Man I LOVE save the best for last

Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

It's so satisfying getting those stacks for quick wiping lol


  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    It's ok. Way overhyped I think, and it pains me to see people run it on killers with strong M2s.

    It means you get even more punished for tunneling through DS. You can't kill an annoying obsession, even if they figure out you have it and actively bodyblock you. I don't even run it on Demo; the amount of games you will need to eat DS for a kill to win the game is very high.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    It’s pretty busted with camping, overly altruistic survivors made me go from what was looking like a sure 1k to a straight up 4k after the gates were already powered. Basically just because of this perk.

    You might be surprised how many people don’t expect it on them.. say, Huntress. 🤣

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Camping is about the only time I ever get any real use from the perk. And if I want to camp, it's better to just pick a killer with a camping oriented power. Someone like Huntress can just put on Oak Haft and basically get it for free without having to limit their playstyle.

    Even at like 5+ stacks I barely even notice it in a regular chase. The time saved is usually marginal outside a select few killers who can quickly M2 after the M1 and use it for a down they would not have been able to get otherwise (deathslinger). On most M1 killers I save way more time overall with a regular chase perk like Enduring or Bamboozle.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 915
    edited March 2022

    i also think it's a bit overhyped, the effect is more a "quality of life" effect than a "it gives you a free down" effect (just like Brutal Strength). It's really strong in camping situations and it's imo one of the better chase perks if you have 8 stacks, but everytime i use it on a normal M1 killer it get's in my way because of the obsession taking hits or something like that.

    I think all of the chase perks are bad except Bamboozle, which can have a strong impact and a free down if used right. Enduring on itself does nothing on save pallets and even on unsave pallets it's not a free hit. It just makes stuns less annoying. To be viable, you need to stack them (EndFury or Brutal+Enduring), which isn't worthy imo. That's why you rarely see them at higher level except something like Huntress (Brutal Strength seems to be common on her) or M2 killers (Stbfl) maybe.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033
    edited March 2022

    I use STBFL onnjust about every M1 killer. Spirit. Deathslinger. Pig. Nemesis.

    It makes two tapping survivors take less time (shorter chases) and makes crowded survivors pay.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,302

    I also think it's overhyped, despite also liking it. In many scenarios, Corrupt or Deadlock is way more worth it than 8 stacks of STBFL. Holding forward is still a thing, you shouldn't be using your special attack at that point but then you're an M1 killer, and the obsession constantly wants to get chased by you, and holding forward is still a thing because even STBFL x8 isn't enough catch-up. 8 stacks of STBFL will not singlehandedly win you the match in the late game, which is what many people claim.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    it is a problem with lack of counter-play on holding forward for survivor. The strategy for the survivor is so strong that even equipping a perk only helps to mitigate it. The perk in general was weakened a long time ago because bad survivors were trying to 360 killer and ended up not maximizing their distance gain, so they would instantly get downed from quick recovery. This phenomena is presented on Trickster. lots of survivor think he's overpowered because he has no recovery so many survivors get instantly destroyed in the chase and whine he is too oppressive. the so called old machine gun build was soft counter to shift-w survivor gameplay.

    A large reason why Nurse and Blight are strong is because their gap-closing ability allows them to have stbfl for free by virtue their mobility. Spirit with Mother daughter ring also gets this. Its major property of all strong killers to have some method of countering shift-w and of course, all of them that do have it are better than the perk itself.

    The irony behind is that generator delay/slowdown perks are also indirect counter to it because the killer is going into the match knowing he is going to get looped by low counter-play strategy. For example if a survivor hold-w and the killer follows for 20 seconds, the survivor wastes 20 seconds of killer time but deadlock gives him 30 seconds back. so its like counter-balance. This is all disregarding window and pallet balance in a given map.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243
    edited March 2022

    I would use it too if I didn't had to worry about gens flying.

    Its better on some killers than others,like pig or nemesis that have a special attack.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited March 2022

    I will always love this perk. Survivors get less distance after first hit.....Plain and simple. The value in that is fantastic as they probably would have made it to that next pallet/vault if you didn't have. My favorite perk by far on Pig, Freddy, Clown, Slinger, and Plague. Don't see to many talk about it on Plague but she has one of the easiest ways around the obsession. I even ran it on Billy once lol.

    Have not got it on Nemesis yet but really think I would like it.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    I think there is some decent merit to Enduring by itself. It definitely enables a very confident playstyle that occasionally catches greedy survivors off guard. I actually run it on almost all my M1 killers and alot of people will greed a pallet thinking I am going to respect it.

    Especially on M1 killers, against good survivors you WILL be eating a ton of pallets. The looping will be so tight there isn't any other option other than respecting and probably allowing the survivor to get extra loops.

    There's also a few killers who do just get straight up hits because of brutal strength. Clown and Pinhead come to mind. You hit them with a slow, break the pallet, and then usually get a hit if you zoned them to the correct side.

    PWYF is also the king of chase perks and allows totally uncounterable downs, assuming you can handle the time constraints it puts on you.

    I play low tier killers at an MMR where the gens can get done in 3-4 minutes. I'm tunneling every game, thanks.

    Corrupt is overhyped too. It is very map dependent and in some cases might as well not even be a perk. Survivors can still all spawn right on top of generators with it equipped, although it is less likely. High mobility killers I use discordance or lethal pursuer instead for the early game. And yeah 8 stacks is strong, but it's still M1 attacks. You will only get multiple M1 hits in succession if the survivors allow it or you are facecamping.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,302

    There's no such thing as uncounterable downs, except maybe with Nurse. Lethal Pursuer and Discordance are a joke because they're just info. Info perks are highly overrated for killer, and they might as well not be there.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Ok well at 130% MS almost every loop in the game becomes unsafe and you are typically running it on instadown killers to boot. My tombstone myers build is running around with an 8m terror radius and an instakill on top of it.

    The only counter is a god pallet right next to you and if those are already gone, they don't exist on your map, or you are not right next to one it's not realistically counterable. I usually moonwalk to the gens when my Tinkerer procs too.

    Lethal is great. No other perk in the game has you getting downs in under 10 seconds into the match. Double range nurse can usually hit someone in her first blink. Same with discordance, it shows you where to go 2 seconds into the match some games; and then provides constant information beyond that.

    If you wanna go all the way and say Corrupt and Deadlock are good perks, then ill go and say they are all trash compared to Rancor / No way out builds. 5 gens to tunnel someone, then you down and stand on top of the obsession and rancor them as gen #5 gets done. No way out holds the door for the 3k. It's literally the best build and strategy in the game for every single killer, and it's banned in tournaments. Does that mean i'm running it every game? No, it's boring. Strong play can compensate for perks on any killer that can outplay a survivor at a safe pallet.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 816

    it's funny, because you say that like it's true.

    So I guess when a survivor with DS gets unhooked, I should just take a break while they try to bodyblock every thing I do?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,302

    But you're going on the assumption the obsession is just gonna feed you PWYF stacks over and over. And even if they do, do you know how much time that wastes on your end? The gens might be almost all done by the time you start doing chases for real.

  • spinodemdem
    spinodemdem Member Posts: 56

    how to win a match:

    play as the demogorgon,get stbfl

    get 8 stacks

    hook a survivor

    keep hitting them on hook so everyone hears your almighty roar

    all survivors dc because of the almighty scream

    though,i myself use stbfl on all killers,fast recovery speed helps me all the time,except for pyramid head

  • DatFastBoi
    DatFastBoi Member Posts: 455

    tbh I’d rather run black heart on demo than using a perk slot for STBFL