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Some of You Are Overreacting towards Dead Hard and NOED

So many players are Overreacting to Dead Hard and NOED. These perks are really not that bad considering what else there is for options on perks for both sides.

Dead Hard you can just wait for them to use it if you see them running to a pallet or a loop and they're looking behind you they more than likely have Dead Hard so you can either wait it out still or just swing earlier than usual cause they'll want to get closer to it. Now what about if they make a mistake and they press Dead Hard to avoid the hit wait and see if they have rather than swing instantly.

NOED I've said it many times this perk isn't a guarantee to activate or get any usage out at best 1 or 2 downs unless the team is being really brave to approach the hooked survivor while NOED is up. You have plenty of perks to help you find the totems the best being Counterforce and Detective's Hunch, Small Game also works well. I see many teams bring in totem builds but, they don't use them for cleansing they use them for Boons so totems don't get cleansed.

Both sides need to relax over these 2 perks as they're not broken or op they're fine perks and as I said their are way better perks for both sides than just these 2.


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,497
    edited February 2022

    I don't think your "counterplay" to dh will ever work if its a semi decent survivor using it for distance. Noed destroys solos so hard because unless you run small game (which only gives you info its possibly coming) which then you have to solo save your team from it. It's not the easiest to work around.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    Works well fine for me I never have an issue with dead hard even against good teams sure sometimes I miss time my swing and Dead Hard saves them or there ahead of me and just dead hard to reach a pallet or vault in time but, I never have an issue with dead hard in my games anyway.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    The fact you are thinking both of those perks are similar things does remove most credibility from your opinion IMO.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited February 2022

    I think he is unbelievably good player who doesn't suffer from guaranteed extended chase time DH causes, like, downing people within 15seconds normally and 20seconds with deadhard, no wonder he can't understand suffering of mere mortal.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    I really should start tallying how many NOED/DH threads we get a week.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I'm very confident that I'm not overeacting.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2022

    What is this post? How do these even get through?

    Waiting out deadhard doesn't work against deadhard for distance to get to a pallet or window. Did you just randomly hear some person say "just wait out DH lol" and decided to regurgitate it? Over and over people just keep saying "wait it out". Do you people actually play the game? Nobody has a problem with the invincibility, unless they're baby killers. It's the distance that's annoying.

    For Noed, you're going to waste so much time cleansing 5 whole totems, for a perk that might not even be in use. All that time wasted, you could've been doing gens, but instead you decided to throw the game by wasting time breaking dull totems. Congratulations! You broke 5 totems! But it doesn't even matter anymore, because the killer doesn't need it! Everyone is either dead or on death hook, and only 1 or 2 gens are done!

    I'm sure a lot of people are tired of threads complaining about those two perks, including me, but let's not pretend those are "cOuNtERs1!!"

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Noed is already activated at endgame, but the survivors wouldn't know since it only lets them know if they insta down a survivor with it. You would have to go search for it before your teammate dies on hook. Most people just escape since it's usually impossible to find unless by some off chance it's in a horrible spot.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    Well i’m sure they’re gonna get changes because of allll these complaints.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    It's very much possible within 120 seconds, you can even remember where dull totems were.

    Most people leaves because simply they don't care if others die to NOED, not because it is impossible or anything.

    And if survivors have one or two hooks and caught by NOED, killer deserves to kill that guy.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2022

    I think the issue people have with it is that you can never predict whether or not someone has it, and when it does activate, it heavily rewards someone for obviously playing really poorly. Similar to how if you greed a pallet expecting the killer to respect it, but they do the correct play and don't, you can dead hard for distance to reach the pallet and drop it. They both reward you playing like #########. Obviously I don't particularly care that much, strong weapons/perks/items exist in many games, it's nothing new. But I don't think we should make people think that they're absolutely fair and balanced perks. That's asking for a bit too much.

    Memorizing dull totem spawns is insanely hard. You would have to have thousands of hours of playtime to memorize every possible totem placement on every single map. It's not impossible, but it's most definitely improbable. Especially in solo q.

    If the killer only managed to get 1-2 hooks, and they decided to pop on an insanely strong perk to reward them for playing horribly, I wouldn't really say they deserved that. They barely worked for that kill, and they most likely played really poorly.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    You can predict NOED well depending how the killer is playing.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    "not possible in solo q" is generally just a skill issue anyway, not like perk itself is uncounterable.

    Noobstomper doesn't equate to broken or super strong perks.

    It's not uncommon that something has to be pretend to it exists, plenty of survivor perks works like that, I don't think NOED is problem as this is how game is made to be.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Not really, I've gone against pretty decent killers, coming from a killer main myself, and they sometimes still have noed.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2022

    I mean, isn't Noed also a skill issue? You're losing because you're playing horribly most of the time, and you need a perk to help you get a kill or two.

    Noed can still be good, even against decent or above decent players. It's generally not that much of an issue against a 4 man SwF, since they can use their time with coordination.

    The difference between some of those perks (say deadhard or bt) is that usually it's not as punishing to pretend that it's there. I could wait out deadhard for invinciblity for like 5 seconds, and if they don't do anything, i'll m1. Or spending like 12 seconds waiting for BT, and you get insanely rewarded for doing so. If they don't have it, not much of a disadvantage was lost while waiting for it. As opposed to spending so much time cleansing 5 totems, wasting all of that time when you could be healing a teammate, or doing a gen. Waiting out deadhard or BT isn't that bad when compared to searching and cleansing 5 whole totems, in the off chance that they do have Noed. It isn't so black and white, they're not that comparable.

    The problem with Dead Hard though is obviously the distance.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    There is no "skill issue" in perks, it does what it does, people get value out of it.

    Every perks does work like plain buffs, if you want to say so, you can say every one of perks as "skill issue" but that's weird.

    NOED CAN be good but doesn't mean it is broken or anything, perks are allowed to be good too.

    Pretending BT or DH or DS exists is also extremely "punishing" in a way, both BT and DH prolong chase by one loop/palette worth of time, DS forces you to chase other survivors or just pick him up and eat the stun, basically forces you to require one more hook state to kill a survivor.

    You don't get "rewarded" for anything, it's always lose-lose situation for killers.

    You won't spend "so much time" cleansing 5 totems, especially with right perk or decent teammate.

    They aren't black and white, the thing is they are both black, all those perks force lose-lose situation to opponent, but thing is, NOED is clearly weakest of all those.

    there is only one NOED (as opposed to survivors having four of those perks) and can be disabled within a totem worth of time, and can be hard-countered by totem breaking perks, or simply does not work as survivors could chase longer and get to gate, while also only working at endgame (basically forces killers to play 3 perks for 5 gens, which can easily results in excessively few hooks)

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    That’s true, I usually play every survivor match assuming the killer has NOED.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    It's seriously not weird to say it's a skill issue to put Noed on, you press m1 like twice in the menu to equip a free kill perk. It's comparable to dead hard. You equip it, suddenly you get so much value out of it for playing poorly. Other perks can reward you for playing poorly like resilience, but the reward it gives you isn't comparable to the reward noed or deadhard gives you.

    Do you seriously think Borrowed Time is stronger than Noed?

    You do waste a lot of time cleansing 5 totems. Cleasning 5 totems takes 70 seconds, EXCLUDING the time it takes searching for those totems, which would amount to a much larger number.

    It's always a lose-lose situation for killers? How the ######### was me curb stomping a solo q team a lose-lose situation for me?

    Eating a DS can be beneficial, even if you know they have it. I've done it many times when I can, so I can tunnel that same person out of the game when I hook them afterwards. I know they won't have DS, so I can easily tunnel them out without having to pretend it's there.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    It is, because every perks gave you "so much value out of it" for playing whatever way, other perks reward you for playing however you do too.

    And yes, borrowed time is stronger than NOED, hell, it can even counter NOED in a way as endurance works.

    70 seconds across all survivors are really nothing, especially when killer only has three perks, it can be sped up too.

    Because stomping PuB has nothing to do with balance, you meet weaker opponent and you win, it doesn't matter what perk they brought or what perk you brought, if there is huge gap in skill, you will win.

    Eating a DS will not be beneficial no matter what, because without DS you wouldn't have to eat it from the beginning.

    It's just that eating DS is still more efficient than going for other players as requiring four hooks is still same, it's more efficient to go for injured one than going for healthy one, but it's still wasted time.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    Like I said, it's 70 seconds EXCLUDING the time searching for the other totems, which would increase it probably more than double the amount of time.

    As a killer main, continue to use BT. Survivors continue to try and take hits, which I can just wait out their BT, and they go down looking like a moron. If you think BT is more OP than Noed, either you don't wait it out or you're just spewing nonsense.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    There is four people across all games, and there is a perks to search for totems.

    Survivors don't try and take hit while using BT, they do deadhard, they go good chase position, and they won't go down looking like a moron.

    If you think BT does nothing and not strong, the chances are you are playing against extremely weak survivors, to the point they don't even know what looping is.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Finding all of the Totems takes time

    Cleansing all of the Totems takes time

    Both of which the Killer needs in order to get a fair game (other then the campers)... so my fix would be to let all (remaining) Survivors know that NOED is in play as soon as the last Gen is done

    And with Dead Hard... it's the same principle... to extend the time of chase or to put some distance between then and the Killer

    And by playing as if players are using either of those perks also plays into those perks... so no that's not a counter

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited February 2022

    "Just wait for dead hard"

    Another big brain with amazing tips, love those guys.

    Hey my house is burning - Just pour water on it!

    Hey I dont have money - Just buy a house!

    Hey I lost my keys - Just find them!

  • Ramondiola
    Ramondiola Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2022

    I see many comments are harsh, like treating the OP rudely for saying such abominable thing.

    Everyone can play around dead hard. Wether you wait/trigger the survivor to use it before you hit or you swing earlier, you may get the hit or they can get away with it. It's not only about skill from each side but luck too.

    Seeing so many people complaining about the perk and some very convincing reasons, I still wonder how many of them actually think dead hard needs nerfing/rework to balance the game and how many want it just because killer would be easy without current dead hard.

    I think dead hard is fine. People can use it well but they can also screw up. And to people saying things like "a group of good survivors all equipped with dh is unbeatable". How different would it be without dead hard? A group of good survivors can win a match without meta perks or even without any perks at all.

    I think people are actually overreacting.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901
    edited February 2022

    True I've seen many teams beat me and other good killer players without dead hard all the time.