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Why people think that's ok being toxic in the end chat?

Endrwf Member Posts: 19
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

I want to tell you a recent game that i had, in this game i took PH cause i needed to do two missions for bloodpoints, i never play PH and so i'm pretty noob with it. The map was Azarov. I had a terrible game where i needed to tunnel a guy cause two of them always play strong loops like killer shack, so i just decided to not follow them even if they try to provoke me with flashlight clicks and teabag. If i learned something playing killer is that you cannot waste too much time with only one survivor. At the end game i had only few hooks, 3 players still alive and one dead, with some lucky i got one of the clickers and i brought him in the basement to camp for at least two kills, i knew that they were probably Swf so i just camped in the upper piano of basement with noed active. They tried to save the guy in the basement and i got 3 kills at the end. In the chat i wrote "gg" cause i know that the work of killer is to kill in every way and the work of survivor is to survive and waste the time of killer in every way. So even if it's a tough game for me i write gg. Well, i'll post the chat of the end game, is really this normal be this toxic in a game that's not competitive in any way? Why people think that using Noed means that u are a bad killer and using dh, bt, ds and coh means that u are a good survivor? But most importantly, why people think that the rank in this game have a meaning? lol


Yes, in the chat i lost my temper



  • kombativo
    kombativo Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2022

    I mean you got the reason he is mad cause you win bacause you use a perk thats in the game and everyone can use it it does not mean that ur good or bad

    Post edited by kombativo on
  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    They don't.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    Probably anger just clouding their judgement. I once had a guy berate me for "not taking a protection hit" when the killer outright refused to hit me. Then I took a guaranteed noed hit for him while he was being carried and I got face camped for it. The guy was clearly fuming and just upset that he lost. It's easier to get pissed off than it is to rationalize a situation.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,703

    Because some people don´t think these days.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    I'm always surprised that so many infantile and toxic players seem to congregate in DBD.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Just be honest. Playing NOED is a sign of no skill. Youre purposely giving up a perkslot that could help you playing well the main time of the game for a perk that can completely change the results of the game at the very end and requires zero input from your side. Its hilarious how people still defend playing with their training wheels as killer.

  • Endrwf
    Endrwf Member Posts: 19

    I don't say that Noed require skill. It's a clutch perk to cover mistakes. But we need to say that Dh, Ds, Bt and Coh are the same of Noed, u use them to cover mistakes. Many times i got a ds at the end game and lose my only kill. Anyway i understand that's a perk and a game mechanic, insult a guy that use a perk like everyone is wrong.

    P. S. If u look i don't have great perks, i have scourge hook yellow and u know how random the hooks are, sometimes there are bad scourge hook spots. Pop goes the weasel is probably the best one with lightborn that prevented some flash saves.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited February 2022

    People dont think its ok to be toxic in the endchat or toxic in general, they think its ok when their side does it, you can see in most DBD media people defending certain tactics, behaviours or manners in some posts while criticizing the other side for the same in others.

    Its more of a problem with the polarization in the roles than a problem with manners or toxicity itself.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,452

    What? I thought the chat filter was supposed to fix end-game toxicity.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    None of them is the same as NOED. Theyre supporting your game in full (DH, CoH) OR are band aid fixes to game flaws (BT, DS). There is no equal perk on survivor side that can save your ass after the game is basicly over.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    The survivor meta saves people after the game should be over for them; daily.

    You sucked at looping? Well there's DH to fix it. Made a bad save? BT. Went down too fast? No problems, DS.

    NOED is fine. Do bones.

  • Endrwf
    Endrwf Member Posts: 19

    Basically NOED is a totem, if u destroy all the totems in game NOED cannot be activate, in any case u can find the totem and destroy it. NOEd is a perk that sometimes have a decent spawn and other times spawn in front of a survivor. Dh can literally save you, many times when in end game the gate is open and the killer camp there u can dead hard and go out. Ds the same, if someone save u from hook the killer can do nothing, the killer can down u and after that? if he pick u up u use ds, in the other case u just crawl out. Sometimes u can save a teammate with BT even if the killer have NOED. As always i repeat, NOED is a totem, find it and destroy it and the terrible perk no skill is gone.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,498
    edited February 2022

    DH and CoH can be build around a playing style, but especially DH is also a clutch perk. I can't count the amount of times when I looped a survivor for quite some time, injured them, got close to them when they finally make a mistake, only for them to DH away to safety, a new tileset, a new set of pallets and you are left with nothing. You haven't made any mistake, lost any mindgame, yet you are denied your payoff. Of course you coudl say "that WAS the mindgame. They wanted you to commit to the chase and then run off with the help of DH" and yeah, that was probably their game plan, but its a side effect of DH being so overtly strong, that you can greed so, so much more then you should be allowed to, and come up on top more often then not. Back in the days before hit validation it was kinda a coin toss, a 50/50 if this worked out, and this sorta balanced DH. Now that it works as intended nearly all the time you can see how much ahead of the competition it truly is.

