This game is toxic..

As a killer it is literally impossible to counter swf.....
It is terribly overpowered and survivors shouldnt be allowed to qeue with friends
Whats stopping them from forming a party with randoms?? nothing
but honestly this game gives too much power to those players and i honestly think it would be a lot better if there was only a solo qeue option for them
this would make things so much easier for killers and the only time you would encounter swf is at the highest mmr
this is better for a horror game because i dont think dbd benefits from the funsy "get your friends together and reduce the population of people who enjoy the game as a killer" mindset
every game you play you have to deal with people who can communicate and abuse the least balanced aspects of the game
Chase with certain killers is near impossible and their utility is uselesss
I dont want to hear "oh Otzdarva says the game is balanced because it isnt, idk if he just has better mmr or what because im getting stomped at baby ranks as a killer
This game is TOXIC and should not be played by anyone until it is fixed
git gud
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This is exactly the issue with the dbd community
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Remove SWF and this game dies! Plus, you can't stop people from playing with friends.
I get your frustration but that's how it is. The problem resides when 4 friends who are really good play together while using the strongest load out and are sore winner's... But... At the end of day..... It's just a video game
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The game is not toxic, toxic players are toxic. If you are not enjoying killer, I suggest you give survivor a try.
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People who go about the ######### game as if its not what it is
and the people behind it with extreme lack of care
i hope this game dies not like it would matter
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I gave survivor a try and honestly im not interested in playing like other survivors they often expect me to abuse killers and strive to be like everyone else or to stick my neck out in areas where im not sure whether the killer has the upper hand or not
My lack of skill as a survivor proves the game is balanced??
no i dont think that is it
often my teammates are the ones not doing things they should i rarely see killers i cant escape from by using the left-behind perk and hiding with spine chill
once it falls apart i find myself caring only for my own escape via hatch which people seem to hate
Its a horror game and im the only survivor
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Just play spirit pr nurse, any top tier killer, game is easy when u master these killer
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Just face camp, like just straight up face camp.
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SWF doesnt mean those players are good. SWF also doesnt mean that they communicate anything important. SWF also doesnt make bad players better. Youre completely overestimating the power of general SWF teams. And most important: SWF doesnt make people toxic. Maybe get out of your irational thughts and start learning the proper gameplay. Its obviously a you issue.
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Just get better at the game lol 💀
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(I am sorry I have nothing else to contribute)
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This right here. I can easily find gameplay from friends of mine who have been playing for 2-3 years and are still bad at the game in a 4 person swf.
The truth is that SWF or no SWF, if people don't take the game seriously, they're not going to be sweaty try hards. They literally just play to make goofy plays ans maybe escape here and there but more often than not, they die with 3 gens left
If you're constantly losing, either A: you're bad at the game or B: you're being matched with people outside your skill levels. Strong solos are better than weak SWF any day
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With the player base in DBD I really do believe you could add a soloq only playlist and things would be fine. An easy way to incentivize killers to join the SWF queue is just to double the BP you receive. Anyone who feels comfortable with the killer game as it is now can join the SWF queue and get more BP anyone new or looking to have less sweat can join Soloq and get less BP.
I have seen 0 evidence of any real data that would lead me to believe the player base of this game can't support this split. I mean what's the average player count on steam alone?
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They will never get rid of SWF. If you can’t handle it and don’t like playing survivor, that’s okay and you should move on from the game.
While it’s not balanced at the higher ranks, it’s in a pretty good spot for middle and lower ranks. The biggest issue the game has is still matchmaking, which basically tosses bad killer players to the wolves. The other issue is just playing killer feels tedious when it should feel fun. When they figure out how to make the gameplay a little less stressful for killers and make maps more 50/50 for both sides, I don’t think they’d be hemorrhaging killer players as they are now.
They’re lucky they were able to get Michael in the game and the subsequent licensed killers. Without the attraction of those well known killers, the game would have died. Once they run out of big name killers to attract players, they’re screwed.
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Toxic isn't the word you are looking for, unbalanced (even though it is the most balanced it has been for years).
