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What's the most annoying survivor perk? (no dead hard)

patadanaboca007 Member Posts: 48

I'm doing this poll because I'm curious to know what players think about survivor perks.

What's the most annoying survivor perk? (no dead hard) 74 votes

Decisive Strike
GlamourousLeviathanChurchofPigN8dogTheHunter2529Tricksters_Wifeshinobu149INoLuvDeadSacrificePeceGrizzlyNoodlesDeNirosugarplum189Akiranaya 12 votes
OnryosTapeRentalsChordycepsRougualtenoresaxDoritoHeadsyainAurelle[Deleted User]BothSidesEnjoyer 9 votes
Boon: Circle of Healing
LaMupfelSeiko300DimekCashelP14Blazelskipizzaduffyhp90katerinaraemusstang62MrPenguinRoboMojoValikWarcrafter4Entity_Lich94CluelessglitchboiFobboMan_of_trianglesNathyP11Hex_LlamaQwQw 40 votes
gneheheNoOneKnowsNova 2 votes
Prove Thyself
Trickstaaaaa 1 vote
Other (Comment)
ReikoMoriAdvorsuslandromatElcopollodugmanNathan13JerekDRSPHILAdeKlaw_04Crit 10 votes


  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited February 2022
    Boon: Circle of Healing

    I think the most annoyed I had ever been perkwise as a killer in a match was when I went up against four survivors who threw down the RPD Map offering and were all running Circle of Healing. I legit think if there was ever an impossible match to win, it would be that, maybe not against the particular team I was against because they were absolute goons, but that general setup. It's just too much.

    Having a really large, two layered map, with very difficult to reach transition spots between floors that are only on the edges and in the middle, and a mazelike layout (which I AM familiar with by the way, having played RE2 Remake myself) and all four survivors setting up boons essentially covering the entire map, was absolutely awful.

    That was the frustrating thing about it though, it was very obvious to me during the match had they not all been running Circle of Healing that I could have definitely won that match. But it was very identifiably BECAUSE of circle of healing that I lost and all four escaped, and it very much showcased to me the problems Circle of Healing presents in the game, and was very much a learning experience. All things considered, it was a horrible match to play through and through.

    Not that I'm a fan of the idea of gutting circle of healing, even now, I am distinctly against the idea of restricting COH to one-time use. boons just aren't balanced that way and frankly Circle of Healing is the ONLY problem boon out of the three which currently exist. So I don't think perks like Shadow Step or Exponential, which are reasonably balanced between the effects they provide and the time it takes to set them up, should be negatively impacted by the problems COH individually presents. Boons, both conceptually and in practice, are more or less not so much of a problem; Circle of Healing certainly is.

    Post edited by Seiko300 on
  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545
    Decisive Strike

    I don't even hate DS as an anti tunneling perk. But it frustrates the hell out of me when I don't tunnel and I'm just simply getting downs and hooks so fast that I suffer from a DS even when they weren't the last one hooked.

  • Jerek
    Jerek Member Posts: 92
    Other (Comment)

    Spine Chill:

    Mostly because a large number of survivors that use it, just crouch and hide way too much and get nothing done. As a survivor it's annoying when your team drags you down and causes a loss just because they're scared. Otherwise, it is a great preemptive perk.

    As a killer most meta perks are expected so I don't mind them. But as a survivor any perks that enable bad habits is just a big no no.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    Other (Comment)

    Blast Mines on generators. It’s annoying not because it causes the survivors to win games, but just because it’s like getting a pie slammed in your face when you kick the gen and then you have to kick it again. It may as well just show a giant troll face on your screen, so irritating! 😡

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320
    Boon: Circle of Healing

    When survivors use it right COH is a massive pain to deal with, especially on indoor maps.

    An organised SWF with it is just infuriating. The fact you have to waste time finding and snuffing multiple totems for them to only relight it about a minute later makes you feel powerless. It completely undoes alot of pressure you try to as killer if the totem is hidden well enough.

