If I'm playing Mikaela and I see you cleanse a totem instead of repairing and you weren't blessing it.
your done
your done, go home
in general for people DON'T CLEANSE THE FREAKING TOTEMS PLZ THNX!!!!!!1! Especially with Mikaela you should know better!
Bless it before they cleanse it. That’s a you problem. What if they want the points? Or they have a perk that needs to cleanse totems? Or a challenge?
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I love cleansing totems in front of a frantic Mikaela crouching at me.
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bruh, what if I am going to go to the totem, to bless it but they hop on it before I can?/?????/??
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The cool thing is, you don't get to tell other players how to play the game so YOU can play the way you want.
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That’s why you need to find one first and cleanse the rest
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If I'm playing and see you as Mikaela and we get nabbed by NOED, your done!
Sorry Charlie, but you best get that blessing up. I'll leave 1 totem, but you best not let NOED pop on it.
Settle down.
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Why are players themselves playing against some of the most broken perks in the game???? What in the hell where is the logic?
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If it GLOWS, it GOES!
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Sucks to suck. Get there quicker next time.
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Well I get hex totems BTW i'm saying this for normal totems, Boon perks are some of the best support perks stop destroying normal totems!
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No. I play Mikaela as well and never use boon totems. I'd rather people cleanse than wait for NOED to f-ck us over ✌
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I cleanse every god damn totem I come across for those sweet survival points after single-handedly repairing 3 1/2 generators.
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Nope, too many killers running NOED and it's easy BP.
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Just run one of the boon perks if your going to cleanse them, boon perks are high ranking perks for a reason when one cannot find them then they can destroy a game for help
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When I play solo queue, I run totem builds and cleanse all the totems I can just to stop my teammates from using Circle of Healing because the perk is complete bullshit and ruins the game
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But also you could just escape the trial instead of griefing the killers?? Noed is only strong when you don't escape the game like you should.
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But it doesn't help the team by letting someone not use their perks??? Are you trying to be toxic?
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Why do you want to watch the world burn? You can clearly see it's a character that comes with boon totems communicating very clearly that they have a boon. Do you really enjoy screwing over your team that much?
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I'm just going to keep cleansing all the totems to get that sweet BP and not worry about end game instadown to stop me from escaping.
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But that is beyond pointless?
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BP and removing a killer perk is not pointless, it's actually 2 points.
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Yes don't ever cleanse 😈
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No not the killer point part but if you want the points, just bless them with boon perk it's really not that hard
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But I get both points AND remove the killer perk. Also hearing the bones shatter when I finish cleansing is so much better than the boon sound.
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Sorry nobody tells me what to do. Period.
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I do what I want.
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Annoying x2
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If I catch you booning a hex totem with TOTH; im cleansing all the other totems, wait for the killer to snuff the one you did boon, then cleanse that one. Its painful to watch someone reboon a totem over and over again
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If I goes down after a noed I'm going to sandbag you. If I see you blessing instead of helping I will cleanse every totems.
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Sounds like a personal problem, not everyone is like that
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And later you'll complain NOED is OP after telling everyone to not do bones.
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Sound like a personal problem if you can't blessed.
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No, because I escape instead of staying around.
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So who's the more ignorant one here? The one trying to help the team by blessing them or the one destroying all chances because of one or two bad experiences? I mean come on now.
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That because killers didn't tunnel you.
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Message unclear. I'll keep using small game, counterforce, and inner strength.
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Oh I get tunneled all the time, which is why I run dead hard.
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Like I said that because killers didn't tunnel you. If killers you are going against were smart then they would have predicted the dead hard.
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Same I need my inner healing and challenges done.
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I once had an injured Mikaela run up to me as I was blessing a totem. She pointed and crouched at me frantically, then made noise notifications to bring the killer over just as I finished putting up CoH and Shadow Step. I certainly didn't bother to heal her, and I kinda got in her way as she tried to run from the killer whom she had brought over.
And I let her die on her first hook.
I stopped running boons and now I just cleanse totems when I see them, though, because I don't really want to help my teammates anymore due to this kind of nonsense.
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Usually, people only run circle of healing, and thats not worth the risk of noed for me. If more people would run shadow step as well, it would be different, because the amont of times i lose a killer easy while in range is just wow.
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Welp, guess I'm gonna go on bone patrol again
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I always run both of them
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Small game, Counterforce and Detective's Hunch is the perk loadout of champions.