    Oh and regarding your last sentence: there is a survivor perk that can save your ass after the game is basically over, its called "Left Behind" and there is practically no counter play from the killers side, nothing that helps him to even the odds. Its just a flat increase of at least +30% win towards the survivors side :P But its not played too often, because there is no need to. Most games won't demand its usage, because the survivors already run circles around the killer, while t-bagging or clickety clicking, or the killer killed you off first. And of course, this is meant in jest, but DH is so much a clutch perk, and most survivors have integrated it so much into their playstyle that they can't see it anymore.

    I make it a matter of pride to not touch DH and always play without. Yeah, I get caught in situations where I would have gotten out with the use of DH and probably die more often because of it, but I die with a clean conscience and a happy killer player.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited February 2022

    From what I see you are not acting much better than him. Seems like 2 children are throwing words onto each others head. Not trying to be rude but it is what I see on those screenshots, the only difference is he is using insults and you dont but you both are still acting childish and trying to call each other out for perks or ways someone plays.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I hope you reported the person that said "end ur life". Could well be banned for saying something like that.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Because behavior said it's an integral part of the gaming experience.

  • Endrwf
    Endrwf Member Posts: 19

    Yes, my bad i lost my temper cause you can't talk in a serious way when they insult u for a perk and for their mistakes. I really don't judge if u use meta perks, i understand that people want win but don't disrespect if the killer want to win too. The thing that irritates me is that people can insult you cause u use a cluth perk but if they use perks to clutch it's ok and you can't say a thing about that.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001
    edited February 2022

    "you are bronze" because ranks matters or what color they are with the new ranks.

    I forgot how entitled the dbd community can be.

    "You can't use noed but I can use 2 second chance perks!1!1!1"

    Oh yeah btw, you can get the person who told you to end your life banned, I believe it was @Rizzo90 who said that is unacceptable to say and that they get punished.

    Sorry you had to go through stuff like that bud people like that shouldn't even be playing online games and stuff like that is extremely pathetic, hopefully you reported them.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    So DH doesnt cover mistakes, its prolonging a chase by default. People always misinterpret this for their advantage. Its the same with any other sprint exhaustion perk, and noone is crying a river about people getting sprintburst midchase after 99ing it carefully, using lithe to get to another tile, or utilizing balanced. People just cry a river cause DH is the most common perk used out of this pool, and before it was a heavily ping sided perk (which was in favor of the killer). As survivor the most times arent mistakes as you get hit, its a unevitable consequence of a proper killer chase.

    And Left Behind doesnt do anything unless youre the last survivor. But for all other survs being sacrificied (as i said when their game is over) it doesnt do anything.

  • Endrwf
    Endrwf Member Posts: 19

    DH invalid the hit and can literally save u from being downed, the other exhaustion perks no.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    So where is the difference in dodging a hit to prolong a chase and outsprinting the killer to prolong a chase? There is none in its result.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I think noed is only a sign of skill if you use it on twins to force people to die to EGC on RPD 🙃

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    As DieHardDiva would say, "Someone forgot to do totems".

    Not your fault they didn't destroy all the totems. Just say GG and move on. Nit worth entertaining their bad behavior.

  • Endrwf
    Endrwf Member Posts: 19

    DH is more used because is useful in loops and invalid the hit while sprint boost or lithe are less used cause if u fail timing u can still take the hit and are less viable on loops

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Ah one of those who just didnt got the issue. Always appreciate your folks.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    just ignore it and move on. You don't have to interact with them......unless you like the taste of some salty feeeeesh 😎

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Lmao I can't ######### stand that chat kekw. Those people can't be older than 7.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited February 2022

    I don't use NOED but i have to say does pressing E take talent? Or pressing space and stabbing the killer and getting an extra life?

    Back to the actual topic. I think people take this game way too seriously. Go out for a walk and breath.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I imagine it is because their parents did an extremely bad job in teaching them manners. Most of them do not bother and, well, you see the results of that in more than just DBD.

    Albeit, they magically respect manners face to face, so weird.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    It's just people being salty online. DBD I find is much saltier than usual, likely because you can get killed through very little fault of your own. It's not a game where you just play better and can win, you can play perfectly and still lose because of your team.

    And there is no surrender button, you have to die to leave a completely hopeless game lmao

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Because sadly toxicity is normalized in this game. Best thing to do is just ignore it and move on, since arguing with these type of people is pointless.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    People unironically says light clicking and teabagging is "strategy", why do you expect sanity from them.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited February 2022

    I find hilarious that you talk about DS and BT when you yourself admit that you tunneled one of them mid game. Oh, and you called one of them "looper" like ?? what is he supposed to do lmao

    I enjoy end game chat salt so I don't know what to tell you about it, ignore it?

