Why arn't you playing killer?



  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331
    edited February 2022

    Like others have said. You either have to pick specific killers with specific kits or put yourself at a massive disadvantage and run any other killer/kit combo and know a 2k is a long shot.

    I'll play a few matches as killer a week but they are always with meme builds and I know that I'm likely not going to see more than a few hooks. That's fun for 3-4 matches total and then it's back to survivor.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,481

    just had a seizure

    I aint playin ######### for the time being

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178
    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Since no cross progression, I lost all my perks when switching platforms.

    So yeah, fun times.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    I'd I play solo I play killer. So the reason Im not playing killer is because I'm playing with a friend(s). Or I have to do stuff around the house so que times make it easier.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Because the factory must GROW.

    More precisely, a lot of DBD's decisions recently have had me and my normal SWF group get... much less interested in playing Dead by Daylight. Mostly MMR and Circle of Healing resulting in running into a lot more tunnelers and campers and also feeling like I get very punished for not doing that as Killer.

    So... we're playing other games. In a group we've been playing Sea of Thieves and its being quite nice. When I solo, I've been playing an early access game called Satisfactory.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’m not playing the game in general atm. I’m just burnt out and the new content is either boring or not worth it

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
    edited February 2022

    only 3 killers are really viable, its making it super boring. MMR + COH + DH killed the game for me. No variation. Now I login, do my daily, finish the tome page and im done. Its good because if this game were fun, I wouldnt have time for dying light 2 + elden ring + horizon!

    Every game is the same killer as survivor, and as killer its nothing but the same perks. If teachables werent a thing all youd see is david.

    Plus because of interviews ive seen with devs have just shown me how out of touch they are. They dont understand their own game. They need to hire a normal gamer, and he isnt a dev. All he does it play the game and give opinions to them.

    They need someone who doesnt just focus on spreadsheets. They will see a result and thats the end of discussion, they dont consider WHY it happened.

    Yeah the bubba might have got a 4k, but was it early in the match or due to him getting destroyed then NOED giving him a 4k at the end? Doesnt matter, bubba got a 4k he won - nerf him.

    My steam last played in 2 week average has dropped from 100+ hours to 15, and I refuse to buy any cosmetics with money. I have 120k iri shards, so I wont be spending a penny on this game for a while.

    Post edited by gammatsunami on
  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    This is the answer right here. Circle of Healing has straight up destroyed this game.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Good choice with satisfactory. I still have to go back and play the new content front the last 2 big upfates but i am playing Dyson sphere program at the moment.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    It's a great game. I don't think I'm very far into it yet, but I'm loving it so far.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Yeah the only gripe i have with it is that in the later game you can't use more than one body equipment at a time unlike Factorio where you can use multiple modifications and stuff together.

    You might not know what i am talking about now but will find it out later. 😉

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Yeah... I'm just starting to make steel stuff. I think the only body equipment I have access to right now are parachutes.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237
    edited February 2022

    Having fun coincides with getting a lot of hooks and kills against the survivors, so playing a game of killer where I need to sweat, bring meta perks, tunnel/camp or play extremely calculated to achieve a decent to good result quickly burns me out.

    It's not fun to play killer, try to take it easy, only to get 2-4 hooks and watch every survivor run out of the gate whilst mostly tbagging at you. Knowing this, I'll bring meta perks and play serious to achieve a win, and while I do have more fun doing this, it quickly wears me thin by how stressful it is.

    The final straw for me was Circle of Healing. It's easily the most busted survivor perk in the game right now and completely destroys the killer's ability to apply pressure, effectively making 2/3 of the killer roster obsolete when it's used. What's funny is how there's zero counter-play against it. I played on Temple of Purgation earlier against it, and the survivors placed COH/SS in the totem downstairs in the basement under the temple, next to a 3-gen I had setup in the area. I was playing the Artist, and I would consistently injure 3-4 of them very quickly, only to watch them become healthy again in under 30 seconds. They were also a SWF, abusing how I couldn't destroy it without giving up my 3-gen and were playing careless because they knew they could just run away, heal at absurd speeds, and come back to taunt me. I only won the game because I camped a guy within the 3-gen and had NOED as a backup. If I didn't do so, I would've lost very quickly.

    Just honestly have had enough of it really. Until COH is permanently fixed I'm staying away from killer.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I just havent been having fun playing as killer. BHVR hasn't a clue what they are doing and after having the game for 4 years its fairly obvious they favor survivors.

    As of right now, evil genius 2 got a new dlc and warhammer 3 just came out. So Ill stick to "playing something else".

