What's up with the NOED threads?

I get it, NOED is pretty much an old perk that has a lot of hate but the way I see it, there are many times NOED can activate and doesn't mean that you're doing a bad job as a killer... i.e. slugging the third and fourth survivor, killing the fourth and closing the hatch, that makes NOED activates and you pretty much already won at that point. Question is. What's the big deal? The killer is playing with three perks for pretty much all the trial, except in late game and just if survivors decided not to do bones... So even if you reach late game, it doesn't mean it will activate. I can easily spot two or three bones in a single match, if I don't take them as a survivor it's my fault not the killers...

And the comments about rewarding bad killers... again, having NOED doesn't mean it will activate and if you're that bad of a killer, the most you can do is get 1K instead of 0K, now if you know the killer has NOED and is camping that surv, and you willingly decide to risk yourself even though you don't know where the hex is and by that, the killer downs and kills you... then I suppose you're getting salty because you didn't have your win. Basically, do it at your own risk... if you want to be altruistic then don't go crying because you didn't get the save. You knew the risks and you were willing to do it anyway.