    With that said I don't want boons to be rendered useless as they are quite a good idea. I think at the very least there should be a cooldown of some sort after your totem has been snuffed out to help stop it becoming over bearing to the killer

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193
    Other (Comment)

    Iron will is top 2 right after dead hard

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    Boon: Circle of Healing

    the 25% nerf did effectively nothing to make this perk less miserable to deal with

  • NyxVHS
    NyxVHS Member Posts: 13
    Boon: Circle of Healing

    Love it as survivor, makes me wanna cry as killer.

  • DeadSacrifice
    DeadSacrifice Member Posts: 86
    Decisive Strike

    I would say

  • DeadSacrifice
    DeadSacrifice Member Posts: 86
    Decisive Strike

    it cut out "i would say DS because you pick them up Killer: "yes! get back on hook" Survouiur "NOT TODAY" then they stab you and run away and your like you know what i hate my life..

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
    Boon: Circle of Healing

    In my opinion Dead Hard is still the most annoying because it rewards bad gameplay but since that's not an option i would go for coh.

    COH is OP even after the ''nerf''. Survivors can bless totems over and over and that's what makes them crazy OP. 1 perk can be used for infinite healing for the entire team, it's just broken.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Adrenaline because you waste all of your time in a chase just for the last gen to pop and Adrenaline activates.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
    Decisive Strike

    I know Decisive is avoidable but I constantly think of those rounds where you're just doing really poorly and then you need to tunnel and are hit with DS.

  • Via
    Via Member Posts: 66
    Boon: Circle of Healing

    It was a hard dession because I hate with a burning passion Adrenaline

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I can't tell you how many times I've had an endgame comeback snatched away by Adrenaline.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660
    Other (Comment)

    Head on for me bully squads use it

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142
    Decisive Strike

    Other than dead hard which is the most annoying perk and decisive strike I dont really have an issue with boon totems though

  • Crit
    Crit Member Posts: 42
    Other (Comment)

    It's built to last ofcourse

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    Decisive Strike

    DS can guarantee a escape at the endgame and gives a lot of safety

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033
    Other (Comment)

    Any of Steve's perks, cause ######### Steve!

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
    Boon: Circle of Healing

    Not even a contest

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695
    Other (Comment)

    Head on is pretty annoying.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    ⬜️ Dead Hard

    3 health states is overpowered.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
    Other (Comment)

    In terms of just being annoying? Object of Obsession is my pick.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
    Other (Comment)

    I actually find Dead Hard to be hundred miles less annoying than Sprint Burst.

    Just for the sheer reason of me being effectively denied instant chase after I finally found a survivor. Not to mention that well used Sprint Burst can give way more value than Dead Hard ever could. Plus you kinda expect Dead Hard to be on everyone, while Sprit Burst is more of a "ah ######### here we go again" type of thing.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274
    Boon: Circle of Healing

    Not balanced

    breaks the game

    basically no way to counter it

    extreme value for survivors

    no cooldown

    can have multiple in a match.

    There's nothing you can do to discourage or punish it.

    The very definition of a frustrating and poorly designed perk. Even worse than old ruin, old DS, or old Undying.

  • Petforces
    Petforces Member Posts: 42
    Boon: Circle of Healing

    Even with Dead hard, I still would have chosen COH. It legit is multiple perks combined into 1. Why run inner strength/healing. That requires you to A destroy a totem, then B hide in a locker for 8 seconds. When you could just put a blessing down, that can heal infinite number of times and YOUR TEAM. Why run selfcare when, see above reasons. And then half of Botany knowledge, why get 33% increased heal speeds when you could get 75% and for the WHOLE TEAM.

    Honestly, It either needs to not grant self care, or not grant extra heal speeds. And I sure hope they get rid of the self care part. Or I herd a good suggestion earlier, that it should require tokens to use it, and you get the tokens by doing something, Just so its not an infinite thing.