a new text.

  • A_Crow
    A_Crow Member Posts: 193
    edited January 2019
    Nice! Could you do Tapp next?
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @A_Crow said:
    Nice! Could you do Tapp next?

    Sure. It'll be a bit though, however check back time to time.

  • McAlastair
    McAlastair Member Posts: 7

    Certainly creative work, mate, fine stuff. But the fact that you used such beautiful words for Anna's interactions and haven't added any of the female survivors' interactions feels a little disappointing. If you can, add one of them please. Preferably Feng Min but it's your choice.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @McAlastair said:
    Certainly creative work, mate, fine stuff. But the fact that you used such beautiful words for Anna's interactions and haven't added any of the female survivors' interactions feels a little disappointing. If you can, add one of them please. Preferably Feng Min but it's your choice.

    That's because the female survivors (up until you showed up to ask :smile: ) hadn't been requested. I will add in Feng Min sometime today if I'm lucky, no later then tomorrow or the day after.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    This is really good, can you do David when you've got time? 
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    This is really good, can you do David when you've got time? 

    Oh boy, I have barely started with Feng :dizzy: But I'll do them both (... don't say what I know what you'll probably say...) today and tomorrow. Check back time to time.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    edited January 2019
    Shad03 said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    This is really good, can you do David when you've got time? 

    Oh boy, I have barely started with Feng :dizzy: But I'll do them both (... don't say what I know what you'll probably say...) today and tomorrow. Check back time to time.

    It's all good m8. Whenever you've got the time. You dont need to rush em' :)
  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    I honestly love this. Can you please do Dwighty poo as one of the following. Of course take the time you want, don't want you to feel pressured.

  • McAlastair
    McAlastair Member Posts: 7

    Woah, woah, guys, hang on a second! He's still doing Feng and David. Wait a bit before he does some'in' else! He's already got a lot of typing as it is, and remember, the game we play is stressful enough as it is! Or, at least for me whenever I'm tanking and being the bait. The amount of hatchet wounds in my back...

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @McAlastair said:
    Woah, woah, guys, hang on a second! He's still doing Feng and David. Wait a bit before he does some'in' else! He's already got a lot of typing as it is, and remember, the game we play is stressful enough as it is! Or, at least for me whenever I'm tanking and being the bait. The amount of hatchet wounds in my back...

    I can do it. Haven't gotten around because of school but it's a friday, means that I will have some time even in school.

    Hatchets can't hit me unless the game is like 'Alright Huntress we'll stop him from bullying you.'

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    The Hillbilly murders his friends to death.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @McAlastair @PhantomMask20763 and @Unnamed_Freak

    Sorry this took like 12 days to complete but I finally added in your requests. Sorry if it may be lackluster but the killers have little I can work with here :dizzy:

  • Pierre
    Pierre Member Posts: 31
    Don't worry it's great.
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Pierre said:
    Don't worry it's great.

    Aw. Thanks.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Pierre said:
    Don't worry it's great.
    All good my man!!! They're awesome 
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Pierre said:

    Don't worry it's great.

    All good my man!!! They're awesome 

    The main problem was trying not to sound too repeating. I feel like the Legion was the only thing that I didn't repeat the same thing too much.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Shad03 said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Pierre said:

    Don't worry it's great.

    All good my man!!! They're awesome 

    The main problem was trying not to sound too repeating. I feel like the Legion was the only thing that I didn't repeat the same thing too much.

    Eh, it's alright to repeat some things since it still fits their personality. I still loved it. Thanks for doing David!!!
  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    @Shad03 said:
    @McAlastair @PhantomMask20763 and @Unnamed_Freak

    Sorry this took like 12 days to complete but I finally added in your requests. Sorry if it may be lackluster but the killers have little I can work with here :dizzy:

    Just checked out. You did an amazing job mate.

  • McAlastair
    McAlastair Member Posts: 7

    Focused Competitor- Feng Min is largely safe from the Huntress. Being female the Huntress is less inclined to harm to smaller female, sometimes. Feng Min does ten to irritate her with how fast the woman can run.
    Rugged Scrapper- She wants the golden coin handing from one of his red outfits. Otherwise he can die like the rest of her prey.

    Hahahaha... Yup, that sums up my games against her! Got that Untamed Donkey Jacket EASY back during the Howling Grounds Event.

    Ya did good, kid. Very good. However, I think you could've added a bit more to those entries though. If you want, I can give you my version that expands a bit on Feng and David's encounters with Anna. But that's only if you want to. Don't feel like I'm being a critic, I'm not.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @McAlastair said:

    Focused Competitor- Feng Min is largely safe from the Huntress. Being female the Huntress is less inclined to harm to smaller female, sometimes. Feng Min does ten to irritate her with how fast the woman can run.
    Rugged Scrapper- She wants the golden coin handing from one of his red outfits. Otherwise he can die like the rest of her prey.

    Hahahaha... Yup, that sums up my games against her! Got that Untamed Donkey Jacket EASY back during the Howling Grounds Event.

    Ya did good, kid. Very good. However, I think you could've added a bit more to those entries though. If you want, I can give you my version that expands a bit on Feng and David's encounters with Anna. But that's only if you want to. Don't feel like I'm being a critic, I'm not.

    Nah it cool. I love getting feedback man :smile: I could try to add more but I have a serious case of lumbago. It's a slow and painful death, side effects include going idiot.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    A really nice read, love what you have done with Detective Tapp and how he interacts with the killers of the realm.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Detective_Jonathan said:
    A really nice read, love what you have done with Detective Tapp and how he interacts with the killers of the realm.

    Thanks. Had I done a more survivor originated post I would have shown what Tapp actually thinks of the killers. But I am but a humble Killer. So there's that.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I am genuinely surprised how good this was.
    I can definitely see Killers and Survivors having some kind of love-hate relationship when they are not in a trial.
    After all, they're all here for what is essentially an eternity, held by The Entity. So why wouldn't they have their own relationships with one another?

    Bloody good read, although I wonder if you will give the killer's prespective on Atheletic Runner, Lone Wolfer, Effective Healer, The Obsession, and some others I couldn't think of witty names for.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732
    edited February 2019

    @DelsKibara said:
    I am genuinely surprised how good this was.
    I can definitely see Killers and Survivors having some kind of love-hate relationship when they are not in a trial.
    After all, they're all here for what is essentially an eternity, held by The Entity. So why wouldn't they have their own relationships with one another?

    Bloody good read, although I wonder if you will give the killer's prespective on Atheletic Runner, Lone Wolfer, Effective Healer, The Obsession, and some others I couldn't think of witty names for.

    I will do so, maybe one at a time. Since writing even one survivor for 14 killers is hard for my lumbago ridden brain :dizzy:

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    @Shad03 said:

    @DelsKibara said:
    I am genuinely surprised how good this was.
    I can definitely see Killers and Survivors having some kind of love-hate relationship when they are not in a trial.
    After all, they're all here for what is essentially an eternity, held by The Entity. So why wouldn't they have their own relationships with one another?

    Bloody good read, although I wonder if you will give the killer's prespective on Atheletic Runner, Lone Wolfer, Effective Healer, The Obsession, and some others I couldn't think of witty names for.

    I will do so, maybe one at a time. Since writing even one survivor for 14 killers is hard for my lumbago ridden brain :dizzy:

    Oh, you got lumbago? Don't worry, I have a plan, but first we need muneh.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Unnamed_Freak said:
    Oh, you got lumbago? Don't worry, I have a plan, but first we need muneh.

    Gotcha! I got the muneh right here.

  • Torreno
    Torreno Member Posts: 4
    I would like to see what killers think about our Resolute DreamwalkerHe's definitely one of my favorites.
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Torreno said:
    I would like to see what killers think about our Resolute Dreamwalker. He's definitely one of my favorites.

    I'll get on that soon(tm)

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Clap Clap I love this, willing to help if you need.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Added Quentin Smith. Will add more soon (tm)

  • Pingo
    Pingo Member Posts: 11

    You should add Kate next! I'm interested to see how the killers would interact with such an upbeat character!

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Pingo Of course.

    Sigh... I got so many to work on. But I'll work on Kate.

  • Lastrawmeatbreaker
    Lastrawmeatbreaker Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I will be really happy If you guys do it more.Great job dude.1 year later but amazing job

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785