Would anyone truly be upset if RPD was removed?

I think a majority of the playerbase can agree the map is ass. As survivor, most pallets are either extremely unsafe or god pallets, and there are no loopable windows. As killer, the map is way too big and convoluted to pressure well, mobility killers are impossible to play on it, and boons are basically a free win to the survivor team. And as both sides, the map is dreadfully optimized and impossible to navigate.
I understand the concept of licenses being hard to acquire and the sunk cost fallacy, but it would only do the game good if the map was permanently disabled. I would rather be sent to gideon five times in a row than this god-awful map, and I hope you all agree.
Yes, I am against losing content, I am mad about the little stunt they pulled with Haddonfield too. I am frustrated they didn't rework Hawkins into an original. I want more content, not less.
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Someone somewhere will be sad if RPD goes
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Just leave it as a KYF and training mode map only. Seems we’re gonna have to start removing maps from ranked match rotation, like Overwatch in competitive mode; as the devs keep making worse and worse ones (somehow).
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The Overwatch issue was because they were planning to rework the maps, however, they scrapped those plans as Overwatch 2 will remove the 2cp mode. Why they didn't just add them back in is anyone's guess. I suppose the same reason we haven't had a balance update in about 8 months and the last one was a tiny update that just added gimmicks from their experimental mode.
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ngl i prefer RPD over other indoor maps and yes, I would be very upset if they remove it
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The point still stands that those maps aren’t in competitive play for a reason, and DbD’s only mode outside KYF is literally labeled “ranked”. I’d be indebted if they removed Suffocation Pit and Azarov’s if they don’t intend to ever rework those. Terrible design.
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For me, I would buy a cake and candles and celebrate it.
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I love RPD and it is my favorite map.
It is the only map in the game where you are rewarded for hiding from the killer instead of playing "Circle the pile of garbage".
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RPD is crazy big. It's like Suffication pit with 2 stores and no straight paths. Personally I find 2 stores/indoor maps annoying. They have very similar issues. Insane pallet number/ placement, circulation problems, visual limitation, loop inefficiency, etc. So I rather they address these issues on indoor maps in general instead of removing them.
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i would be upset if rpd was removed,so many sneaky ghostface jumpscares have been made on this map,its basically lery's step brother but better because of all the walls,you can sneak up on any survivor with it
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It's one of my favorite survivor maps. I think this map is amazing even tho it can be really hard for some killers on this map. The map is really survivor sided but i think we should never lose any content ever again. I'm still sad sometimes because of Hawkins. I still hope Hawkins comes back.😭 Even if you don't like a map it shouldn't mean it has to go. Losing content is one of the worst things that can happen.
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I'd be upset we're losing content but a lot less upset then I'd be if we lost good content.
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I genuinely enjoy RPD.
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I'd be upset if we lost quality content.
RPD is very far away from quality.
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I don't really want to lose content, so no. RPD should be reworked, not removed completely.
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never understood the hate , yes , i'd miss it , but then i also miss Hawkins
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Can someone explain the american meaning of ass? I see it a lot on IG and on here. In England, blokes like ass, so you're effectively saying saying RPD is nice by my eyes
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substitute ass for garbage, crap, horrid or #########.
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I really wish they would make it brighter. I can learn a convoluted map, I can get skillz on a difficult map for my killer, but there's not much I can do if I can't freaking see!
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is RPD the worst map? No that belongs to the Swamp. If anything that’s the map that should be deleted
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RPD is one of the worst maps of the game. It's a big map (all big maps are bad) and it's very difficult to navigate.
When I get it, I either try to kill everyone if I think I can manage it fast or, if I see the survivors doing gens efficiently, I let them alone and stand ready to open the gates ASAP.
If a survivor uses an RPD offering and I'm using Bubba, I guarantee I'll apply as much pain as I inhumanly can. If I'm on Nurse, they better have some variation of unbreakable. Otherwise I'll brew some coffee and check the news.
