What's up with the NOED threads?

I get it, NOED is pretty much an old perk that has a lot of hate but the way I see it, there are many times NOED can activate and doesn't mean that you're doing a bad job as a killer... i.e. slugging the third and fourth survivor, killing the fourth and closing the hatch, that makes NOED activates and you pretty much already won at that point. Question is. What's the big deal? The killer is playing with three perks for pretty much all the trial, except in late game and just if survivors decided not to do bones... So even if you reach late game, it doesn't mean it will activate. I can easily spot two or three bones in a single match, if I don't take them as a survivor it's my fault not the killers...
And the comments about rewarding bad killers... again, having NOED doesn't mean it will activate and if you're that bad of a killer, the most you can do is get 1K instead of 0K, now if you know the killer has NOED and is camping that surv, and you willingly decide to risk yourself even though you don't know where the hex is and by that, the killer downs and kills you... then I suppose you're getting salty because you didn't have your win. Basically, do it at your own risk... if you want to be altruistic then don't go crying because you didn't get the save. You knew the risks and you were willing to do it anyway.
Slow news twosday
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I wish the Twosday code was for today because I missed the first one and today is the actual Twosday. I feel robbed.
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Devs, where's our 2,222,022 bp?
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Because everybody has that core memory of their 3rd ever surv game against a terrible wraith who managed to kill them at the end purely bc of noed. When everything settles, the only thing that remains is that mild discomfort ppl get when seeing that its in play.
On a more serious note i think its very inconsistent for both sides and can most likely be improved upon.
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They're just tryna get it nerfed. Bhvr will cave eventually
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Everybody hates being punished for something they didn't do. Noed always gets called out for being unfair/bad design, but its quite literally the idea that even if you do things right the idea of death is always present. Sure it can give you kills you didn't "deserve" but you're also playing with only 3 other perks the entire game so I think its a fair trade(less early-game power for more late-game power).
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You’re not a bad killer because you use noed, but if you’re a bad killer and have many hours in the game, you sure use noed
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'Us vs Them' Survivor mains feel like they haven't gotten enough opportunities to set the narrative and/or shame killers.
Case in point, the Cheesewheel above me.
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Happens every now and then. Someone makes a NOED thread, it gets popular, spins off into a few other threads and then dies down. It comes in waves every couple of months.
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Idk something something noed op. something something "cant expect solo q to do totems".
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Nah, I am a bad killer yet I don't use NOED. Because A) I am using three perks for almost the entire match and B) There are chances that NOED doesn't get activated at all... well, I use to say I am bad but actually I am not that bad maining legion or pig.
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I want it to be reworked. I don't want it to be nerfed.
There's a difference.
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There's 6-8 people on these forums who enjoy making the same thread, where they complain about the same perk, over and over again. If you check the post history of the people making these threads you'll very quickly see what I mean. I've gotten to literally just copying and pasting my posts from previous noed threads. So far I don't think anyone has noticed.
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Yeah my threads are either, “solo que teammates suck”, or tier list type discussions lmao
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Don't forget your "who have you played with on this forum" thread. One of the most fun to read in recent memory.
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Hey man thanks for that! I was just trying to shake things up since it’s always the same topics. Surprisingly that thread got a lot of comments lmao
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NOED is boring discussion because there is nothing to discuss.
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NOED is interesting to me because it exposes how people truly feel about game balance. It's pretty much a discussion about risk vs reward and NOED users love reward with little to no risk and NOED haters like actual fair game design. If you like NOED I can already tell how you want to balance the rest of the game.
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Anyone that hates noed is either new or just whines alot.
Its 1 perk that only activates at endgame, it has counters and has only 3 peeks the whole game.
I versed alot of NOED last time I played, I didnt much care they had it. Didn't really do much for them tbh.
My only issue with the perk is its ability to twist the stats the devs use, I'd rather the game balanced without noed to help get a kill at the end etc.
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Its Tradition by now, like FnaF-threads or the constant reminder to not judge killers on ptb.
Most judgments of new killers have been mostly true tho.
As for noed? Survivors are learn-resistant. Watch some killer streamers, they're conditioned to expect DS, BT etc. Most killers have to keep those in mind and play accordingly. Survivors simply do not.
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Little to no risk? It's a perk that can be disabled even before coming into game and you're using three perks for the remainer of the trial.
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What an interesting generalization, friend!
