Devs favor killers.. look at the sloppy butcher glitch..

Clearly y’all devs favor the killer.. y’all won’t push a small patch out to fix the wraiths sloppy butch perk, where is suviords bleed constantly, and affects our view and frame rates.. yet y’all put a patch out JUST to fix an issue with the clowns hair obstructing vision... GG Devs... we know who you favor in this game 


  • Dinaqma
    Dinaqma Member Posts: 35
    AshleyWB said:
    I question the intelligence of anyone using the word y'all to raise a serious point. I thought huh...hillbilly main but actually you seem to be a salty survivor who happens to be a hillbilly. When will you learn that only Leatherface is the only chainsaw killer we need?
    Clearly you’re a trash killer main who took advantage of the tinker perk that wasn’t fixed until they rolled a huge patch out. Get over yourself. 
  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    They're probably working on it to include it in the 2.5 patch.
    As for your idea that Devs Favor killers, The Opposite is true... I don't know how you could think otherwise.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    From the patch notes:

    Permanent heavy bleeding when the Wraith performs a Surprised attach with Sloppy Butcher AND the "Blind Warrior" - White add-on. Perk and add-on were fixed individually.

    Unless someone uses the perk+addon for some reason (they don't stack, so there is none) the bug is fixed in the next patch.
    It wasn't hard to do a bit of research you know?

  • ItsDeezyBruh
    ItsDeezyBruh Member Posts: 4
    AshleyWB said:
    I question the intelligence of anyone using the word y'all to raise a serious point. I thought huh...hillbilly main but actually you seem to be a salty survivor who happens to be a hillbilly. When will you learn that only Leatherface is the only chainsaw killer we need?
    Did you really just inadvertently call everyone using the word "y'all" a hillbilly? Grow up and knock off the petty insults.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Hah, tell that to the devs who thought that rescuing Survivors from the Killer's grasp with Flashlights & Pallets without any skill necessary was a BALANCING change.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dinaqma said:
    Clearly y’all devs favor the killer.. y’all won’t push a small patch out to fix the wraiths sloppy butch perk, where is suviords bleed constantly, and affects our view and frame rates.. yet y’all put a patch out JUST to fix an issue with the clowns hair obstructing vision... GG Devs... we know who you favor in this game 

    Yes we know...... :lol:

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    Lol what about the sound bugs that have been in the game since the last Legion patch? Or the bugged scratchmarks? Which by the way is a bigger deal since it affects the gameplay of all killers all the time. How does that fit into your accusation of devs favoring killers? Would like to know.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143
    It's a damn glitch, calm down. This is a not so smart thread....
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    You can always tell when someone gets stomped in game and exactly who/what he got stomped by...

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    Yeah because it's not like grabs have been bugged for like 4 patches now. Totally killer sided 😂😂😂.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    1 bad glitch for survivors -> "liKe oMG dEvS arE sOoooOoOOoO kiLleR siDeD!1!1!1!"
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