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Yep thats the first one but the next is really cool. You can be excited for that XD

    and a tip from me. Don't forget to research with the mam.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Game's frustrating instead of fun. Survivors are disrespectful instead of engaged. Balance disparity between solos and SWF is a joke. Killers keep getting nerfed while survivors keep getting buffed. Map reworks make them uglier, brighter, and more full of endless waves of super safe pallets. MMR has been a complete let down which instead of matching me with a steady supply of medium skill survivors, just kept bouncing me between brand-new survivors and hyper-skilled teams.

    Frankly, the whole thing is exhausting.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    While i would say the buff/nerf argument is slightly tinged by subjective views, the disrespectful behaviour even when playing fair and for fun as killer (without tunneling/camping/slugging) and even much less any gratefulness for it make playing like that even more frustrating.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I started playing Chivalry 2 instead. This oddly scratches my killer itch.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    I don't really know what everyone here is talking about, I've only been playing for 3 weeks and I just hit red rank killer. Sure you get annoying teams of survivors sometimes but you can at least kill one of them by tunneling even if they play extremely well and rush gens with toolboxes

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Boons killed my favorite build, now I rarely play killer. When I do, I'm running some dime-a-dozen boring slowdown build that I don't actually want to run, but need to. The survivor meta has shifted in a way that crushes creativity.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I still play more killer than survivor.

    Sadly I find survivor to be the more boring role, its often just hold m1 or run around the same rock rinse and repeat, all the threat is gone. Every now and then you get a good game with a really fearsome killer that detsroys the team, they are the exciting games.

    Killer is same ol same ol it goes up and down, lately I'd say there is a bit of a down with the stale 1v1 meta and narrow selection viable playstyles thanks largely to COH.

    Its still generally more fun than survivor though even if you have to wade through a swamp of bad gamers to get 1 to 2 good games against fun non tantrum throwing opponents. Once I get those 1-2 good games I generally call it a day for a few days.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    I know that must be difficult for you to say my friend.

  • puncher
    puncher Member Posts: 118

    My survivor queues are taking a while. It's 2:36pm here. During this time in the past survivor queues used to be instant.

  • Lucario576
    Lucario576 Member Posts: 53

    Idk, maybe is the lack of variety, while i play survivor i can do a lot of crazy builds (treasure hunter, stealth, healing machine,etc,etc.) but on killer idk what to use other than the same BBQ, PGTW,etc.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't know that it was any one thing that has me dropping off on killer and focusing more on survivor.

    I started playing survivor more with Mikaela's release, because my wife was getting interested in the game, and I wanted to learn the boon mechanics, and Frankly, my matches as survivor are just more fun, to where switching to killer for a daily challenge, is almost a chore.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    Killer expects you to balance a ton of different things at once and perks like dead hard, iron will and decisive strike are very annoying to be bombarded with every match. It's true that as a survivor you may need to make choices to balance everything out but it is nowhere near the mental gymnastics that the killer is constantly putting themselves through.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Survivors don't even need to make choices if they are playing in SWF, everything is almost pre determined.

  • Noz
    Noz Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2022

    I used to play killer. Usually trying to play in a way that gives people the most time to actually play the game. meaning not tunneling and not camping. I know that this won't give me the most wins, but if i get 2 kills ( one while gens are not done and one in the endgame ) that's fine.

    The problem i encounter is that the game is unable to match me with players that roughly play like me.

    Most of the time I either get babies who i beat easily -> I feel bad for playing.

    Or i get organized teams who often are just there to taunt me -> I also feel bad, but not because of my actions but because of the opposite team.

    I wish every game was played on tournament-level, not in terms of skills, but in terms of expected behavior. The game is sided to whoever wants to win more. Want to win as killer? Bring ruin undying pop scourge pain resonance or whatever your regression perks of choice are and some endgame perks like noed or no way out, then tunnel + proxy camp. Want to win as survivor? Play in swf, bring toolboxes, bring big medkits, map offerings, and then the usual ds dh bt ub.

    I would be fine every match was roughly like that, because then I wouldn't have to adjust myself to the current level of "try harding" ( really hate that term ), because everyone would just be playing as hard as they can.

    If both sides don't play on the same level in terms of "wanting to win", then it will be just as it is now where both sides whine about the other side. Not really because perk or playstyle xyz is too good, but because the party that has the audacity to bring that perk/play like that. "I am just playing for fun" they say, which usually means "If the other side plays harder than me, then they are sweatlords abusing perks/playstyles, and if they don't play as hard as me, then they are babies who deserve to get bullied/die(ingame)".

    In short: Because the game is badly designed and encourages unfun behaviour from everyone involved.