I personally think that NOED is in a much better place than it used to be, and I don't mind using it or going against it. I also understand that I'm fairly out of practice with the game in its current state.
Though, to be fair I do like the design of Devour Hope more. Not sure why, tbh.
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Ok, so tell me. How do I want to balance the rest of the game?
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I don't know, I am not a mind reader... we all want a fair match indeed, but our ideas of fairness may change from person to person. Besides, I don't now what this has to do with anything since we've been talking about NOED.
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You must not have read the comment I was directly replying to.
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Nah, I saw the icon and thought it was the same. LOL.
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There are two situations that don't like with NOED:
1. Facecamping bubba that got more 1 kill because of NOED. I know that we should expect NOED in that situation, but i think it's kinda easy to get 2 kills with that playstyle and not healthy for the game.
2. When a killer played so badly (for example have 1 or 2 hooks) and down me (first time) because of NOED, but my teammates somehow lose their brain cells and got down. I know that if I wasn't in the hook, i could easily handle this situation
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Problem is definitely not in NOED in either situation, it's survivor or camping.
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Yeah, but that perk enable something like this happen and i think it's not right. I would change to be like: every survivor that got hooked one time become exposed and if hooked twice, he can get mori or quick mori (like Final Judgement)
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1. So at best they get a draw?
2. That's ######### teammates. Same thing easily happens without NOED
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Not really, NOED doesn't enable this problem... face camping Bubba can easily use his chainsaw and that's even worse than using NOED in a camping situation.
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1- No, i would say more common result.
2- Yeah, i know that survivors' fault and without noed that wouldn't happen. Probably get more upset with that situation because i play solo and i'm most likely in a terrible matches streak.
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Not "enable", I don't know the word that i would say for this (unfortunately, i don't practice my english) and hit M1 is easier than M2.
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I find it amusing that there are so many NOED complaints, yet when polls or threads are made, most survivor and killer replies indicate that it has minimal impact.
Compare this to the other 'usual suspects' such as Dead Hard and COH and you'll see a huge difference, as killers and survivors alike seem to agree (majority of posts) that they are problems.
I don't run NOED a lot, but I think it's pretty meh from both Killer and Solo perspectives (I rarely swf)
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Yeah yeah, like DS 3-4 times, CoH, and Dead Hard soon.
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Just more evidence that the large amount of complaints is coming from a disproportionately small amount of people.
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I think the word you're seekig is "Allows", perhaps? And yes, M1 is faster than M2.
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Because you only find killers here
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*reads previous reply*
I often wonder if people realize their post histories are public info.
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It's true. In fact a lot of people don't know this, but if you don't play at least 10 matches per week as killer, the forum just straight up deletes your account /s
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although NOED can be a very annoying perk to go against, it can make the endgame more exciting.
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I think by now its just so ingrained into dbd culture that NOED is a sign of a bad killer and a noob perk and whatever, that no one gives this perception a second thought.
Just 19h ago I had a game with Nemesis where I forgot that I had NOED equipped, and after a fun game on The Game (Nemesis is really fun there ... compared to nearly every other killer. I wonder why?) I got this fun little message on my profile :D NOED did basically nothing, I got 3K the normal way and then downed the last survivor during the EGC after closing the hatch, without any progress to the exit doors done. So NOED just speed the ending up a tiny little bit.
But some salt is always welcome :)
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I've run NOED by itself in the past, 4k'ed 'fairly' before endgame, and still had people trying to justify my 'badness.'
These people are a minority....just a vocal minority - It's easy to recall these interactions because conversations and comments like that just stand out more than all the 'happy gg/silent players.'
I think it's a bit important, and this could just be me, to not paint all survivor players as NOED haters/toxic/etc....Otherwise it's the same as stating NOED is used strictly by bad killer players - It's a blanket statement with zero merit.
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Yeah, 100%. Most people just accept NOED as just another perk. But even with the nice players you also got a fair share of people who comment on it, even in a non toxic way, like "nice game, gg. But NOED. Ug" I get that pretty often, I think that it might have been valid at some point in the past? But with todays meta I don't think the NOED hate holds any water anymore. Its not stronger or more unfair then a lot of other options and without delving into this too much, but survivors have a lot of second chance perks at their disposal, so the playing field is more then even.
But that said, yeah, generalizing "all survivors do this" or "99% of killers are like that" is 99% wrong.