Killer Suggestion: The Grudge (LICENSED) **ART INCLUDED**

Cixon Member Posts: 133
edited May 2020 in Creations

Hello people of the fog.

Today I have a very interesting, famous, and in-depth killer suggestion for Dead by Daylight. That being Kayako (The Grudge). If you don't know anything about the famous Ju-on films then let me re-visualize it for you. Kayako is essentially a evil vengeful spirit and her appearance is fairly basic with pale skin and very very dark long hair wearing no more than a night gown. However..don't underestimate Kayako as she has such incredible strength that she can rip your jaw wide open with only the force of her hands but that's not all she's capable of. She can also teleport to multiple locations and in the films, she can crawl fairly fast on all fours.

That being said, the story of Kayako (The Grudge) is already created so I have no reason to input it here but I will mention that if Behaviour Interactive wanted to utilize this suggestion then I'd recommend they go with her weapon of choice as a knife. She doesn't use this weapon in her films but she has killed her husband with it.

OR, she can whip players with her hair which I find a bit silly but she can use her hair to attack...I guess.

The Grudge's a͟t͟t͟a͟c͟k͟s SHOULD consist of slashes from her Knife or a different alternative would be slashes from her nails. Either or, when she lands an attack she'll wipe the blood from her blade/nails with her hand and smears the blood on her face and neck while making her iconic noise from the film.

P͟ O ͟W͟ E͟ R͟

POWER: Gains the ability to teleport to lockers and utilize the crawling function.

C͟r͟a͟w͟l͟i͟n͟g allows you to stalk your prey in a unsettling manor. Now rendering you undetectable, you also move 3% faster. In addition to using the crawling ability you can also crawl over pallets and windows however, you cannot attack while in crawling mode.

L͟o͟c͟k͟e͟r͟ a͟u͟r͟a͟s are now revealed to you and your teleportation power is reliable upon your hair. If a survivor attempts to remove your hair, they are set with fairly difficult skill checks.

If survivors are successful in removing the hair from the locker, it becomes unusable for teleportation for 120 seconds.

If survivors are unsuccessful and fail a skill check, the survivor's aura is revealed to you for 4 seconds.

•If a survivor is in a teleportable locker (one with hair in it), they get the oblivious effect for 40 seconds when exited. The Grudge can also still teleport to that locker however, this will result in forcing the hiding survivor to fast exit the locker screaming in fear.

A͟D͟D͟-͟O͟N͟S͟ M͟A͟Y͟ I͟N͟C͟L͟U͟D͟E:

Add-on #1 (Common, Uncommon, Rare)

Generators spawn slightly/moderately/considerably closer to lockers.

Add-on #2 (Uncommon, Rare)

Teleport to lockers slightly/moderately more efficiently.

Add-on #3 (Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare)

Skill checks for locker hair removal are slightly/moderately/considerably more difficult.

Add-on #4 (Very Rare, Ultra Rare)

Call upon entity to block lockers within the 16/32 meter radius of the locker you teleported to from survivors after use for 30 seconds.

Add-on #5 (Ultra Rare) - If any survivor is unfortunate enough to be inside the same locker you teleported to, survivor is moried inside locker rendering the locker unusable for survivors and the survivor dead.

P͟ E͟ R͟ K͟ S:

Perk #1 - Vengeful Awakening.

Each hit acquired increases your movement speed by 2/3/4% Stackable by 3 tokens.

All Tokens are lost upon picking up a survivor.

Perk #2 - HEX: Tainted Bond.

A Hex is rooting its power on bond. Receive the aura of a survivor for 5 seconds when facing them in a 45° cone within a range of 10/15/20 metres.

Perk #3 - Petrified.

When breathing down a survivors neck within a radius of 5 metres, their overwhelming fright grants them the Hindered effect for 3/6/9 seconds.


Post edited by Cixon on


  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Very similar to Demogorgon, Vengeful awakening is a variation of Play with your food, Hex: Tainted bond would be a nightmare to newer players and Evil whitin is called Lightborn

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I do like it but what @Brucecastro81 said about it being similar to Demogorgon is pretty true. I also like the sound of Tainted bond but I think it should be more like 5/10/15.

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    I disagree to @Brucecastro81 . The teleportation feature is really the only valid similarity however, The Grudge doesn't place portals. It has lockers to teleport to and not to mention, she'd be a stealth killer with her crawl feature.

    In any regard, this doesn't invalidate the killer suggestion I made. If we look at Oni, he has the dash which works almost the same as Hillbilly with a slightly different dynamic. Also I do agree with the play with your food perk but there's a twist to it. You don't need a obsession to acquire speed.

    Hex: Tainted bond is maybe a little OP and I will tweak it to 5/10/15 meteres but look at Hex: players don't really stand a chance against that perk.

    Thank you for the feedback! ☺️

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    I didn't say that is invalid just some things that look similar with each other. Your killer and perks idea is pretty good compared to other posts I've seen around here and you definitively put a lot of time in those ideas. :)

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    Yeah, I get that..we all value something new. I appreciate the praise but I can't think of much that isn't already in the game. Not sure what the limitations are for Behaviour Interactive when it comes to NEW features so I figured I'd build off of what we already have and incorporating it in a different dynamic.

