New killer players and mmr?

With the old system a new killer played against the lowest level of survivor available and that was a good thing imo because it made killer fun right away and makes you want to keep playing killer.

With the new mmr it starts you a little above the middle I heard so I was wondering what kind of games a new killer would have. I feel like its not going to be as fun and might stop new players from going killer.

Has anyone started a new account or do we have any new killers. I kind of want to make a new account and play a few games to see what quality of survivor a new killer now faces.


  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    As a new killer they should expect to have a bit of a rough game. If you're brand new to something, you're not expected to be great at it. Not even good tbh. If all new killers had incredibly easy games it would only condition them to thinking they should always have easy games, and they would never learn to make better plays. Instead if they have rough games, it would give reason to learn how to play better and learn complex tactics. If they don't want to learn to play better, then they shouldn't expect to win. Easy as that. Rewarding bad plays is not the way to create a skillful player.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Following up on this,

    Assume a new player plays at a match made skill of 5/10. Being new they are likely playing at a skill of closer to 2/10. So they will lose, and drop down, and be put into matches made of 2/10 players. As they learn more, they will get more skill and work themselves up to 5/10. So in those matches of 2/10, they will dominate and slowly be out into better survivors matches. So they will play at 5/10 against 5/10. And then as they learn more and more, they increase their skill to 7/10. So they start to dominate those games at 5/10, and start playing people at 7/10. This will continue on until they've reached their natural skill cap as a player overall, and stagnate at whatever skill level they should be at. It's the same concept as any game using a MMR system. Take League Of Legends as an example, it works the exact same way. Bad players get pushed to low ranks while good players carry themselves to higher ranks.

  • SilentShepherd
    SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527

    That's not how League of Legends works.

    League of Legends is all about abusing flavor of the month OP champions to carry yourself. Nobody carries themselves out of it using bad/weak champions.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Ok. It was an example for the MMR system, not in game mechanics. LoL and DBD and absolutely different games. The point of what I said is how MMR systems works.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    The problem is that the one thing dbd had going for it over other asymmetrical games was a good beginning killer experience. You came in and had fun as a killer you don't get bullied and on the other side the survivors have fun because its scary and all that stuff we jaded players don't get anymore. But now with the fresh mmr been pretty close to the top and the way a good survivor can lose mmr because of teammates you have the possibility of good survivors playing against 30 hour killers and now you end up with a killer experience like all the other games.

    This mmr system is doesn't work correctly I have to lose 7-10 in a row(0-1k) to end up playing 1-2 matches against baby survivors. There is a few good matches in there were it feels even but most of my matches are just way out of my league one way or another.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Ok, learn from those difficult matches. Become a better killer player and learn to play around the better survivors. I can understand what you're saying about wanting a good experience when you first start, but like I originally had said, rewarding bad plays is not a good way to create a skillful player and will only condition you to continue making those bad plays

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I understand what your saying but dbd been an asymmetrical game makes the it a different situation. In a team game if you get put in a match with people better than you as a new player you can learn for what your teammates and opponents are doing because there's an obvious cause and effect.

    Now as a survivor you can see what your teammates are doing that work and you have a understand of why it works because you tried something similar and it didn't work.

    The killer is all by there self playing a different game then there opponents in a way and been the only one playing this "game" the cause and effects aren't as obvious. You can't just learn from your mistakes as a new killer because you don't have another killer compare yourself to.

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    There's always guides on youtube, or self recording and watching your own mistakes to learn from them

  • DarthNipple
    DarthNipple Member Posts: 22

    I have already had all the vaccines

    • measels
    • mumps
    • rubella

    but giving them to killer I’m not so sure as they are different species and would need to be tested and approved by a regulatory body.

    on a side note, it looks like someone gave billy the whole kitchen sink of vaccines

    Just a professionals advice

    kind Regards,

    DR. Yes

    • as seen in the James Bond franchise as villain

    all rights reserved

    i also do party’s, appearances and speeches


  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Which would be fine if you have already decided to invest your time and its a game you know you want to play. If your new and trying to decided if you want to play and then you find out you need to spend x about out side of the game just to play at an entry level its going to turn off alot of people.

  • ownoka
    ownoka Member Posts: 36

    Behavior. if you want to make the game more enticing to new killers who are struggling to learn to be a good killer, start with making their viewing angle wider and let it diminish over their success rate or make there lunge a bit longer. Stop creating massive killer perks that take the fun out of the game for relatively new players or less experienced players. Experienced killers are gobbling that up and new killers have a really hard time earning enough Bloodpoints to get those perks. Also, admit that the MMR doesn't exist. As a new killer I am constantly paired with prestiged, flashlight wielding teams who simply humiliate me by Bloodpoints farming a new killer. As a survivor, I'm increasingly paired with seriously experienced killers who are using all the meta perks to make my game miserable. Stop creating crazy killer perks that can only be used by the experienced. I am a devout 1, level 58 and yesterday I was paired with a Twitch streamer killer that was devout 5, level 83. What?!?

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    No, please don't mess with FOV. It is already bad enough many killers give me motion sickness without Shadowborn, and some even with it.