Is it me, or does dead hard just trigger you?

I mean... those dead hards to that pallet... or to that window.... during loops when you've clearly won the chase and the devs just go..

Here you go survivors... free extention.... here's another 30 seconds added to your chase so you can talk smack in the chat about how you ran the killer for 2 gens.

Be survivors two gens these days ain't ######### to brag about. Two gens can get done in less than a minute. In most instances it does.

I hate this game. 🤣


  • Bluebird
    Bluebird Member Posts: 297

    It triggers me for the same reason NOED triggers Survivors, I see it everywhere and often leads to my failure (or death for Survivor) just for losing.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I will never understand why Dead Hard is a "fair and balanced perk, Exhaustion perks should be strong", but for some reason NOED "breaks the game".

  • catkillsmouse
    catkillsmouse Member Posts: 244
    edited March 2022

    It's fair to say it can be broken on good survivors. I would give it slight nerf like the cooldown shouldn't be reset after getting unhooked.

  • Restrixc
    Restrixc Member Posts: 19

    Eh, dead hard doesn't commonly cause me a problem personally. Occasionally it does let a survivor loop for a lil bit longer (annoying but just occasionaly). Honestly though, I just play as well as I can against it.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,842

    There's friction when dead hard is in use, especially given the reaction timing required in this game stuff that is down to the wire is something people will always have some level of annoyance with.

    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200

    sadly holding W until you get a free speed boost is not outplaying anyone as much as pressing E is

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yes. Whenever I chase a survivor then they hit Dead Hard, it can be infuriating.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,573

    I wouldn’t say it triggers me, but is does get an eye-roll.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I mean, you didn't win the chase if they Dead Harded... That is kind of the point of the perk.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I just go, Deadhard? and then they deadhard to the pallet. Survivors essentially have 3 health states at the moment.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't get triggered by survivors using perks. That's just asinine. I get there is a lot of hate for DH, but at a certain point people have got to stop acting like the perk slipped into your house and slapped your momma. It's a ######### perk, not the end of the world (of DbD)

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    Yeah, it's pretty triggering to outplay a survivor and watch them dead hard to a safe pallet/window and reset the chase. It's pretty unfair, but hey, survivors got to have 3 health states, an infinite healing perk and anti-tunnel/camp perks to have fun even if it comprises the entire killer role.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    Its a frustrating perk yes, but like everything in this game. People are confusing "Frustrating" with "OP/Broken"

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    There's nothing wrong with being triggered, the problem only arises when you take it out on someone. I just silently rage in my head, while ending the game off with a "ggs wp" at end game chat.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    And I agree, which is why I think it should be changed

  • Sparxlost
    Sparxlost Member Posts: 100

    decisive angers me more tbh

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 482

    I'll give the devs a 2 for 1 deal. They can remove ruin and NOED in exchange for removing dead hard.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    the worst is if you did an nice mindgame and the survivor fell for it but wait here is a free get out of jail card!

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    You know I hate Dead Hard just as much as you but these posts are really getting tiring.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    I get that Survivors need some sort of options in chase that isn't map dependent. However, I think Dead Hard's annoyance comes from an injured survivor that the killer feels pressured to commit to because healing is so strong. If DH was a healthy survivor's card to play, then it wouldn't feel like losing gives an unearned leg up on the competition.

    Sorta like NOED, the killer played like trash in the mid game, so let's give him muscle in the end game. Giving the loser a cookie sounds like the noble thing to do, but it just sours the whole dish. Why play better when losing gives you a short burst of super powers?

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,336
    edited March 2022

    I don't really get mad since I've learned to expect it as a basic base kit on surv. On a skilled surv sure it can be a little annoying depending on what they can do with it, but that can go both ways with perks. It's also hilarious when you bait the DH and see their look when they know they messed up. Then, reap the rewards with a well-earned down.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Just sick of knowing every survivor has it, every game, and still having to hug their ass until they decide to press E. It's just tiresome.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    As a killer main I would take this. That's how much I hate DH.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Alot of the times it just triggers a lol for me. D.H to a window, Hatchet in the back after the vault.

    DH but hit a stack of hay, Smack down anyway.

  • CrashMADDS13
    CrashMADDS13 Member Posts: 302

    Dead hard immediately after a pallet vault. Using a tstrike misses the survivor and doesn't even break the pallet. Literally infuriating