    Currently making another killer suggestion that might catch Huntress main's eyes so watch out for that post. 😉

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    Updated Evil within. Was basically a alternative to Light born.

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133


  • sourglobe
    sourglobe Member Posts: 40

    i really hope they consider this , she would be a great addition ! the teleporting locker idea is a very cool idea

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    To me, the power is just a copy of other people’s creations. Other people have made posts about a killer that can teleport through lockers. And I have made a killer that can crawl on all fours. And I bet other people have aswell! Yes u have added a few other features to it so that she can crawl over pallets but then what about the Legion? That’s his power gone down the drain. No one will use him anymore. Not like they already do 😂. I just think u need to think of a more creative power.

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    Lol. I just take reference from the Grudge films. If you know anything about the grudge, she does all of these things. She crawls on all fours.

  • Loey
    Loey Member Posts: 51

    :I no..she really scary me...

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529

    what about if she had tv sets to teleport through a bit like freddys dream bubble

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306

    Good idea but the vengeful full awaking perk could be overpowered if I read It correctly. Killer could just slug an have a speed boost until every one is dead slugged and then gg. But definitely wouldn't mind if she was added.

  • Goreknight
    Goreknight Member Posts: 13

    Love this! Looking back I was excited they were going to introduce a Vengeful Japanese “spirit” but I think they could have taken it further like the grudge character. The grudge is truly terrifying compared to this wonky “spirit” that we have now 😝

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    I agree to a degree but I couldn't think of anything better. XD

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    That'd be neat if it was the Ring girl. Totally different movie and girl.

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529
  • bromshow415
    bromshow415 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2021

    This 100% is an amazing idea and I have wanted this implemented for quite some time. I play spirit to mimic this but it is just not the same. I dont know why people are so worried about simple similarities with killers or abilities. Its the animations that make the game what it is. Like you could say Freddy being able to teleport is like the Demogorgon. Etc.

    I think they should give the grudge a passive frequent phase shift kind of like the spirit. Or overhaul the spirit into this killer with cosmetics.

    The teleporting to lockers is awesome but a question I have is, what happens if the grudge teleports to a locker with someone hiding in it? Is there an insta down or?

    The Hair idea is good but I wonder if there is a way to infect the survivors or "curse" them with horror like in the movies where you start seeing the grudges face randomly. It could be similar to the doctor with the paranoia and duplicate false images appearing everywhere, but with the grudge she would appear to phase shift more frequently the more paranoid you get - you end up seeing false images of her standing there twitching with the addition of the trademark noise she makes heard more frequently. This noise gets louder by default the closer she is, kind of like Myers without a red stain but just a vocal noise.

    Additionally the curse ability could happen almost like the pigs ability where you put a trap on them but in this case you initiate the curse ability and the survivors are faced with random skill checks that if failed - trigger a scream or the location to be revealed.

    Teleporting animations could consist of a black void portal and the grudge slowly pushes through - all black at first - then renders features like the face and single eye through the hair.

    Also the kill animation could be the grudge tripping the victim and then breaking their neck after crawling on them, or pulling them into the ground through a void or to some extent a zoomed in view of the grudges face over the shoulder of the victim with the trademark grudge noises.

  • clownster2000
    clownster2000 Member Posts: 21

    I'm here from the future... you happy with Sadako?

  • tektzbysam
    tektzbysam Member Posts: 2

    @Cixon n Oki because i just finishe j-horror marathon today i have something what (if i can) i want to add to ideas of yours.

    (fisrt i want to excuse my english, its not my frist language ergo be easy on me) ;)

    Oki how i should start.

    I just saw whole Ju-on serie (excluded original 444444 miniserie).

    About gameplay i had this idea that you should start as Toshio Saeki (Kayakos son).

    This will be the Killer speciality or "Power" (we can call it "Bound" maybe - As Kayako and Toshio are still connected).

    Toshio will work as stage one, as in movies he was all the time first on screen i pressume that hiw role will be somewhat invocator.

    His mechanic is stalking (similar to ghostface) he will in time stalk survivours to invocate the ghost of his mom Kayako Saeki.

    Everytime when survivor will have Toshio in perimeter there will be sound warning of Mar - " the angry cat meowing" (same like in the movie - Mar was Toshios pet cat).

    As Toshio cannot attack this fullfiled "stalk meter" will incite the Kayako mechanic.

    Kayako as crawling one will be really slow in movement (i can imagine even slower than survivours), this will counterbalance Toshios speed and Kayakos "spawn-nearby-survivour" mechanic.

    Kayako will appear close to completely stalked survivour, the warning sound for her will be infamous "cracked/slashed windpipe" sound.

    Kayakos perks can be:

    1.) "The embrace of grudge" (or hate depends on marketed licence) - Kayako will burst demonic volume of her hair to slow down survivours, survivour in the field of "Grudge embrace" will need to underdoo fast skill check (if failed he will be tagled to soil).

    2.) "Shown truth" - Kayako will temporarly mimic one of injured survivors (can be only done when one of the survivours is injured), in this stage the survivour who will start healing "will be one hit" for her.

    3.)"Unholy obsession" - Kayakos obsession used by Entity emanate her into mind of her obsession, unlucky survivor who will received this negation (when game starts) will see randomly ghostly appearance of Kayako (as Kayako told in the movie:"I will be alway behind you.", this mechanic will "jump" to another "obsession" after Toshio will fully "stalk" new survivour.

    Hopefully you will like these ideas.

    As for Mori i was thinking "Takeos gift" where there will be animation of Takeo Sakei (Kayakos Husband) apearing on scene and after slashing injured Surivor with staney knife, he will snap his neck ninety degrees like Kayakos in the movie.

    Now the add ons:

    Level One:

    +Pieces of family photos - piece of family photo shows Man and young boy, propably Father and son photo with face of third person cutted out (this add on will emanate sligthly larged field of "Grudge embrace")

    +Wet bath cloth - wet piece of bathroom cloth thrown in the corner of the moldy place (this add on will slightly boost Toshios speed)

    +Bitten bloody nails - disgusting pieces found in the living room, who know who left them here (this add on will show auras of survivours in Toshios close range)

    +Cut out faces - Pieces cut out from some family photos, they show actualy nice face of the unknown young woman (this add on boost "Show truth" for longer time)

    Level Two:

    +Burnt stuff - Wierd burnt bunch what you found in the Saekis microwave (this add on will mildly speed up Toshios stalking ability)

    +Bloody garbage bag - Black garbage bag covered with dark oily stains, found on nearby road (this add on will prolong time of stalked survivours)

    +Muddy watter - Dark water taken for expertise from Saekis residence, there is wierd feel of fear and sadness around this jar (this add on will boost Toshios movement when stalking)

    +Bloody pieces of white clothes - Three torn bloody pieces of fine white garment (this add on will unveil survivors locations when trials starts)

    Level Three:

    +Moldy rattan math - Old dusty rattan math what was found on the first floor of Saekis residence, with big wierd stain in the middle (sligthly boost up speed of Kayakos movement not staking)

    +Kid schoolbag - Old schoolbag found lying on fron of Saekis residence, long time out of fashion (this add on boost speed of Toshios stalking ability)

    +Cat bowl - Old aluminium pet bowl (this add one unveiling location of nearest engine that is beign repaired)

    +Old grey sweater - Light femaly sweater in grey color (this add on boost more field of "Grudge embrace")

    Level Four:

    +Broken mirror - Just a frame of former mirror, who knows why it was broken (this add on will mildly prolong time of stalked surviors)

    +Knife pieces - Breaked out pieces of stanley knife (this add on will spawn Kayako closer to staked Survivor)

    +Shards of mirror - Shards found in the hall of Saekis residence (this add on will mildly prolong "shown truth" not staking)

    +Black hair - Bunch of the long black hair ( Boost "Grudge embrace" skillcheck by +1 not staking)

    Level Five:

    Hate of Takeo - Old rusty stanley knife covered by dark red stains (This add on gradualy boost "Grudge embrace" skillchecks by +2 not staking)

    Bloody plastic bag - Big piece of plastic covered in blood found in the attick of Sakei residence (This add on gradualy boost Kayakos crawling speed not staking)

    As map we can do Saeki residence waped to the Entity place (i know it was in the middle of city) :D

    As the house was supposed to burnt down (in one of the versions), i do not see issue to do open inner spaces.

    And for proper DLC we should have the the full fledge survivour and for this i will try to make one.

    His name can be Matsuo Sasaki and he is Shintó priest caught by Entity because he got involved with too much of cursed stuff what was not called away.

    He tried to destroy Saekis curse but that was just last nail into his exorcist coffin.

    As the young priest he was quite rebelious in the stoic culture of shinto and its priesthood. You know these guys they know too much, they talk too much and they shows it too others. After he was dimished by hisown honden he went (how to say it) private. He was undo curses for money and hot for idealistic help till he found House of Saeki and its dark history.

    In last try to lift the curse he put himself into sight of rageful entities and became entities new toy.

    As he put so much on his soul he will need to cleanse himself now.

    His perks can be:

    1.) The ways of kami - Your knowledge of Entity and cursed words gaves you curse advantage (survivour in your close range are not affected by negative totems)

    2.)Kegare - You are not easy target to Entitys pollution (the negative powers of killers have just partial effect on you but unveil other survivours close to you)

    3.)Harae - You was the sinner but who wasn´t (through multiple skill checks -combined with shintoistic hand gestures- you can undo effects of negative powers used on other survivors)

    Oki hopefully you will at least partialy like my ideas.


    I did not used any meassuresments metric or percentual because balancing

  • tektzbysam
    tektzbysam Member Posts: 2

    I want to thanks the mods (propably @Clyde) beacuse i messed/edited my lenghty post and its dissapeared. But thanks to them ideas of mine are back.

    AAAnnd back to ideas.

    I completely forgot weapon of Kayako (sorry @Cixon but i do not agree with knife as it was not her weapon at all) and i presume it should be her hair as she shown in movies that se can hang, strangulate and even impale poor victims by them.