We get it you wraith.

Did the wraith really need some of the buffs they gave him?
Does he really need an add on that makes his bell totally silent?
He's already got one that makes it impossible to tell where his bell is ringing from.
he's got aura reading while cloaked
so many players of wraith rely on his sprint burst from the uncloak to catch people.
did he really need more power to this?
i mean how tf you gonna catch survivors without that sprintburst and it makes cloacking tottaly usless
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Are we complaining about Wraith again?
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You missed a bit, now we complain about everything.
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Well tbf I have been on the forums the last month, just haven’t been able to comment.
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Yep and we even have proof of that as pre mega buff Wraith didn't have the post stealth sprintburst baseline(It was weaker and an add-on) and he was considered F tier.
Without it he was the objectively worst character in the game.
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That violates ban evasion rule number 34839483943 prepare to be banned!
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Yes he needed the buffa they gave him, in my opinion the post uncloack lunge was kinda extreme but I LOVED IT.
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Actually he's been nerfed hard in recent times. You shouldn't be losing to Wraith.
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Yes, he needed every last buff he got. He was in a decent spot after those buffs, then they hard nerfed him when his kill rates weren't even abnormally high and for seemingly no reason, and now he's again a very bad killer with very little chase potential.
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Silent bell is literally what an iridescent addon should be. They need to make iri addons actually busted, make them a game changer. Not just some simple gimmicky thing that isn’t even useful in most cases, or that has a downside so big that no one will ever run it.
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Huh? They need to revert that nerf they gave him, homie. No idea what you are talking about.
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I mean sure, let's get rid of All Seeing and Silent Bell, so long as we give him back the faster + longer post cloak speed boost. Maybe a bit faster while cloaked too, or basekit Shadow Dance, idk. Just give him the Super Super Lunge back and I'll be happy with whatever tbh
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I find it funny that people complain about wraith now even though anyone daring to play wraith before the speed buff would just use windstorm already unless they were insane. Like sure he can have double windstorm again with an extra addon but jesus the amount of people complaining about him now.
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Statistics prove otherwise.
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Did you ever play or heck even see the original wraith?
His power was useless and had the largest terror radius in the game at 40.
It was pretty objective.
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Yeah, you do not know what that word means. You cannot use that word to apply to your OPINION.
I have never seen any killer stats in which Wraith EVER had the lowest kill rate.
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Wraith is fine. If he didn't have a speed boost after uncloaking, his power would be useless.
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You're really complaining about the recently nerfed Wraith? Really?
Then again, I'm not surprised. I had 2 survivors message me (PS4) and complain when I got a 3k with a meme build. I had no gen regression and no tracking. I ran double action speed while cloaked addons with Brutal Strength, Bamboozle, Iron Maiden, and Fire Up. Basically a "I'm just gonna break and vault stuff faster" build.
Survivor mains will complain about anything if they lose, even if they lose to a meme build. 😂
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To answer your question, yes. Yes he absolutely did. I've been playing Dead by Daylight for a very, very long time. I can remember when Wraith was a complete joke. He's in a very good place now.
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I think he's perfect and fine now. Maybe tone his cloak speed down by like. 0.1
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"No, no--you don't get it; that's a solid build, bro!"
In all seriousness, I do love that build, along with the classic "haha, Wraith go zoom" one. Gotta love abusing PWYF and watching coordinated teams literally murder their obsession to escape it.
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Another favorite of mine. 😂 Wraith and Legion are my "lol killer go brrrr" killers. Getting salt from survivors after is just a big fat cherry on top.
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Are complaining about Wraith again? Is it his time to get nerfed again?
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Statistics don't tell much. Ranks distribution of killers vs survivors? That makes a very different picture depending on that.
"we" ...
Players who can't be bothered to improve (raised in the "everybody gets a prize" mentality I presume) will complain until the game isn't kill-checks in a safe-space where the killer cannot reach you. 😴
I wonder how much Wraith they play, and at what kind of level.
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There i said it and I'm not backing down, that ######### killer has claimed me more matches than a good nurse or a blight did, NO SKILL INVOLVED.
"Toxic" wraiths are your Average Tunnel Lords and HOOK CAMPERS, They might not be able to defeat a good team in high mmr but they sure can do a lot of damage against average players and by average players I mean bumbling noobs who just pre drops all pallets and dies on the first 10-20 seconds of a chase.
He's such a menace in the low mmr even if i loop him for 5 gens I ALWAYS EXPECT HE HAS NOED CHILLING IN HIS BACK POCKET. Cause we all know Wraith + Instadown = Free kills against bad players.
I don't care if a Wraith tunnels me cause I expect him to atleast lose 3-5 gens doing so, but if he tunnels my teammates and facecamps them i already know its a lost game and i'm just gonna wait till the hatch spawns cause I'm not gonna finish 5 gens alone with 2 bots in my team.
He's the reason I know SBMM is BUSTED, I get paired with bad players so much that even if I unhook them with BT, Guardian and use For the people while they have active DS and me bodyblocking, I only need to do is wait 30 seconds just to see them get hooked back up again.
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Imagine thinking wraiths aren't weak killer.
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Low mmr survivors should be disabled because everything is broken against them tbh.
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Statistics matter when you are trying to say something like "He is objectively the worst killer". If he is killing more than another killer, even ONE other killer, then no.... he is not "objectively the worst killer" if he is obviously killing more.
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Same as killers
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The reasons the devs don't share these statistics is because these kinds of interpretations.
If the killer is mostly used more at lower ranks and gets lots of kills there (who's surprised?) it doesn't say anything about the higher ranks, where it should matter. Who cares about what happens in the ranks where players don't have a clue?
Ergo, these numbers cannot be used to draw any conclusion, as stated by BHVR.
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Good lord....Killers can't have anything nice.....Or should I say anything decent with a bit of dust. Wraith? Wraith?
Uninstall please.
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Wraith is the resident “noob stomper” and he’s S tier vs new/bad survivors, but that’s not really saying much. Vs average survivors he’s average, and he’s subpar vs good survivors.
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The funny thing is, that u are complaining about an add on (silent bell) which is by far not the strongest. It is good for some jump scares here and there, but that´s all. Wraith is one of my main killers and he is actually very easy to counter.
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Nerf one of our weaker killers, one with nothing to help at all in loops, and can be handled by most survs once they learn the game?
No no no
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They nerfed him and you're still losing? God you must be one horrible player, I hope I never get queued with you. Please stay out of my games, thank you.
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Survivors: facing blight and nurse every match is boring.
Also survivors: wraith OP, pls nerf.