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    They think it's OK because there are no ramifications from it. Engaging with them just encourages them more. Being toxic back doesn't help, it just fuels more toxicity. Just move on and let them talk to themselves.

  • c0gnu5
    c0gnu5 Member Posts: 70

    Just report them, say "gg ez" and move on, their parents didn't raise them properly, you won't do it either

  • Jackikins
    Jackikins Member Posts: 66
    edited February 2022

    Honestly? I have no idea. I'm either silent in end game chat or if there was a good player, I'll throw in my usual "gg wp, gl with next game! <3".

    Recently I had a player just started swearing at me over it. I did nothing but just play efficiently as survivor with not even great perks. It's abit upsetting really.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,498

    One amazing think I once heared is this: "hate breeds hate, revenge breeds revenge and the cycle just goes on. Being respectful and good to the people who wronged you is cliche and won't always change hearts. But if hearts change, this is how. People don't change from being scolded, and yet we always do it. Maybe ask them if their mom would be proud of them saying this things and if this is what they want to be. Most will laugh in your face, but if you give some people pause, this is the way."

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Didn't you type "Nice exploits" in end game chat after getting outplayed in one of Otz's videos? I don't think you should talk about skill

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    You seriously siding with the people telling someone to kill themselves for using a perk in a game?

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    What even is the issue. You got outplayed and whined about "exploits"

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,535

    "Do bones" is always the stereotype answer for that. If a Survivor would run around doing 5 Totems, they are not doing a Gen, which might mean that they dont make it to Endgame in the first place.

    Cleansing Dull Totems for a Perk the Killer might not even have is not really good gamedesign.

    And your examples...Eh. DH, BT and DS dont really cover up mistakes.

    DH-->It allows you to play greedy. The Survivor who gets an extra Loop gets it because they have DH, it is not the case that they tried it, realized they messed up and have DH to cover their mistake. Survivors who are at least somewhat decent will just use DH for distance to get another Loop. And if they dont have DH, they drop a Pallet earlier or dont extend the chase by another Loop, in both cases, they did not make an mistake. The bad Survivors are those who use DH in the open, extending the chase by half a second.

    BT-->It is a band-aid against Camping. I am using BT solely for the reason against camping, I dont make bad Unhooks. The only time I unhook in the Killers face is when they are camping. So, am I making a bad save?

    DS-->Again, band-aid, this time against tunneling. It is not really my fault that the Killer goes after me after an Unhook. It is also not my fault if a teammate of mine unhooks me in front of the Killer without BT. (And, to be complete - it is also not my fault that my DS runs out because the Killer is too bad to catch me in one minute, but "Anti Tunnel Perk", eh?)


    While it is not ok to be toxic in Endgame Chat, I dont think the other person is the only one. You were not really better, you basically started immediatly to do the same, which made the argument even more intense. Not saying that everything said was alright, but you did not really do anything to avoid it...

    Besides, regarding Perks... You say that you are "pretty noob" with PH. This is fine, but running NOED will not really help you to improve.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's right there in the screenshot: "if you use it [noed] end ur life" and your response is "well you did use noed after all". There is nothing you can do in-game in DBD which includes perks, playstyle etc, which justifies that being told that. Nothing.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Anyway here's a funnier level of postgame salt. I think the pride charm gave it away...

  • Endrwf
    Endrwf Member Posts: 19

    I mean, many survivor play greedy on pallets cause of DH, with that u have are more confident because you'll not get downed if the killer is too close, the majority of time the killer lose too much time for players that play greedy. You, as a killer, need to force some pallets to reduce the number of loops but many times the killer just lose time without even a pallet drop and neither a downed cause of DH. I mean, it's not wrong use this perks but i really don't understand where is the problem of using NOED when survivor have powerful perks too.

    If we talk about the topic, what can u do in a endgame chat? Just let the guys insult everyone for using a powerful perk? Should the killer just wait for them to do gens and go out without nothing? The objective of the killer is to kill survivors and the survivors need to survive, stop. Every role have his own perks to do that. I can accept some insults if i play really bad like facecamping and tunneling cause i understand that with this methods you can ruin the game experience but going on personal facts is really disrespectful.

    Last thing: i haven't played PH to "get better", i personally bought it and used it but i don't like his playstyle. I used him cause i had two rituals for BP and one was to kill 2 people.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,498

    Here is another one. This one made me actually chuckle.

  • Endrwf
    Endrwf Member Posts: 19

    Lol, people really need to chill and go out sometime.