I guess the word toxic doesn't mean anything these days.
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Not going to happen but how fun would it be if a game that loads up with a 4 Man SWF required 6 gens to be completed? Just a fun outside-the-box idea.
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I don't know about you guys but I actually play worse with swfs because we tend to goof off and it usually gets us killed
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Playing against SWFs is usually better, because they make nice altruistic moves, go for protection hits, try to divert the killer from the injured player, want to prevent tunneling, etc. It is good to see a well cooperating team. It is also nice to see some fun survivor builds, like some double head-on builds, etc. It is also a better challenge for me as a killer.
When I go against solos, it is often like this: I go back to the unhook location where I see nobody only a loud crying injured survivor and then I unfortunately have to tunnel.
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But in horror movies it's usually a group of friends against the killer.
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39K in last month.
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If this is how you play survivor, I would be happy that you are leaving or not playing survivor at all. Complaining about teammates not contributing and doing objectives yet you literally do the same thing and hide in a corner waiting for hatch. You just need to learn how to play the game better from the sounds of it. So yes, your lack of skill is causing your "imbalance". The common denominator is pretty obvious here.
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I died reading this lmao
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She’s Aged pretty well lmao
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DBD players when people have friends.
@GoodBoyKaru Stealing this one from you :^)
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I don't mind chill/sweaty Swfs whether they win or lose. What I do mind are the extreme number of bully squads/extremely toxic swfs that only play to make the killer as miserable as possible.
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SWF is not going anywhere ever. And you can’t really blame people for playing on comms because solo sucks.
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This game is toxic for other reasons... grouping up with friends isn't one of those
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"This game is toxic...", so is every single other online-multiplayer game in the great big world's existence, sweet summer child.
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Post edited by DangerScouse on0
Perfect, toss in console, Epic Store, and anything else it's on and you have more than enough folks to run two lists.
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Perfect, now I checked LFG tool on Xbox, Sea of Thieves, a Dead Game with 10-11k players, has more people Looking for group than DBD xD.
And If you off Crossplay to not be matched against cheaters, Killer queue takes forever, last time I tried to do It, I stopped after 38 minutes waiting without finding a lobby.
Seems like consoles has another 40k players dude xD with luck they have 10k between Xbox and PS. I got matched last night with the same Feng Ming 7 times, imaginé how full of players this Game is that It matches the same survivors with same Killers over and over again xD
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then go play hollow knight. good game. good music. heres a sample
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Talk me out of re-installing this game for another week prolly
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oh you.
SBMM! thats the reason of seing feng so much.
tried same. 3x in a row against same squad.
I wonder how long have they waited before I joined lobby 1st time
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How's that working out when most don't want to play killer.
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There is no clear definition on what is classified as toxic.
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Have you considered maybe this just isn't a game for you. When Sea of Thieves came out I was excited but soon after I found myself getting frustrated and ragey, realizing it was not fun...for me...I have since quit the game and found other games that don't get me that way. Sometimes it happens like that, I could be wrong this is just anecdotal and me sharing my experience.
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Just play Oni...your welcome.
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This game would die if SWF was removed. Playing in a SWF is not toxic.
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Have you tried Civilization?
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Basically why i cant quit is because i remember when 99% percent of the game wasnt toxic
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its a good game but it is also a terrible game at this point in time
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Play to have fun, can't win every game anyways.
Normally I try to play fair as a killer, avoiding tunneling and camping, trying to hook everyone twice before I start killing off survivors. But, I allow myself to play more dirty if I meet a group of especially difficult survivors. Leaving any loopers for last and tunnel and kill their "weaker links". If they play swf this often triggers the altruism of the loopers so they get busy trying to save their friends instead of doing gens. Having lightborn is quite useful against such groups as they often have someone who are very good at using the flashlight.
Might still not get any kills at all, but I found this to sometimes be the "best" way to counter some swf groups - Every match is a different one.
I also notice that I play a lot worse if I let myself get frustrated, and I play much better if I'm in it just for the fun.