How Time Works ind DBD

WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384
Does time in the Entity's realm act similar to that of Slaughter House 5? I feel that it would explain why a character, Jake for example, could be in multiple trials at once due to the player and be different ranks. Anyone care to debunk or add on to this?


  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    Time works in lagswitch

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Devs say time works in a weird way in the Entity's realm

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    How time works in Slaughter House 5 tho?

  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384
    Rattman said:

    How time works in Slaughter House 5 tho?

    Time doesn't happen chronologically. Its not Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. You could just blink and end up at a birthday party when you're 5 years old. Or in a hospital bed from being 90 years old. Everything just happens randomly.
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    It doesn't
    I mean it probs does somehow but if we have a world war ii bunny and some woman its pretty messed up
  • McAlastair
    McAlastair Member Posts: 7

    When it comes to fantasy/horror/eldritch/lovecraftian magic stuff like this, sometimes the inner workings of a fictional universe are so broad that even writers can't properly explain it themselves. But with DBD, it's definitely something that can't be explained without a breadcrumb trail of lore to follow. And while DBD HAS lore, there isn't a lot to work with in how the Entity works.

    The best possible explanation I can think of is that it's kinda similar to a H.P Lovecraft novel, but it's a theory and nothing more. Here's what I think:

    The Entity is choosing to start plucking killers and survivors from the 20th and 21st Centuries, because of the many bad things happen in this era (and frankly I don't even need to list them) and it was able to gain lots of power during that time. Before the Industrial revolution people still believed in magic and the supernatural. This was a time before science and automation started to become a mainstay of modern life, where the common folk were god-fearing peasants that regularly prayed to God (or whomever the think He is, I won't judge) and (mostly) avoided all things sinful for a shot at a good afterlife.

    But with the Victorian Era came, people started to turn away from religion in favour for more logical and fact-based beliefs which lead to fewer people keeping the Entity at bay. As a result, it was regaining enough power from a lack of occultists & other like-minded groups/individuals pushing it away to start pulling people into a purgatorial game of cat-and-mouse in some off-world pocket dimension by the time the >1900s came around. But because the 20th century is often regarded as a time of civil strife and human tragedy, despite our huge advancement in technology and science, thanks to the World Wars, the Cold War, The War on Drugs, The War on Terrorism, ruthless dictatorships, etc. And because the Entity feeds off of human tragedies that result in (often) multiple human fatalities, it was essentially like an all-you-can-eat buffet, thus allowing it to hijinx anyone from any era from the point when it became powerful enough to do so.

    However, and this next part will probably contradict what I just told you, because it lies somewhere between the material world and the immaterial world, time is borderline irrelevant to the Entity. Sure, plenty of horrible events took place before the 20th Century, but between 1900-present day, most folks were able to make a decent living with the coming of the Industrial Revolution. But it's also in this era and beyond that the the worst of humanity started to emerge, which is why the Entity is picking individuals from 1900 onwards.

    Anywho, that's just what I think. I'm probably wrong, but it's just a hypothosis.

  • TheBretzel
    TheBretzel Member Posts: 83
    edited February 2019

    I'm waiting on chapter XI to come out to really get a hint on how can the Entity reach far back in time, which will give a more solid structure on the time bubbles.

    As for your question player rank is not canon to the lore, it's just a way to separate players depending on playtime/skill level, so it's a gameplay mechanic only. As for how the same Jake can be in multiples trials at once, well that again is gameplay mechanic, since you can't really be at 2 places at the same time.

    Maybe if the Entity took 2 Jakes from 2 different timelines/worlds, but then it would not be the same Jake so it would be possible, and we're talking about the same Jake :ohnoes: