So how many threads about hacking do we need to make for BHVR to take it seriously?
First game of the day againts subtle hackers with higher gen repair speed and speed boost,probably wallhacks too because all gens we're done in under 4 minutes and I could never catch up to them.
This has become the norm,people with 5-10% extra movement speed and gen repair denying they're hacking,this game has become a ******* joke because of the hackers.
Every streamer deals with at least a few hackers daily now.
Making a functioning anti cheat for a 5 year old mound of spaghetti code isn’t exactly easy
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Then I guess that's it for dbd,the hackers will just keep increasing and ruin the game.
They either change the engine or make a new game.
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Yeah pretty much. Surprisingly I’ve only seen 2 hackers in my games but they were blatant ones. Chances are met tons of subtle ones I didn’t notice
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I noticed my 1st "subtle" hacker today , suddenly speeding up a little in chase and getting boon shadowstep effects despite that perk or any other scratchmark losing perk being equipped, also seeing a ton of afk m1 (basic attack) bots
They really need to do something about this other than "secret behind the scenes plan" its very disheartening and makes me not want to play
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I think they did mention anti cheat in a recent faq but didn’t want to elaborate because they don’t want to give cheaters info before it’s even out.
anyways from our perspective I guess we’ll never actually know until they implement it.
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Gods, if that stuff gets out and does the bare minimum it will be so good.
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Always 2 more threads.
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I really doubt they are not taking it seriously since I assume hackers hurt their bottom line.
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Yes it is. Like we need to stop babying this company, that is this big and successful. That's the mistake everyone made with World of Warcraft.
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Making the game f2p on Epic was the worst idea they ever had.
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Agreed. If you can’t make a good anti cheat don’t release the game for free for a week
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if they could they would
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If i have option to not play with Epic players, i would active it gladly. %90 of cheaters i faced was from Epic. Now i have more reasons to hate Epic.
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So true. After they did that is when I noticed the hackers being more prominent in the game.
It gave every hacker that was banned from the game a free pass to get back in.
Another big problem is stream sniping. I don't stream DBD but I know some people who do and almost every time I play with them as survivor we get stream sniped by the killer. all players who put TTV in their name or YT are inviting steam snipers.
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Before DbD released on Epic, i would face a cheater like once every 3 or 4 months. Now i can face several per day.
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The thing is even if something was done about it, there'd still be hackers. Hackers always find ways to bypass the anti-cheat system.
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Where there are too many hackers in a game,it just dies.
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hackers suck mkay, we cant tell you much more about it mkay, but we know its happening mkay. come see me next week.
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Lets make a bet shall we?
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The more time more spaguetti soon even hackers wont be able to hack our spaguetti game at all