I´m thinking about to quit or to pause playing. Should I? One word: SBMM


I am thinking about quitting the game. Seriously.

Yes, I know, many have posted a thread like this in this forum.

And yes, I know that there are many thinks on both sides, survs and killers that have to be optimized.

But what the hell is wrong with SBMM:

My account has about 500-600 hours:

The survivors have about 2000-3000+ hours:

I played The Trickster for about 4-5 matches, then these tryhards show up.

And they´ve got the whole programm together: Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, Balanced landing... oh and some did have also Boil Up. And don´t forget the purple flashlights.

Sure, I can understand that these players show up, If you did enough kills (you know kills = skills). But my first matches weren´t even that good.

Secondly, please fix the exit gates.

No, I don´t mean to increase the timer or anything. Maybe regress the gates, so that survivors can´t one click open them to unhook someone and get a free escape. This makes End Game obsolet!

And adding to that, survivors WILL taunt you inside the exit Gate and you can´t do something against it. They just crawl out if you hit them, even if you down them. Maybe that they can´t crawl outside for a few seconds, like the chains from pinhead, you know.

So, this is my statement. I don´t really want to quit this game, I´ve found many friends over the years (playing since beta 2016, good times ^^) but this is just enraging for me. I play one game and want to close this game immediately.

I´d really like to discuss with you in this thread, friendly and normal. :D


  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    THey won't revert or change how MMR works, they can't afford to.

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2022

    This what I thought when they hide the rank the first time they tested it! They even removed threads in this forum, officially because of "leaks beeing not allowed".

  • Breadn
    Breadn Member Posts: 203

    Can't afford to in what way? It's a switch they can flick. Consider it an experiment and be done with it.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    If you want to stop, just do it. Otherwise you might take a break like many people do. I guess nobody here would stop you from going.

    You've been playing DBD since 2016 and your account only has 578 hours?! For real? That would mean that you have an average playing time of 2 hours/ week. If I only played 2 hours in a week it would be the longest break in DBD I've ever had! I mean, I know people who get those 578 hours a month 😂

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    Like IF you play the game from 2016 and you have only 578hours, why do you ask about quitting?

    You BARELY play the game in the first place.

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42

    Its funny how you know IF I play this game. This is only the steam playtime. I play it also on Playstation, so where is your statement now?

    And for a long time, between 2018-19 I had other things to do like moving out etc.

    So you have no right to say that I dont play ;)

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42

    Yes, I play since 2016 .

    I just wanted to discuss these statements. If they are usefull or not.

    But I guess some users (not you of course) just want flame "You dont even play that often, so dont cry!"

    This game is for comp AND casual players. If I dont have over 2000+ hours doesnt mean I dont play that game.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    They reworked ranks to grades, without MMR there's no matchmaking parameters, they need to code in another matchmaking system and if as you say they can switch it than that means there's 2 matchmaking systems, why would they have both? Doesn't MMR work fine? And even if they have both how would the second system work? Ranks are gone, Grades are in, Grades are play time based and ranks were not so they can't just match people with similar play time and consider that as a fair match, if it did that it would benefit all the casual players cause they all have less playtime so there's overall less knowledge and experience but for all the long time players it would mean every match is a sweaty try hard fest which is mostly what happens already and nobody is happy and in fact time is a factor into MMR, not how long you've been playing but how long you survive in each match, and that measure of time works in reverse for killers, the quicker the match generally the less points they get cause chases were short. Basicly speaking every match is meant to last sometime and not be a gen rush fest or a 2 kill camp fest.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    They should just create a ranked mode and let all the sweats play there, and leave a casual mode for players that still play for fun and don't want to bring meta every single game and bully the killer

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,953

    SBMM does not take playtime into account, Only calculated win-rates.

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42

    Ok, that leaves only two options:

    1. I was rated really good in my first 4-5 matches, so I got the team mentioned above. I don´t believe that.
    2. They lied about the "individual killer sbmm" thing and counted other killer like Michael (yes, I played him the most and got sweaty players everytime) I don´t complain about it.

    But If you play a new killer, I expect that they count that in...

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,953

    3rd option. There were no other Killers to play vs. the tryhard team but they had for some reason low mmr score vs trickster. So they got you.

    When Survivors spent alot of time in Q, the mmr search range gets bigger. This isnt as mystical.

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42

    Hey, tried a new round. Tried Pinhead on release, never played him again. So I used him again today.

    After hitting a survivor and destroying a pallet, he just runs infront of me, teabags and after trying to hit him, he dashes with dead hard away.

    Very well balanced XD.

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42

    UTC+1 about 1 pm to 3 pm and 8 pm to 11 pm

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42

    But the questions is, how is dead hard a thing. Just standing infront of the killer doing nothing, button press and have a free escape.

    If there is a perk that would make the range bigger, most of the servs would cry in agony.

    Or is there a perk against Dead Hart? No? Hmmm....

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Sbmmr isn't the problem.

    The terrible balancing IS the issue. Sbmmr just made it visible for more players.

    Killers feel forced to use 2/3 gen slowdown perks and/or tunnel out the first survivor asap. In order to slow down the game.

    Killers don't have time for a slow 12 hook match and it shows.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    Despite what many say and think changes within the game are not as simple as a on/off switch.

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42

    I mean, this game is a asymetrical horror game.

    In my perspective, the killer MUST have a better control of the game, I mean, he is the god dang killer!

    It is 4 against 1, so...

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2022

    It is called "Dead by Daylight" for a reason.

    A better name would be " Dead by borrowed Looping hard" XD

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Take a break from the game if you need it. And if you decide you no longer want to play, then quit the game completely.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    Matchmaking is broken easily by lobby dodgers and long survivor wait times so it's hard to see if it is flawed/not suited to DbD.

    It's a good time to take a break, which is what I'm doing. I'm hoping there will be something done about it in the next update but we'll see.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The game is 4vs1. Killer should be as strong as the 4 survivors.

    So why balance for 1vs1?

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,166

    Eventually they will have to swallow this bitter, bitter pill, because they won't be able to deny that the game is dying and haemorraging players at ab accelerated pace every since MMRs introduction.

  • The_Hunter
    The_Hunter Member Posts: 42

    Thank you! This is a summary of many players opinion. Thank you!

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    You have to remember, this game needs to favor the survivors. They need to win more often they need to feel more in power. It is how BHVR makes their money.

    Survivors outnumber killers 4 to 1. Survivors bring in their friends to play. Those friends buy characters and cosmetics. Sure, some killers do as well. No where near as much as survivors though.

    It makes business sense to cater to your majority. After all they need to make money. If the survivors felt they were underpowered and could not win as much then they would not play as much and hence BHVR would lose money.

    Nothing wrong with taking a break. Lots of other fun games out there to play.

  • Breadn
    Breadn Member Posts: 203

    They can just re-introduce ranks as they were before. "Grades" function almost identical to ranks except for them not affecting matchmaking. Just make grades affect matchmaking and be done with it. This MMR system is ######### awful.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,957

    barely anyone would play ranked and would just sweat in casual.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    The higher the MMR the longer the generators should take to be done imo.

    if the survivors can’t survive that long they shouldn’t be at that MMR.

  • Khelendrose2020
    Khelendrose2020 Member Posts: 207

    Before MMR, I played 3 days a week for around 15 to 20 hours. Now, I play maybe an hour a month since December. MMR destroyed the killer experience for me and the wait times on survivor added to solo que nightmare (bad teammates and every match is tunneling/camping) just ripped all the enjoyment from the game.

    I keep hoping the devs will get smart and realize this system is a horrible system that has nothing to do with skill, but I doubt they ever will.