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it needs to be more of an open concept map. personally i struggle to get to survivors who are hooked in certain locations. I could be on the other side of the wall from the hook but it takes 20 seconds to get around to them. no other map is that frustrating.
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I would be against it even though i have a love/hate feeling for the map, some games it just feels like hell but i've had a fair few really good games on RPD too (both sides) I feel the more i play the map the better i getting to know my way around it and the less frustrating it is, i had a similar felling about Midwich map when that came out but now I've learned the layout i dont dislike that map at all now.
RPD is a very nice looking map and plays a bit different than the others, it would be a real shame to lose that variety.
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Yes, i would be upset.
And only you don´t like something don´t assume the "majority" of players shares your opinion.
RPD is cool.
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feels cramped in lots of L shapes in corners and easy for killers to face camp.
There's a section of the map that's useless they should just remove it but then it would be even more cramped in.
It has a loop that's not all that hard to loop the killer each time (after a couple minutes pass I let them hit me).
I don't dread the map but I don't think it's fun.😕
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Get rid of it and replace with the street of raccoon city.
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I like RPD because I'm a huge resident evil fan
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Capcom would probably have a thing or two to say about it.
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Keep RPD but delete Midwich from existance
EDIT: Don't delete all of Midwich just keep the up and downstairs little bathroom section with the breakable door shortcut.
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I used to hate RPD because of the size, the complicated layout, the stuff that you get stuck on in literally every corner, never being able to find gens, never being able to find totems - never being able to find survivors (or my way to them when I got a notification/aura)...or a hook.
Since then I did play RE2... and the whole layout thing isn't an issue anymore. You really need to know the map by heart to successfully navigate it, both as survivor and as killer. Most (all?) the hooks have a fixed location. Eventually you know as a killer and know which hook you can get to. There are also many fixed locations for gens, so once you know where those are that's good. Same goes for totems. Personally, I don't mind memorizing the map - but I see how other people find it annoying to the point where they rather not have the map at all.
As for the getting stuck on nothing all the time; de-cluttering the map a little and scaling it up a little so that it isn't that cramped might be enough on that front. (I do feel sorry for any Billy or Blight that attempt to not m1 - and I have the greatest respect if they smh succeed)
So ye, I personally enjoy it by now - but I can see why it gets all the hate.
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No. Delete it. Wouldn't care, wouldn't question.
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I think the same as you.
I am also opposed to content being removed.
Also, I really like RCPD map (as long as it appears from time to time as it currently does. If it appeared very frequently, it would be somewhat annoying).
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RPD can be deleted and I would jump for joy.
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i cant speak for everyone but i hate this map, however BHVR cant just remove it for multiple reasons, the best we can hope for is that the game gets so many maps the chances of getting a rpd gets extremely low, but since i keep getting autohaven over and over and over and over, i dont think that will be enough
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I don’t hate RPD, I think it’s a cool looking map. I get confused getting around it sometimes but the pallets are mostly gameable. I dislike corn more than RPD. 🤷♂️
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It's my favorite map in the game, I would be pretty sad.
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the only mode we have being ranked don't matter because this is a party game people treat like it competitive one,with how RNG the game get for both sides shouldn't be considered as aa competitive video games.
also fun fact rank and the MMR suck.
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If I wanted to traverse the map I would have replayed the game.
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Don't get pissed off.
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It's easily my favorite map.
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Is this really you?
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"little stunt they pulled with Haddonfield" isn't that something to do with the map being bugged. If you want more content thats buggy then I have to disagree a lot with you.
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I'd choose to play on RPD over Lery's any day! I really can't stand Lery's.
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I like the map aesthetically but when you play RE:2 you realise it was meant for much slower movement. It is not a great map when played at the speed most killers run.
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Map is fine, the players are bad.
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The map is far from fine. It has glaring issues on both sides.
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I personally like it. Already memorised before getting into REmake 2, which actually had me more confused than the DbD version ever did.
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As long as we get a different Resident Evil map or a reworked version of RPD, then I'd be fine. But if we're just going to delete it and give it some generic replacement or not even replace it at all, then I wouldn't go for that at all.